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Joined 9 months ago

It's not IN an environment, it's been towed OUTSIDE the ENVIRONMENT

As I understand it, there's a range of sizes that are problematic, from small to micro to nano and beyond.

The problem is the more plastic we make, and the smaller it starts, the easier it is for it to get worn down into smaller and smaller bits that become more problematic for us.

One of the problems with all the macro plastics in the ocean is that that as they get churned up and baked in the UV from the sun, smaller and smaller bits break off and become part of the... Everything.

Micro plastics are so prevalent that they can't even do proper studies on how harmful it might be to us, because there are no control groups that have no plastics inside their bodies to compare against. Even babies in the womb have plastic in them. You have plastic in you right now, almost a 100% guarantee.

There's probably more to it than that even, but that's my understanding of it.

I would also like to know the answer to this

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I had the original Galaxy Note and loved it. Then I went to oneplus one and loved it. Then I went Nexus 6 and liked it enough. Then I got the first Pixel.

I've been pixels ever since. But there was a deal on the Galaxy flip5, $0 up front, $300 over 2 years. I couldn't pass it up, for the novelty if nothing else.

There's a lot I like about this phone, but a lot more that I don't. I'm looking forward to going back to Pixel when I can.

This phone is missing so many standard features, and so many others are locked behind Samsungs walled garden that I refuse to sign up for. It's just a mess. I'm frequently frustrated.

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Isn't it dangerous to have every client also be a node? Sure, my torrents would come out someone else's node, but someone else's torrent could easily come out mine.

I don't think my ISP cares whether it was actually me who used my IP to get a piracy complaint?

Or maybe I just don't understand how it works?

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I.. how.. huh? I must try this. I use my rice cooker all the time, but for rice

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Open it up and see if any of the capacitors are leaking! Soldering is a great skill to learn and you can fix it yourself.

The biggest problem people have is buying a bad soldering iron that gets way too hot. You can get an excellent iron for only 10 or 20 dollars more than the garbage out there. I used to recommend the TS-100, because that's what I use and love, and they used to be way cheaper. The TS-80 was an upgrade to that, which was also nice but I never liked. If you've got the money, I still recommend them. However for the budget minded, the pinecil is almost the exact same thing, it's well made, and it's still like $30-40 bucks. In fact some people prefer it over the others. You can power it with a beefy USB-C charger if you have one, or an old laptop charger if you want to cut up the end and put a barrel jack on it. The thing pulls about 90 watts at full tilt, but only for brief periods.

Next you want to buy yourself some practice boards, you can get soldering kits from AliExpress that will let you build little flashing trees and hearts and stuff. Or even small handheld games if you're getting better at soldering.

Then you watch YouTube tutorials, find several. You want to focus on quick work, at low ish temps like 280C, keep the tip clean, and flux is your friend. The very tippy tip of your iron should always be shiny, if it starts turning black, it's building oxides from being too hot and not enough flux. Clean that thing with flux. If you leave it that way too long you'll ruin it, that's why most people struggle to solder.

Then once you've learned, and you're ready to go. Watch YouTube videos on fixing the Xbox, buy the caps, crack that thing open and have fun. Caps aren't that hard to replace, compared to other soldering projects. You'll do fine 👍

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It's funny because I was at a point where I wasn't playing games at all really, not on my big PC, phone, or anywhere.

I had pre-ordered the steam deck for my wife, and she used it a bit but when TotK came out that took all her attention playing on switch.

I had poked around on the deck, played a few games, but didn't love using a controller instead of mouse and keyboard.

Then we had a gig where we had to sit in a car for 8 hours, and she convinced me to try playing horizon ZD. I had never played it, but I ended up really liking it. And the convenience of having it on the deck was great! I ended up playing it all the time, and beating it, and now I'm emulating BotW, playing it for the first time, and enjoying it.

Now I've gone full crazy, I'm emulating a couple dozen games, got a bunch of others installed and waiting. I upgraded my SSD to 2tb, replaced my fan, and am eyeballing that clear back with RGB.

My advice, if you can afford it, get it and just see what you think. You might like it!

Or, if you don't like it, you can resell it. The value of these things seems to stay reasonably high. Though I imagine we might see a drop in price with the flood of LCD models about to hit the market.

ITT a ton of people not reading the OP 🤦‍♂️

That looks amazing

This happened for me with the scene in one of the new star trek movies where they play beastie boys while busting out of a cloud or something. Idk, it was a really cool scene, but I was mad that I'd already seen it in the trailer. It's ludicrous. I still complain about it to my wife to this day.

