
1 Post – 277 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Of course Linux is better for custom, purpose-built hardware. That's like, its main advantage for the commercial sector.

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Right-wing political philosophy is becoming so authoritarian that we're really harassing people who just lost their pregnancy, treating them like criminals until proven otherwise.

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I had to do some serious convincing to inform my mom about the CIA's involvement in Contra cocaine trafficking.

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Shoots dog

Marries off child to 40-year-old

Bullies trans kid to suicide

Commits hate crime

Marches in the street chanting Nazi slogans

"Oh I'm sorry LIBERAL, does my extremely NORMAL behavior TRIGGER you???"

The fact that its main 2 gimmicks are a shitty ad blocker and integrated cryptocurrency should be enough of a red flag, honestly. Just use Firefox, people!

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I don't understand how you can say "you have to have a kid even if you can't support it" when it comes to abortion and then say "I don't want my taxes to help pay for your kid's food" when it comes to food assistance. The consequence is obviously going to be food insecurity for kids, why would you not want your tax money to help fix that? 8.4% of US kids are food insecure.

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inb4 tankies say that China is super based for doing this somehow

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The biggest news here is that semiconductor production is amping up in the states, which is good for national security and reduces reliance on Taiwan.

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Lazy anti-vegan post boooo

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If it works on your setup, DaVinci resolve. If not, Kdenlive. Those are the only really professional video editing programs available at the moment.

I like playing as women because women are fucking beautiful, dude. I'm gay as fuck for women (as a cis man).

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Addicted to meth? That's jail time. Wait, you're a mother and you're pregnant? That's super jail time, 15 years for you. Have to fuck over your kids' lives as much as possible. You also don't get medical care and you have to give birth in a fungus-infested jail shower. Definitely ethical treatment under law here!

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Not everything outside the Overton Window is equally bad

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This, I think I look hideous and I'm not sure what my gf sees in me! I mean I'm relatively thin and fit, but I just don't understand how anyone could be attracted to the male form. It's just not hot to me, so I don't know how to make it look pretty in pictures.

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I really feel like this won't/can't be enforced.

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The commencement speaker at U-M's engineering college this year was Carlos Del Toro, the US' 78th Secretary of The Navy. He spent most of his speech talking about the connection between the armed forces and U-M's engineers, and how they've helped create the world's "most powerful military", how they've helped secure "our great country", etc. Made many jokes about how if someone wanted to enlist, they could do it from their seats right away and they would just love to have them. Absolutely surreal shit. I'm so glad I didn't go to my commencement when I graduated, these things are a waste of fucking time.

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Using Firefox is the only real way to circumvent much of the bloat of the modern web. UBlock only works 100% functionally on Firefox, Chromium-based browsers just don't give add-ons the functionality that they need to block 100% of nasties. Until that changes (which it likely won't) I see no reason to switch off Firefox.

This has been proven to be untrue by other countries who have done the same in the past.

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I know this is an older article, but EAC has had compatibility with Linux for years at this point. Linux is also really easy to compile and develop for compared to MacOS. They just don't want to because there aren't enough players to justify the cost, most likely. Also might have some incentive to keep their game off the hardware of their biggest competitor.

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Pen and paper

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"Please, I can't afford food or housing"

Media outlets:

Economy doing great!!! Inflation down and stocks up!!!

"Okay, I guess I'll just fucking die then"

Minecraft is the most popular video game to ever exist in human history and someone thinks that is an easy market to capitalize on.

Alright friend-haver, no need to flex that hard on us

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I checked to see if the article is real. It is! It's pretty weird and unhinged.


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I've seen so many youtube videos from conservatives where they literally just listen to someone saying what their minor/emphasis was and saying "wow, it's so stupid that's even offered, that's completely useless". The comments tend to be more unhinged, I frequently see "these universities should lose their accreditation", "it should be illegal to offer these", etc. Usually it's something extremely basic, like the impact of colonialism on X, or something to do with intersectionality. Like, these aren't even their majors, they're just a component of their degrees that they can freely choose. I feel like many conservatives are just against any new ideas regardless of their validity.

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YOu don't find gay animals in nature!!! Gayness is unnatural and therefore unethical!!!!!

Peacock: "Actually you do, here are some gay animals"

Well... some animals also eat their own young!!!!!! Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's ethical!!!!!!!!!!

Fucking hilarious.

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God hates democracy apparently?

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Churchill is saying that democracy is the best form of government in the quote. He is just saying it in a funny way.

The joke is that Weird Al voices the MC.

Yes. Tech is a hype-based sector where the actual value of products is obfuscated by marketing. When the AI craze settles down, hopefully we'll stop seeing it injected into everything.

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Authoritarian strongman makes veiled threat against political opponent, followers feign ignorance

In other news, the sky is still blue

Beat me to it lol. Recognized the art style immediately.

"We may have killed them in cold blood, your honor, but if you look on page 15 of their diary it says 'cops are mean' and that hurt my feelings."

I really hope this gets called out as oblviously trying to justify the killing with red herrings.

Edit: This is the person that they shot 57 times and claimed they shot at police first, but autopsy revealed no residue + police didn't release the details of their investigation. One officer got shot but it's commonly believed to be the result of friendly fire. Nothing very conclusive but extremely sus how quickly this got resolved.

It's crazy that in the modern day there are still places on Earth where failing to adhere to a religious dress code results in immediate public beatings or arrests. Crazy but also not that surprising unfortunately.

I feel like it's still mostly fine for individuals who are savvy and know where to look. In summation, though, I think the abundance of mis/disinformation spammed on social media combined with a lack of media literacy is socially corrosive.

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Indiscriminate bombing of innocent civilians, refugee camps, and hospitals, all while refusing to allow even basic aid, is not a "great job".

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Poe's law tells me this is a real comment from a real tankie

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There is a lot of marketing about how it's going to disrupt every possible industry, but I don't think that's reasonable. Generative AI has uses, but I'm not totally convinced it's going to be this insane omni-tool just yet.

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It's not about logic, it's about being forced to submit to authority under threat of death. Some people think that system makes them safer, because they don't believe it will ever be used against them.

For me it's:

  • Strategy games are extremely meta-focused
  • You always feel like you're playing sub-optimally if you don't know the exact right move
  • They typically require a lot of time and energy that I just don't have
  • They require long, focused sessions that could be better spent doing anything else
  • No one I know is playing them so it sucks as a social activity
  • They have less "high moments" compared to other games

Could never get into strategy games except for mobile ones that I would play on long road trips or something.