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Joined 8 months ago

Hi, I’m Cleo! (they/them) I talk mostly about games and politics. My DMs are always open to chat! :)

Does the Wii version use motion controls? I’m assuming it does. If so, that would make way more sense and I can definitely see how it’d be way more fun to experience that way.

I don’t think that’s true. He was especially bad for the first bit of it but throughout he was stumbling over words, mumbling, he was hoarse. And then he got worse at the tail end too and forgot what he was even saying during his closing. Also what’s up with the listing things in numbers over and over and over? The whole thing was really awful to listen to and I’ve never heard him sound older honestly.

Older God of war games are a really good comparison, especially with the QTEs.

Not sure if my brain just works differently but I’ve always felt isolated by the laugh track. It’s always made me very uncomfortable to watch a show that isn’t funny and hear people that aren’t me laughing and clapping constantly. Makes me feel like I’m being manipulated by aliens into feeling fake joy or something, I hate it.

That is assuming that our universe is flat in the 4th dimension…

My prediction is that one of them doesn’t make it to Inauguration Day and the country panics as a result. Is likely? No. But on this timeline it makes the most sense

Aren’t the brand new LCDs still in stock an 15% off? Still a decent deal

I mean, that’s partly true. From my keeping up with politics, some of the candidates actions are their own but about 80% of the job is what you described. Your party recommends actions to you and congress sets you up for most of your actions. Vetoing things is only common when the opposition holds congress.

I’ll highlight though that lately the presidents have seized more and more power and continue to do so. It started with Bush basically declaring war without congress and lately it’s been Biden doing things like canceling student loans and blocking the border up. Which I get that’s all power they’ve always had, but they’ve been reluctant to use it improperly because it’s so abusable. Now those robes are off and so trump will come into office and immediately write laws by himself basically

From what I’ve read, the money goes to Microsoft. I got my copy via humble bundle subscription (a really good deal btw) so I got lucky. If it were me, I’d be looking for other ways to play it probably

That’s totally fair and I don’t think you’re necessarily missing anything here if you bounce off of the combat. Still, it’s worth a shot even if you don’t typically like rhythm games. I wasn’t super thrilled about the combat initially but it grew on me pretty quickly once I found that beat.

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I can’t say I share those feelings. While I think the 2D sections are just okay, they’re very short. I also think as far as pacing and traveling between fights, they did about all they could without distracting from the point of the game in my eyes.

Like yes you can make better platforming or exploration, but that’s not what the overall level is there for. It’s there for scale, setting, NPC conversations, etc. Add too much and you distract from the next fight, add too little and you might as well have a boss rush type game. Fine balance here and this is honestly the best I’ve ever seen a game like this pull off filler time.

That’s a whole conversation about filler in games but I think it’s harder than people realize to get this right.

Why are people not ready to riot over this? People should be in the streets and setting cars on fire.

The highest court in the land just made a move so corrupt and blatant that there is no defense of it. They’re helping a criminal insurrectionist ex-president escape charges. Are you kidding me?! This is a complete delegitimization of an entire branch of governments highest office with life appointments.

Not only did they not need to take the case but they set it up to delay his trials as long as possible. Meaning that now, his trials WILL LIKELY NOT HAPPEN BEFORE THE ELECTION.

At best we might get a verdict on one or two before the election but sentencing will not take place and that is IF there are no other delays. Those are slim chances.

So yes America will be heading to the polls this November with Trump facing potentially zero responsibility for his actions, maybe found guilty before January, whereupon he could be sworn in and cancel his own trials or could pardon himself.

This court has just shown they would allow him to do that. Why else take this case if not a blatant desire to unfairly install Trump as president? There’s no reason. What I’m telling you is that he won’t face justice if he wins the election. And this just increased his chances of winning dramatically.

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If you’re ever arguing with a relative, remember that this is the most unproductive House of Representatives that we’ve ever had. Ever. They’re barely even working in there. Why? Because republicans are sitting on their hands for everything

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He did demonstrate it that way, specifically with a carrot. And it somewhat worked. The problem is they programmed it to do more and more pressure every time it fails meaning that doing the carrot first actually caused a safety issue. He only moved onto his finger because the safety feature seemed to be working.

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The outcome was known before the attack took place.

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I for one cannot wait for the hacking of servers used by these websites that will allow for the blackmail of politicians.