Can you put the listener count on the page? I was curious earlier as to how many were listening but couldn't find it

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This for me, the only success I've had is with network issues.

I'm stealing this. I need to change up my breakfast routine, I've been making the same breakfast for 3 years. Cheesy chicken patty tortilla melt thing 🤷‍♂️

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Not that it does you much good now, but you might've had a bad fan. My unit is a preorder one, and the fan wasn't broken, but it was just... Noticable, when it was on. It wasn't enough for me to say it was broken or anything, but I could just tell when it was running, especially at full speed.

It didn't bother me, because I was like wow this game is really pushing the Deck hard, I can really hear the fan. Etc etc.

Well after a few months of hard use the fan developed a click, it was a bad bearing or something. You could make it go away by tapping it.

Anywho to make a long story short, after getting a replacement that was DOA, and then getting a second replacement. The new fan was noticeably quiet. So quiet that I thought I had another DOA. But no, it was working perfectly. I just didn't realize how bad the original fan was.

So now I have a very quiet Deck, and I'm quite happy about it 😁

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Yeah the extremeRate kit! I bought it but haven't installed it yet. I don't actually have a problem with the buttons as is, but it fell like an interesting change to make

But isn't wallet only for tap to pay? I use Google pay to send and receive money between my friends and family literally all the time. Reading the email Google sent me, they only talk about tap to pay still working on wallet.

I just did this with this exact drive as well, so far so good 👍

Thanks, I thought of something even better. Slap Linux on that thing! Wipe the whole drive on "accident". Linux is way more innocuous than pirate Windows 🤷‍♂️

Wait wait Wait, can you give me more on this kWh thing? I thought I understood this already.

A single kW is a unit of power, literally 1000 watts.

A kWh is a unit of energy, as in stored or delivered. Draw 500 watts for 2 hours? That's a kWh. Or have a battery that can hold 1 kWh, then assuming 100% efficiency you could draw 1000 watts from it for an hour before it was empty.

All of this is kW times hour, I would say? But in my mind I would interchangeably say per hour as well, they feel the same.

Obviously I'm wrong, but I'd like to know why lol

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So frustrating at times! Some of the harder puzzles are ridiculously convoluted

Go with humility first, you screwed up. Follow it up with a joke about how you discovered a flaw in the configuration of work laptops, and now they can fix it to prevent someone else from being able to do that 🤷‍♂️ I think you'll be ok

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Did you try cleaning them with deoxit? That stuff works wonders on crunchy pots. Might be an easy fix!

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It works! In the pot On the plate

Not bad! Though I used Bisquick, for better flavor, and for the work involved dirtying bowls and measuring cups I'd rather just use a pan.

In fact I made extra and made three pan sized pancakes in the time it took to make one big fluffy potcake.

Don't get me wrong, it's a great Idea and it totally works. If I were gonna do it again seriously, I'd get a dedicated pancake mix that uses just water, to maximize the simplicity, which is the goal I think.

It was fluffy and delicious, though I will say a lot of pancake flavor comes from the crispy edges and the thinness of the cake and you lose some of that with the thick potcake.

Glad I tried it, thanks to op for the idea!

I used to like the a400, had a few of them in service, but a few years ago I tried another one and it was terrible. Just... Slow.. like an HDD. I did some research and apparently they changed something with the nand somewhere along the line. Did a bait and switch. I don't remember the details but it annoyed me.

I actually needed to buy a budget SSD just today, and I got a BX500. We'll see how it goes. I know not to expect much from a drive without DRAM, but at least I know that going in.

I have a 2600 that needs the same treatment, haven't gotten to it

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I have a 600w ham radio amplifier from the 60s. It's a Heathkit SB-200

I'm very proud of it because I bought it in rough condition, and repaired it myself. Replaced all the leaky capacitors and did some other work in there. Now it runs like a dream! It was my first time working with tube gear. The voltages in these things is 2500 volts, that'll kill you dead before you know what happened.

I also have an SB-220 that I got broken. I fixed it up but didn't do a full rebuild on it. It'll do 1200 watts, but I don't need that much power so I haven't used it much. It's in storage. That one is from the late 60s early 70s.

My next oldest device is also ham radio gear, a Kenwood TS-530S from the 80s. There's a lot of solid state stuff inside, plenty of transistors doing all the work. But the final output stage is still a good ole pair of tubes. I bought this in non working condition, and fixed it myself as well. Good fun!


