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Joined 9 months ago

He's so great at losing, possibly better than anyone else in the entire world.

Crossing my fingers that his losing streak continues.

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He already looks like a loser.

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I knew of a girl when I was in high school. She was a senior and I was a sophomore. Word began rushing through the school that she (head cheerleader) was pregnant by the quarterback on the football team. He came from a super wealthy family, and honestly we all expected an immediate marriage and a 'premature' baby.

What happened instead was an announcement that she had died during emergency surgery and let's all pray. She had had a (what we called) backstreet abortion and hemorrhaged.

We all knew how to access an illegal abortion, we knew the risks, and this girl just was the unlucky one.

She was super smart, in the Latin club, debate, 4.0, just destined for success. And instead she died.

This was in 1969, and I cannot believe we as a nation are willing to go back over 2 decades in women's healthcare.

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That's what it took to get to the fetus and remove it. And they're blaming her for not doing it. There she was with a partially retained placenta, in danger of bleeding out, and she had the nerve to leave her toilet intact in order to obtain timely life saving health care.

And don't forget, she'd been to the hospital multiple times and left because she wasn't receiving care...all hospital caregivers and 'legal teams' were too busy trying to figure out if they could legally remove a dead fetus; they wouldn't do what needed to be done. Just left her sitting there while they argued intent of the law versus letter of the law.

"She put the fetus into the toilet." No, she didn't. The fetus was expelled into the toilet, along with bodily waste. She tried to get everything out, but she couldn't.

"She then went about her day." No, she didn't. She went to the hospital. She was bleeding (probably heavily) due to part of the placenta being left attached.

That's just two of the twisted statements the prosecutor has made in order to make this woman look like a heartless SOB.

It's gone too far, and short of removing Republicans from office and justices from the court, I don't know what we can do. They are prosecuting this woman to punish her for miscarrying in an inconvenient place.

It's worth mentioning that just 11 days earlier, had her miscarriage happened at the hospital, it would have been disposed of as medical waste...incinerated. 11 freaking days, and the state is criminalizing her.

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Nasty nasty man.

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Texas judge grants permission for woman to access healthcare.

That's what really happened.

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Guys, he not only was a Republican, he was a Baptist preacher. He aligned himself with these two LGBTQ hater groups.

Maybe he joined the GOP and the Baptist denomination in an attempt to shield his lifestyle, but he willingly belonged to these two groups which both actively HATE LGBTQ and condemn his very lifestyle.

I have a lot of sympathy for people who feel they must disguise their true selves in order to protect themselves...and I respect that he tried to reach out and offer support to others online.

But I'm hearing some very disturbing 'rumors' that he posted hateful, stalking, character assassination of particular people online. And accusations of child porn.

I'm going to reserve my sympathy for him for now, until the whole truth is known.

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Army Of "Wouldn't Recognize God If He Got In The Passenger Seat."

That's who they really are.

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He is nothing but an embarrassment to Louisiana. His FB page is filled with what sounds like drunken rantings.

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Biden is out fundraising him, too. This is Trump's
'one stone, two birds' attempt. "I'm not broke!! And I have way, way more fundraising success than you!"

He is melting down like an ice cream cone in South Louisiana in August.

It doesn't bother me at all. I made a comment, someone replied, there is no need at all to continue the discussion unless I want to.

As he should. It's pure gold.

I guess if we want to be respectful to religion, we should stone him and the preacher can get as close as he wants. I bet he wouldn't have a problem standing at a distance in that scenario.

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And another Trump endorsement fails spectacularly.

So, I've got a theory. She killed her pup not because it upset her by scattering the birds she hunted, but because it embarrassed her in front of the neighbors when it killed their chickens. Cricket wouldn't listen to her and it made her feel publicly ineffectual and weak. Being made to feel that way absolutely enraged her.

She's a massive POS and I really hope this ends her career.

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He brought up religion; he had pre-printed some scriptures to back up his argument that she was displeasing to God and morally corrupt. Also told her she was going to suffer in her afterlife.