I’m pretty sure what happened is that they were essentially pitching a shell for the back of the truck. And if it’s rigid and made of metal and maybe folded down to act as a cover while driving, fine. That’d still be a lot more than what the average truck/SUV convertible will cost. But it’s Tesla so it’s expected.

But then they changed to this BS and couldn’t reduce the price without recognizing the drop in expectation so here we are.

I dont know if you’ve noticed but a lot of these people can’t tell or understand trolling or faking content. Now on this level? Yeah. But it’s so so easy to be a poe in their midst.

My strategy has basically just been to go to their content, go into the comments, and then write something that I feel they’ll mostly agree with but crosses some kind of line.

Like if they’re talking about fluoride in drinking water you just say stuff like “screw the feds poisoning our water, we can find other ways to get hydrated. I just stick to diet cokes, works fine for me. I even cook with it so I don’t poison my food”

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This is another reason Epic games will lose everything to Valve. Their storefront is useless and is a money loser. But even if it weren’t, valve is moving themselves to be the gaming king of Linux. Where no competitor exists meaningfully. Maybe GoG?

Conservatives are so out of touch that they think that Taylor Swift still needs a platform after a record breaking music tour. If anything, she is the platform that the NFL needs for a female audience, not the other way around.

Sony should take the hint. Many of these reviews are from people who can’t even get a PSN account in their country. So Steam is about to be flooded with requests for refunds due to the game not being available to some users. I already asked for a refund because of this.

It’s unlikely steam will be able to tell people to just pound sand, so Valve will likely step in at some point and then Sony will be in trouble with the platform itself.

The DEA is currently investigating rescheduling marijuana which was prompted by Biden’s HHS doing the preliminary lab work to present to them.

Then Biden has pardoned everyone who was charged federally for possession of marijuana.

And then he urged states to consider doing the same. Just this week, Massachusetts followed through with that.

Obviously he’s doing this to get more voters, but there’s real progress happening and it’s not a reaction to anything recent. This was all indicated during his campaigning.

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This kind of behavior should be enough for outlets to blacklist developers. But since they don’t/wont/can’t band together to do that, they have no say in how games are reviewed.

Not mentioning micro transactions is equivalent to not mentioning the price. Why review a game if you don’t know if it will be $50 or $100 at launch?

Capcom basically asked them to review a game that doesn’t even exist, they asked them to review a dev build.

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It’s far more likely that this is just weight variation which is allowable per the Food Safety and Inspection Service

However, I would sooner blame the scale itself as it doesn’t look like a scientific scale. So it’s likely not calibrated and will drift over time. Plenty of things could explain an 8g difference as measured by the average joe.

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Minecraft believe it or not. Every few years I come back and install a mod pack and it’s like an entirely new game almost. Plus I love the factory and automation mods. The game just never seems to die.

Fun fact: you can climb mountains that are miles high, taller than Everest already in no man’s sky. Is it fun? No it really isn’t.

I feel like what you did and the reaction you had to what you did is common. And yet, I don’t feel like it’s harmful unless other people see it. But this conversation is about to leave men’s heads and end up in public discourse where I have no doubt it will create moral or ethical panic.

A lot of technology challenges around AI are old concerns about things that we’ve had access to for decades. It’s just easier to do this stuff now. I think it’s kind of pointless to stop or prevent this stuff from happening. We should mostly focus on the harms and how to prevent them.

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Imo it’s not about having a new engine, it’s that they don’t make enough changes to it and it’s very apparent. On launch, their games are some of the most lackluster games visually. I remember the update from Skyrim to fallout was just that they added god rays to the engine, that was basically the only difference.

Then Fallout 76 came out and not only was it extremely ill equipped for multiplayer and online, but graphically the game suffered.

Then we talk about the quest systems in the engine, and that’s great and all, but the quest systems haven’t been fundamentally updated since Oblivion came out. Go play any other RPG, they’re running circles around Bethesda in quest design.

What’s worse is that Starfield was met with mixed reviews and showcased their inability to modernize their engine with the loading screen problem. So ES6 is set up to make or break Bethesda.

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Step 1. Ask what someone thinks about vaccinations Step 2. Ask them what they think about evolution Step 3. Ask about climate change Step 4. Ask about what church they go to

You will learn so much of this overlaps. So much.

