bubbalu [they/them]

@bubbalu [they/them]@hexbear.net
1 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

Well you see the president is elected democratically unlike in Germany where the Nazis were never....oh....

The enemy has cappucinos and ivy grads, but we have monster and FOSS enthusiasts. Monster and FOSS Enthusiasts will always beat cappucinos and ivy grads.

Mao Zedong

This sounded like something I would be excited about but damn we got different ideas of 'low-price'.

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Yeah. My grandpa made me read Atlas Shrugged when I was in HS and it was so dumb it made me a communist. I did like the scene with the fast train on the green rails. Literally the only scene in the whole book with imagery.

I was gonna say, take my boyfriend to fine dining restaurants and fun shows every week, but even assuming we took a $400 each way flight and stayed at a $500 hotel and paid $200 a plate and $75 a show, that still comes out to just $150,000 a year.

A dogwhistle? Or just a feigned freudian slip.

There is! It's called a blast chiller and just takes a dumby amount of energy proportional the amount of energy removed from the food. It's easier to add than subtract.

Urumqi enters the chat

I convinced myself it was very important to read this book when I was 17, physically dragged my eyes across ~200 pages of it, and understood nothing of what was happening.

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This feels like the technoanarchist version of Little Free Libraries lol.

Strongly encourage you to find work in a conservation corps or similar organization if they exist in your country and you are able to do manual labor. You would be on a crew of 6-15 people usually living out at a field site for 1-2 weeks at a time, cooking and living and working together to improve the natural environment or recreation infrastructure. Hard rewarding work, good peaceful downtime. Great chance to read a lot of books too since you will be away from computers and modernity.

shrek 2

If I like whimsical, visually-imaginative adventure films with lots of practical effects like 'Baron Munchaesen', 'Brazil', 'Delicatassen', and 'City of Lost Children', what other films might I like?

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Chemical Engineer is the new poet in terms of world leadership lol Merkel was a research chemist.

AS reddit was born out of the forum, more and more convoluted-feature-laden discord servers will arise out of reddit

Big feel you on this one. There was a while I would hate-listen to NPR on my drive and realized how badly that was making me shit my ass. One day, I was listening to 'Lovely Day' by Bill Withers with the windows down and an older lady started dancing while I was at a stoplight and blew me a kiss. Terry Gross not giving me nothing that compares to that...

Eventually looks are going to be the least important component of attraction. It will continue to be about emotionality and familiarity. Young adults are going to feel less and less relatable and therefore less and less attractive.

simply stop gaming. you can run tetris in your web browser. what more can you need?


i liked the hell-fire sermon. My one office job I ever had, I did a dramatic reading of it for an old man and a former improv kid.

I discovered this strat on accident! Blew out my favorite jeans irreperably, and my replacement pair was actually two replacement pairs. My limiting factor on how long between laundry loads is how much lunch is on my jeans and now I have a backup pair so I do laundry half as much on average.

For me, the big thing was to deliberately eat regular meals and cut back on beer. I am already pretty active with the things I like to do and how me and my friends like to roughhouse a lot. With good inputs, I've gotten a lot stronger just living the life I want to live and have been even more empowered to be silly and active because my strength and endurance have improved. Virtuous cycle. Also, I finally got a work computer and can walk to work because I don't need to carry it back and forth.

I have a lot of Himbo tendencies so take with a grain of salt!

I switched to a $20 feature phone years ago and been so much happier healthier.

Merci beaucoup! Mes amis aiment les animations francaises, mais je ne trouvais pas les filmes interessantes sans leur assistance. Je suis vraiment excitee!

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I love Eternal Sunshine! Thank you for the other recommendations, I am excited :3

If its subtitled, I'll be okayish. I can partially read Spanish and French.

I started over again out about a year ago, and my best decision was to buy an alright futon and save up/look around for a decent quality bed. The futon was enough that I wasn't miserable but not so good that I could be complacent like I would with the first mattress I could afford/find. Since I was not desperate, I could wait till a good deal showed up.

Also, you are going to establish 'home' in phases or waves. It will be really exciting at first, but your energy will probably peter out sometime after you have a basic kitchen set up, sleeping area, and maybe sitting area. That's natural and nothing to feel bad about! I wound up being in a ~10 month break after my initial blitz before I started to turn my apartment into a home; it took me that long to recharge.

Or actually less than half as much because the odds I have two big spills in a short window is much less than having one big spill.

California Sober is popular for a reason lmao

This sounds really nice! Where I live in the US, most tinned fish even shitty ones, starts around $2 which is just too much to spend on breakfast :(

Yee I have a $20 tracfone lol.

good post!

People generally tell me I smell good so I don't worry too much about it. I sometimes wear perfume and I usually burn a lot of incense and scented candles at home so probably I have some passive aromatherapy on all my clothes.