
8 Post – 762 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not necessarily. There are plenty of trans women out there who are 100% fine with having a penis and have absolutely no desire to have bottom surgery.

Same with trans men and vaginas.

As well as with nonbinary people and whatever genitals they had when born.

Being trans isn't about your genitals; it's about how you feel at a fundamental level.

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I suppose that's fair enough. 👍

I just didn't want someone to get the wrong impression, that's all. :)

This is so cool. I will definitely be keeping an eye on this!

Well of course. Those bastards want everyone to use their stupid WebP format.

On a related note, how does JPEGXL compare to PNG? Does it support layers?

I'm getting the sense that you found copper...

Thank you for explaining!

versus globally

So is this a matter of personal profiles? Userspace would be anything within a particular user's space, if you will?

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Lmao, that tldr is fucking GLORIOUS.

Not OP, but speaking as a Linux newb, what is a "userspace" exactly?

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Same. ¯\(ツ)

As a Linux newb...




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Never heard of it.

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Oh fuck that noise! (No pun intended.)

No grille on my speaker? No purchase on my end!


Epic Games Store

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A new theory claims

Hypothesis, not theory. It is a small distinction but an important one in science.

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Serious, honest question: why are we bringing gender into this?

I've never considered the idea of one gender being any more likely to commit piracy than any other. Is there some kind of piracy subgroup of people in Indonesia or elsewhere who claim men are more likely to pirate music than other genders, particular women?

Again, this is a serious question, with no malicious subtext. I'm genuinely wondering where in the hell this question came from, because it seems to me like it came out of nowhere.

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I don't see the contradiction here. Right Person is just asking what Left Person's beliefs on those matters are, not whether they believe those beliefs are objective.

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......I don't get it.

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It's truffle dip.

I think it's really dumb that people think 5'7" (170 cm) is short for males.

The typical height of the human male is anywhere from 5'5"–6'0" (165–183 cm).

5'7" isn't short; it is stupidly average.

Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/average-height-for-men

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I think it's kind of an unfair comparison. Hubble was made decades before Webb was, when we knew a lot less than we do now.

This is like insulting Shakespeare for not writing with a ballpoint pen.

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Puritanism bullshit.

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Truth be told? As a former fan of the books but a reluctant enjoyer of the universe, I would love to try the game.

But as a trans person, I cannot in good faith give additional attention to anything Harry Potter. Many of the fans may be good people, but the books are problematic, the author is a piece of shit, and anything that gives either of these things more exposure should be shunned. (Sadly, this means the movies are a no-go, even though Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson are gems; I can't remember how Rupert Grint feels.)

Not censored, just shunned. I'm not going to be an asshole to someone who likes HP but is a nice person otherwise. If they ask me my opinion, I'll tell them, but I'll stay away personally from the official content, if not all content (fan content is on a somewhat case-by-case basis, but mostly that too if only just to make staying away easier).

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I made a major improvement in my ability to not give a fuck about my job.




I work in American retail.

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Although I agree with the "land-centric" part, I do have to say that to be fair it does look like a horse in every part except the bottom.

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The Martian, by Andy Weir

That being said, why are you using camelcase with "re-read"? That's what the hyphen is for.

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It's not Lemmy; it's the instance you're using.

Yeah, it's called "not starving anymore".

I really hate to be "that person", but..........it's "run of the mill", not "run off the mill", friend.

It's a term from the late 1800s that refers to "manufactured goods not graded or sorted for quality—that is, a mill's products before they've been separated according to what will sell for how much." (Source for quote: https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/where-does-run-of-the-mill-come-from)

Seriously, I'm not trying to be a grammar nazi here. Unless of course that was just autocorrect being a dick, in which case I'll go walk off a cliff now... :/

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And I had to walk, uphill, both ways!

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Sigh... Whelp, time to go download a shit-ton of stuff before yet another friendly port goes down...


We need to straight-up ban images with the pagination still in the corner. -_-

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As a trans person, this has always been one of my favorite fiction quotes.


Seek help, my friend.

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Yes, it is called Heresy.


For there is but one god and he is mighty.







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The "1/2" in the top-right corner pisses me off.


Fucking W H Y Y Y Y Y Y.

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Just a PSA to anyone who looks here: with DDG, ChatGPT is not your only option. You can choose to use Claude instead, if you wish.

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"If I have to be miserable, so does everyone else."

Yup, that's the kind of mindset a lot of these kinds of people have.

Like others have said (or hinted at), never make an ultimatum you are unwilling or unable to follow through on.

And saying you'll leave "unless x happens" is just such an ultimatum.