She may have responded to him, but he 100% brought religion into the conversation. By phrasing it the way he did, he was trying to slough off responsibility.

Apparently other students have come forward to say this is NOT the first time he's used his religious beliefs to discipline.

That was actually untrue. Zillow removed the listing and admitted it never happened.

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I've had every Covid vaccine offered. They aren't perfect, but I'm trying to balance risk/benefit. I'm a 70 year old, autoimmune person with lungs that formed scar tissue from my first go-round with Covid, before vaccines were available.

My lung function was great before Covid, it was normal for my age. But post Covid,.my lung function test shows that my lungs function at the level of a 5 year old...and I'm taller and bigger than a 5 year old, so that's a problem.

Scar tissue doesn't "participate" in oxygen/CO2 exchange. So I need to preserve every little alveoli I have. I'd rather die in my sleep with a smile on my face than for gasping for air, so I'll do whatever is offered to preserve the lung function I've kept.

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So, before I 'saw the light' and realized all religions were based on an ambiguous, contradictory, flat out made-up-by-mankind fairy tales, I spent years in different sects of christianity. Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Assemblies of God, Non-dom Evangelical, Messianic Jews (and ain't that an oxymoron!) These "teachings" were widely accepted in Pentecostal, AOG, and Evangelical churches. I scored roughly 33% sanguine, melancholic, and phlegmatic, lol. Nobody knew what to do with me!

As odd and crazy and backwards this seems to those of us who have beaten our way out of the wet-paper-bag-that-is-Christianity (or have never been in the wet paper bag, you lucky ducks), this makes total and complete sense to those who are still in the echo chamber of Christianity.

Total and complete sense, PERFECT sense.

They believe in this shit, like really believe in it.

She and her husband have been lied to and fooled, and I wouldn't give a damn, except that he is in a position of leadership in this country...and he's a true believer, one who will change our country into a theocracy if given the chance.

We'd better all hope Biden and Kamala survive the next few years, because this man taking on the presidency would set us back centuries. He'd take us to Gilead if he could.

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I was once standing with my family in our breakfast nook, and a large ball of blue light floated in through the closed kitchen window. It was about the size of a basketball, very bright, kinda sparkly, and it was some sort of electricity, because it made all our hair stand straight up.

It just hovered in the middle of the kitchen for a minute, while my family and I stood there with our mouths hanging open, then it slowly dissipated. We all looked at each other in disbelief, then continued setting the table like nothing had happened.

I'm still not sure what it was. I call it ball lightning, but I really don't know. It was a beautiful sunny day, not stormy at all.

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I am so sick of Republicans bowing down to Donald Trump. He is such a a vile man and yet they have done nothing but put him before the country.

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I hope she sticks it out. It's so amusing to see Trump lose his shit over this, and to see the party leader bow down to him.

Keep on going, Nikki.

Not much different from the Taliban over in Afghanistan. All the religious idiots wanting to kill women, even young girls.

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But whose responsibility is it to monitor their internet access? Mom and Dad need to step up and actually parent their children!

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New Moses is a liar, and he's repeating the mistakes of Old Moses by leading his people around in circles.

I mean, it's in the article. This pregnancy, which will not survive, has a significant chance of destroying any chance that she can ever carry another pregnancy if allowed to come to term.

To preserve her ability to carry another healthy pregnancy to term, this one must be terminated.

Doctors do things every day to prevent serious harm later and this should not be a situation that demands a woman and her doctor to freaking BEG a judge for permission to be able to follow the medical recommendation.

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My dad died in his late 80s of Parkinson's. For at least a decade before his diagnosis he'd tell me that everyday when he woke up, he'd lost another piece of himself. He went from an active man in his early to mid 70s--he rode his bike 25 miles a day and weight lifted--to a shadow of himself very quickly.

It was tough to watch, and so much tougher for him facing loss after loss of his abilities. He spoke several times of "releasing" himself, but ultimately decided not to do it.