Thanks for the recommendation!

I like the fold concept in theory, though it's a bit exhausting protecting the screen all the time.

Being able to set the phone anywhere at an angle to take a picture has come in handy super frequently.

If this phone was full price though I think I'd be mad. I baby this screen line no tomorrow, and I'm diligent about keeping my pocket free of any dust and lint, let alone dirt or bits.

I've got a tiny scratch in the middle of the fold, and the entire fold area has long tiny cracks forming from folding. I've only had this phone for like 7 or 8 months.

My buddies broke in 30 days of buying it, and he had to fight to get it replaced.

Again, I like the idea, and I enjoy using it. But there's still too many pain spots for me to make the jump. It'll have to get a lot cheaper or a lot more sturdy before I'll get another.

I'm cheap, and I also have barely any time for breakfast in the morning, and my wife likes it when I make her breakfast but she leaves for work an hour after me.

So this is what I do, and have done for almost three years straight now.

You get yourself some fully cooked frozen chicken patties Some small flour tortillas And a big bag of shredded cheese, your choice

First thing I do when I walk into the kitchen is start the toaster oven, getting it hot. Then I take a chicken patty out of the freezer and break it in half on the edge of the counter while it's still in the bag. Then I take a half sheet paper towel, and fold it in half, because I hate doing dishes. I put both halves of the chicken patty on it, pop it in the microwave for one minute, 30 seconds per half if I'm only doing one. Then while that's going, I slap two tortillas on the counter, sprinkle a healthy dose of cheese on them and spread it out evenly. By the time I'm done, so is the chicken, so I put each half on one side of each tortilla. Next comes the flavor. You can sprinkle a little garlic salt and pepper, or a dash of worcestershire, or my favorite was a dab of Chick-fil-A sauce under the patty. Then, slide it onto the rack in the piping hot toaster oven. Then I walk away to go start getting ready for work, just a simple task like finding socks or something, then I come back a minute or two later and the cheese is nice and bubbly, the tortilla is browning on the edges, it's just about ready to pull out. Then I pull them out, fold them in half, put mine on my water bottle to cool, and hers goes back into the toaster oven, but it's a fancy oven so I set the temp to 160f so it's nice and hot when she gets up, but doesn't keep cooking too much.

The whole process takes less than 10 minutes, maybe even 5 minutes if I'm really on my game in the morning.

The whole thing costs like 50 cents, and is plenty filling for me. It's probably not the healthiest option, but.. 🤷‍♂️

Why don't I use something more breakfasty, like sausage? Because I can't find it as cheap as the chicken. Funny enough, I actually started this whole process during COVID, with frozen precooked sausage patties. We got a bag of them with one of our low income commodity boxes, and couldn't figure out what to do with them. So I started doing this. Then when the bag ran dry, I transitioned to chicken. Not as good, but still good, and like I said, I'm cheap lol.

Hope this helps!

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I'm all about the cheap breakfast man. While you CAN make some truly cheap breakfast, I've been making one that only costs 50 cents per serving, and I can make in less than 10 minutes, sometimes 5. For the time saved, it's worth it for us.

Food is so expensive, it's crazy.

I mean, I admitted it's not healthy 🤷‍♂️

There are worse things

I mean, I guess it depends. Oats are pretty cheap, I'll give you that. But eggs? The cheapest I can source in my area is about $2.50 a dozen, maybe less if I looked harder. That's 20 cents an egg, and since you said eggs, plural, I'll assume two eggs. So 40 cents, that is cheaper than my 50 cent concoction, but.. eh.

I do like eggs for breakfast, and I do change up the routine on weekends. But for work days I don't want to have to think about my breakfast, and I want to be able to eat it with one hand, so I can run.

Toast and jam is a little too much like dessert for me, not enough protein 🤷‍♂️

I'll agree there are cheaper breakfasts, but there are also way more expensive ones 🤷‍♂️


We'll see how it plays out lol


I did this last month in my 04 Honda CRV, such a massive upgrade. I don't have steering wheel controls, and I didn't want to tap a screen for volume control, so I went with the boss be7acp because it has a physical volume knob. Added a backup camera because why not.

It's been a massive upgrade! Crutchfield is the bomb, installation wasn't that hard, a bit fiddly getting to the wires for the backup and park, but I was done in a couple hours, backup camera included.

Ham here too, what practical uses have you found? Mine is sitting in a box, I got it almost a year ago and haven't checked the latest firmware or apps in almost that long.

We use our breville for hot water too