Surrender and nothing. Surrender and live in 1/6th of the land you used to have with far fewer resources.

Unfortunately, I think that keeping up resistance against Israel and forcing them to do what they’re doing as loudly as possible is the best option they’ve got.

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I don’t think most people are stupid if stupid means lacking reasoning skills or knowledge or curiosity. You can find all sorts of people who you’d think sound stupid but know tons about one subject. But even if they don’t, they likely have a working knowledge base and only know what they need to know.

What I consider stupid or problematic is that most people, probably 75% or more of the overall population, are not skeptical or analytical and have a fundamentally busted epistemology. Even if your information filter works, if you don’t understand why it works, I’m going to struggle in conversation with you. So yes I think the general population has a hard time thinking critically because they don’t know how to analyze their own beliefs or knowledge.

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It’s worse than that. People don’t understand what drowning is like at all, it is a terribly unpeaceful way to go. We all tend to think that you run out of air and then suddenly go unconscious but prior to that:

Water will enter your lungs which, fun fact, really don’t like that and so it is apparently extremely painful. It also triggers an involuntary reaction. You are now conscious on adrenaline, with very painful water in your lungs, and have lost all control of your body. Your body will attempt to flail wildly out of control while you suffer until you lose consciousness from lack of air. All of this happens quickly but probably not as quickly as you want it to given the circumstances.

“ Portable batteries incorporated in appliances shall be readily removable and replaceable by the end-user or by independent operators during the lifetime of the appliance, if the batteries have a shorter lifetime than the appliance, or at the latest at the end of the lifetime of the appliance. A battery is readily replaceable where, after its removal from an appliance, it can be substituted by a similar battery, without affecting the functioning or the performance of that appliance.”

So we see here that batteries must be replaceable without affecting the function of the device. Yet waterproofing is important. What seems more likely to me is that batteries need to be replaceable without opening the entire device and therefore destroying liquid protections as per the proposed law. Easiest way to do that would be something similar to a SIM card tray where a hidden button is pressed to release the battery to swap it. The designers would have to go out of their way to make this process difficult, which the EU also doesn’t want, to avoid making them swappable. And that feature is attractive. Knowing Apple though, it’ll be harder on the base models or batteries will cost too much.

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I’ll admit, I had this thought earlier about why do they even need our money? I haven’t heard of them fighting much of anyone since the first week of this. Mostly leveling the entirety of Gaza so that they can take it over. So the US is not only paying for genocide, we’re also paying for a construction project basically.

Maybe someone who knows can chime in but what is the money for? Is it for more weapons similar to Ukraine? Are we trying to profit off of a genocide?

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Wouldn’t say completely. The notice of intent to sell is not there to prevent CEOs from selling when they want to, it’s to notify you that they could sell this much if they wanted to.

The purpose is just to say that you need to be prepared for a potential sale. If the CEO keeps backing out of a sale, that does hurt your ability to predict when they will but not how much they could sell and therefore how much those sales could potentially affect your investment.

All of that is strategic because otherwise investors could conceivably do the opposite and sell before the CEO is forced to sell and then buy his shares at a lower price. That would mean the stock would tank every time the CEO went to sell. The problem exists because most of the solutions are even worse

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Let us all remember that one time that they thought that monetizing the mods was a good idea and a massive amount of Steam users demolished them online. Like oh you want to make awful games, make that money, then have modders make cool content that makes it worth playing, and then have the balls to ask for a cut of what they’re selling it for?

And guess what? They still do that. And the fallout 76 store and subscription is something I will never forget.

Dude really read a history book about Hitler fighting a one front war and somehow turning it into a three front war and said “Hold my beer”

Im not confident in that either but this is a situation that the government is likely prepared for. They know that he’s the leader and if you shut him up or take him down then there’s no one to lead or stage coups or collective violence against the state. So his followers are welcome to do whatever they want but it’ll be predictable and infiltrated immediately just like Jan6 was.

However, if he wins there will be no way for the state to oppose him effectively. He’ll gut most of our major departments and do extremely unpopular things without opposition. And we already learned that presidents have far too much unchecked power. If he wins, buckle up.

This is the exact reason Lenovo is the way that it is. The US didn’t trust them not to have a back door and so they grew US operations to keep from getting banned. This has all played out before

Is there an equivalent to eatcheapandhealthy here?

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