Capitalists: capitalism is the only system that lets you chase your dreams… to Lefty – 1220 points –

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I've seen so many youtube videos from conservatives where they literally just listen to someone saying what their minor/emphasis was and saying "wow, it's so stupid that's even offered, that's completely useless". The comments tend to be more unhinged, I frequently see "these universities should lose their accreditation", "it should be illegal to offer these", etc. Usually it's something extremely basic, like the impact of colonialism on X, or something to do with intersectionality. Like, these aren't even their majors, they're just a component of their degrees that they can freely choose. I feel like many conservatives are just against any new ideas regardless of their validity.

many conservatives are just against any new ideas regardless of their validity.

You got it right there. That's exactly what conservatives are.

Oh but they fucking love evo psych when a shitty study confirms their biases, but when they run into replication issues they just ignore it.

It’s basically in the word itself: Conserve = maintain, unchanged

guarantee I learned more about running a business trying to market a touring clown show to feed and house a team of 7 clowns than most MBAs do, because if I fucked up we all would have nowhere to sleep and nothing to eat, whereas if they fuck up a PowerPoint presentation their boss-who-is-also-their-Dad might be slightly peeved in the QBR.