73 Post – 110 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

I mostly use Mastodon, but I 100% get it. The onboarding process is much easier with centralized services (no need for analogies to email), and more importantly, you're not at risk of losing half your follows/followers when server admins have a pissing match. As long as those friction points exist, there will be a market for centralized platforms.

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It seems pretty well established at this point that AI training models don't respect copyright.

This article is really wrong, wow. There is already a Manifest V3-compliant version of uBlock Origin, it's discussed in this thread:

I don't know if it's stated definitively anywhere, but I'm pretty sure the plan is to roll out that different version to Chrome users as an update to the existing extension. It's going to be slightly worse because MV3 is still missing some API features.

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Yeah, the destructive editing and lack of a content aware fill is made me stop using it and go back to Photoshop. Krita also seems more usable these days in the FOSS world. The name is a lot easier to fix than those missing features, though.

How about users make decisions for themselves and block Threads if they want?

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A certified Lemmy/Reddit classic.

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E15 is a different blend of fuel, it's not at all gas pumps and regular 87/89/91 octane level fuel is still available (because not all cars can use E15 like the sticker says). Sheetz stations sell it in my area around Raleigh, NC.

Those links just say that illegal content uploaded to Microsoft services might get your account suspended, which is how pretty much every online service works. There's a higher bar than "misbehavior".

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Adblock users are still a statistical minority of web users. Most people don’t care (as evidenced by Netflix’s ad tier gaining subscribers every quarter) or don’t know those extensions exist.

Except the part where it didn't imply that at all?

That performance cost seems to be negligible in uBlock Origin and other popular ad blockers that have focused on optimization (uBO has an explainer wiki page), but there were probably other extensions not doing that well. It’s not hard to see a situation where multiple poorly-optimized extensions installed using the Web Request API could dramatically slow down Chrome, and the user would have no way of knowing the issue.

I have not seen anything about Microsoft accounts getting deleted for AI falsely identifying something as malicious. Windows Defender and OneDrive do scan your files for malware, yeah.

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What specifically is "google propaganda and fear mongering" in the article?

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If I’m thinking about projects that could benefit the most from an exponential increase in active developers:

  • Wine/Proton (could have a fantastic windows runtime on every *nix platform)

  • ReactOS (lot of potential for a windows 7/10 upgrade path)

  • Mozilla Firefox (would help with API parity with chromium)

  • GIMP (but only if they agree to change the stupid name)

The rest goes to package managers and other lower-level projects that don’t get enough of a spotlight, maybe Brew or Curl or something.

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"moisturize me"

No, it was named after the character, GIMP is a reverse acronym:

It took us a little while to come up with the name. We knew we wanted an image manipulation program like Photoshop, but the name IMP sounded wrong. We also tossed around XIMP (X Image Manipulation Program) following the rule of when in doubt prefix an X for X11 based programs. At the time, Pulp Fiction was the hot movie and a single word popped into my mind while we were tossing out name ideas. It only took a few more minutes to determine what the 'G' stood for.

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That’s a video editorializing the article that was already editorializing the Microsoft support pages. That’s just a game of telephone with everyone in the process trying to make it sound scarier than it actually is.

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If you like this article, please consider following the site on Mastodon/Fedi, email, or RSS. It helps me get information like this out to a wider audience :)

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I mean, yeah, just leaving it at “china bad” is still xenophobia. Tech companies in the US and other countries can be just as shady.

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FOSS bros: we’re all about user choice!

also FOSS bros: no not like that

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Photoshop and Lightroom.

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The issue is Steam and Valve being held up as the ‘one good company’, when there are plenty of examples to the contrary. Valve does many of the same practices as Epic, EA, etc., but there’s a double standard with Valve because it’s the default experience. The inevitable decline of Steam is going to be much worse after people spent a decade giving it a free pass on lesser issues.

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Linux is great but it’s not always an option. It doesn’t run every app or game that Windows has (Proton is great but it’s not 100%), or maybe you’re doing dev work that has to be on a Windows machine, or you’re using some hardware that isn’t supported well in Linux. I switched off Linux to Windows (and then later to macOS) partially because Photoshop and Lightroom are pretty great tools for my job and the workarounds/alternatives weren’t cutting it.

GIMP is not a Photoshop replacement except for pretty basic stuff. There’s no content aware fill, fewer non-destructive edit options, wonky compatibility with PSD files, etc.

Darktable also isn’t a real replacement for a lot of use cases. Lightroom (the non-Classic version) has pretty great cloud syncing and multi-platform apps, so you can do some work on a desktop and then move to a tablet/smartphone or vice-versa. Darktable doesn’t have that kind of flexibility.

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"A slow build-up to acceleration coupled with a consistent rate will help your car drive longer on a single charge."

I'm the author, yes.

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Starlink wouldn't change anything in terms of cost, if a specific ISP is force-bundled into a lease then it doesn't matter which alternatives exist. There isn't a technical solution to this problem, only a legal one.

I haven't run into that issue with Firefox on my M1 MacBook Air. Maybe try the Firefox reset feature, it's possible some extension or other user data is breaking something and needs to be wiped.

The latest versions through GOG and (I think) Steam run pretty well, there’s no more GFWL or other stuff that broke a long time ago.

Most people wouldn't, which is the issue.

Public Mastodon posts are already indexed by search engines.

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If you like this article, please consider following the site on Mastodon/Fedi, email, or RSS. It helps me get information like this out to a wider audience :)

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RISC-V is also really exciting, yeah. I'm curious if it will have to go through the same slow progression in form factors that we saw with ARM (first embedded, then phones, then tablets, etc.) or if we'll get high-performance RISC hardware more quickly.

What was discredited?

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What safety plan? We can already get shot at Walmart.

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Here's hoping someone gets LineageOS ported.

I don't know if those useful features are the main reasons VPNs are used, though. There's evidence they are used often for bypassing blocked sites (like VPN downloads jumping in Russia recently), most of the other advertised privacy and security benefits are questionable. Most of them don't advertise torrenting/piracy because that's a legal gray area.

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Yeah, a lot of smartphone chipsets still have an FM tuner, but it needs additional circuitry (e.g. a 3.5mm jack to use as the antenna) that most device makers don't implement.

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The subscription rumor was debunked pretty quickly. I honestly don't see that happening anytime soon, PC makers would get pretty upset (especially if they don't get a cut of the revenue).

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Revenue is not the same as income. Maintaining cross-platform apps and hosting nearly a decade of messages and media attachments is gonna eat into that. Also, Discord is in fact a private company.

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I’m not quite that young.