We are living longer, but that isn't always to our benefit.

That is a rough looking 31. He could easily pass for 5 to 10 years older.

I'm happy they got him and can't wait for him to be held accountable.

In other news: see what happens after every devastating hurricane. Anyone else remember Katrina?

We need to quit judging women on their looks. Judge her on her policies.

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Her lawyer, Traci Timko, said Watts sat for eight hours at Mercy Health-St. Joseph's awaiting care on the eve of her pregnancy reaching 22 weeks, before leaving without being treated.

Timko said hospital officials were deliberating over the legalities.

I've got my grandbabies here so I don't have the time to do a big search, but this article quotes her lawyer's statement that at least one visit in which she left AMA, she waited EIGHT hours for help, which she did not receive. (See first quote) I've read another article which I can try to find after the holidays which explained that in her two visits prior to the miscarriage, she was never admitted. She went to the hospital, explained what was going on, received one examination but was NOT admitted. She left after failing to be admitted, which was considered AMA. I'm sure they'd have liked her to sit there another day or two while they continued to fail to admit her, while deliberating over legalities. (See second sentence in the quote)

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This vainglorious, fragile, lying and blasphemous joke of a human being is "going too far", in the words of a guy I saw today. However, he's still "on the Trump Train" and will be voting Trump in Nov.

There truly is none so blind as those who will not see.

My MIL watches Newsmax now, since Trump said Fox was liberal media.

She hasn't heard of a single gaffe Trump has made in his rallies. Hasn't heard of how he said Biden would start WWII, hasn't heard he said he ran against Obama in 2016, hasn't heard about how he accused Nicki Haley of refusing his offer to send 10,000 officers to the Capitol on Jan 6. No reports on how his speeches decend into word salad when he looks away from the teleprompter.

She HAS heard that Biden is doing nothing about the border, but not about Republicans refusing to pass Biden's border bill. She believes Biden is a fascist leading the country into communism, that Trump is a godly man, etc etc etc.

It's so hard to talk with her now. She used to be a far left liberal, burned her bra in the 60s, pushed for women's rights. Then she started watching Fox "News" and got brainwashed.

Some media may be making his idiocy/dementia/whateverthehelliswrongwithhim news, but a large chunk of the country doesn't ever see it.

Media who do report this stuff is preaching to the choir.

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Anyone who fails to vote FOR Biden is going to have a very sad awakening in November, as Trump has already said Israel needs to "finish the job."

Trump will do nothing to rein in Israel, and he would cheer to see the last Palestinian baby die.

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So they'll be hoisted by their own petard, and they will deserve it.

It's absolutely mind boggling that one-third apparently do think a frozen embryo is a person.

I lost smell and taste after I had Covid in late Feb/early March of 2020. Nothing at all for a couple of months, then parosmia for about 18 months. Back to total loss of smell and taste again, but within the last couple of months I can smell really strong smells, like creosote; also a little touch of parosmia (poop smells like chicken noodle soup, ffs).

Losing 2 of the 5 senses is an incredible loss. I almost feel like it's having a devastating effect on my brain.

I cannot wait to regain those senses. I've tried so many things, and I'll try this too when I can have access to it.

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We don't care 'bout no constitution. We gon discriminate when and where we want, and you'd best not come after OurPreciousSecondAmendment, neither.

But seriously, they can't refuse to issue marriage permits, right?

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Of course it's news! It highlights the fact that Trump cannot pay attention for any meaningful period of time. How can a man who can't stay awake when his future is at stake pay attention when it's our future at stake?

Attend an evangelical or Pentecostal church for a few months. It'll come up. They still believe Jesus is coming back and he can't do so until the temple is rebuilt. Which would require the razing of the mosque.

A family member of mine is a preacher and he and his family are gleefully announcing the end times are here!! It's happening!! The red heifer has been born!! It's absolutely disgusting how they want Israel to get rid of the Palestinians so they can get on with the rebuilding of the temple.

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