3 Post – 1246 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Mounting evidence from exercise science indicates that women are physiologically better suited than men to endurance efforts such as running marathons.

We have a lot of marathon data. There is a large, consistent difference showing the opposite. This article is horrendously unscientific, so many claims, assumptions, and over summarizing and simplifying

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They trying to distract us. I aint looking at the single home owning boomers, its landlords and corporate real estate companies hoarding homes.

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So is the allegation just that Steam is too successful?

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Impeachment for what?

"We'll figure that out afterwards"

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I still remember that time republicans spent 4th of July in Moscow.

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My wages have not gone up and the prices i pay are still going up.

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Why on earth would they have that much caffeine for a lemonade at Panera?

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Cruises oughta be banned for how polluting they are. Rich folks can have em back when theyve cleaned up their climate mess.

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The big thing is the Hamas attack wasnt the start of all this. It wasnt Israel minding their own business and Hamas invading for the glory of Islam. The warning cries of a humanitarian crisis were going off long before this recent war, from international humanitarian agencies like Unicef. Gaza was being militarily oppressed by Israel, blocking humanitarian aid, international trade, even denying access to their own waters for fishing.

Civilians were dying off already as a result of Israel, and Israel ignored the warnings, the international community ignored the warnings, and then its shocked pikachus all around as a dying people fight back for survival.

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The fraud-fighting project has fired up quite a controversy

fraud-fighting? Even Google's initial pitch was explicitly describing it as a way to sell more ads.

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Pay no mind to the widespread layoffs and skyrocketing prices.

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obligatory copyright only exists so rich people can own more things they didnt create

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Ah republicans meeting their voters

I dunno if you watched futurama, it was always cheesy commentary on contemporary subjects.

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Thats quite an article about a man making comments not providing the comments made

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Taking a high cut is the opposite of anti-competitive, that makes it easier for competitors to offer a better deal

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wait til you hear about bank accounts

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You’ve probably heard about the “great wealth transfer.” It’s the $72 trillion stack of assets that baby boomers are sitting on and going to pass onto millennials someday, thereby solving many of the economically beleaguered younger generation’s problems.

take your carrot and stick and shove both up your ass, no one in the lower class is gonna see a cent of that hoarded wealth.

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they make claims and assumptions to address it, they dont really cite anything. Shit like this "The inequity between male and female athletes is a result not of inherent biological differences between the sexes but of biases in how they are treated in sports." is a hypothesis, but it is not being stated as one, it's being stated as fact. It's a testable hypothesis, they could have controlled for the variable of pace setting runners that they bring up by only looking at statistics of running events that do not have this variable.

And like, the whole premise could be true, that women were also hunters, modern runners with modern sports medicine arent ideal evidence, that kind of endurance might not have been needed for their hunting, women are still humans and humans have the greatest running stamina of any animal. But besides capability, ancient humans also could have had roles determined by sex, it's at least prevalent in other apes like gorillas. Either way is possible without more solid evidence and it's pretty crazy to say one way or another is scientifically true.

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pfft, remember all those countries telling Israel they better not bomb Rafah?

So anyway they started blastin'

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I learned just enough coding and firefox framework to compile my own version of firefox with middle mouse closing tabs disabled

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I mean you can make any income be paycheck to paycheck by spending too much.

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boo him at the ballot box

The biggest Amtrak fan? Maybe he can stop fucking them over by refusing to enforce existing law to give right-of-way preference to passenger rail.

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This whole fiasco is a disgrace to the rule of law. Hunter is a private citizen, he is not and has never been an elected official. Somehow his legal cases are going through congress, which is reserved for investigating crimes of elected officials. This is not supposed to be allowed, congress does not have the authority to hold court for private citizens. They're not gonna have the authority when they try subpoena'ing his documents related to his cases

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Im just way more skeptical everytime i see the word "antisemitic" with how much its being used for criticism of Israel or support of palestinians.

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to address the surge of migrants at the southern border

I've yet to see this claim substantiated. As far as I can tell the border "crisis" is entirely fabricated by republicans...and I guess embraced by democrats now.

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it's even worse than that

"a 6% transaction tax will be imposed on those buying a sixth or subsequent property that is within the same building or in more than one building on the same plot."

so you can buy as many properties as you want with no tax penalty, provided you buy from different plots.

this is just an insult, like giving a food shelter empty food wrappers and saying you gave to a food shelter.

I see they still dont have a single accusation for Joe. Hunter is not an elected official.

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prices went up, my wages didnt.

Also I'm medically not doing well but I dont make enough money to qualify for financial help with health insurance

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Yeah this is kinda what i was expecting, zero consequences while news stories keep trying to make it sound like he's being destroyed. I imagine we're still gonna be hearing about Trumps latest appeal being struck down 10 years from now while still waiting on sentencing.

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Goddamn the mental gymnastics of Amazon shoppers

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I think this gets a bit more complicated. A balloon pops due to the rubber reaching its elastic limit as the internal pressure pushes outward against a lower pressure environment

But in a confined space like a silo, the internal pressures will all be pushing into, and pushed by, eachother. Each balloon only has so much room to expand into, if theyre fairly elastic balloons they can fill that space without surpassing the rubbers elastic limit. It would be a pretty good example of voronoi noise actually.

So, instead of imagining the weight one balloon can support before popping, imagine how much weight a thin section of balloon rubber can handle before rupturing, like under a hydraulic press.

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I feel like intent to undermine the functioning of the whole US government should be a crime

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After all why shouldnt I? Im forklift certified.

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If only there was some kind of energy source that worked best during intense sunlight.

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Speed limits are one of the many transportation issues that have been researched with findings that the US has ignored and the EU has implemented.

Drivers go at the speed they're comfortable with regardless of any posted speed limits. They dont work. What does work is road design to make it uncomfortable to go faster. Narrower lanes, less vision on intersections, raised crosswalks, among other things.

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I feel like im never goin to disney world at this rate

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love that justice goes so slowly for the wealthy that they get away with crimes because it took too long.

Alright time to run out into traffic and start shootin in self defense.

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