Monkey With A Shell

@Monkey With A
1 Post – 587 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Some dingbat that occasionally builds neat stuff without breaking others. The person running this public-but-not-promoted instance because reasons.

Huh, odd that they don't advertise it more then. Probably make the notion of selling it get less of a rep of desperate people needing money and more similar to donating blood as an altruistic thing, so you get more involved.

Don't recall where I indicated any of them where controversial, care to point it out? I simply pointed that this complaint of 'no progress' is ignoring some pretty major progress over the years.

Because you can put in those equal rights laws and enforce them, along with all the various other things like building roads and schools and such. To think you can just outlaw racism and such is foolish though. You would be trying to literally tread into thought police territory there.

I've only donated a few times but from what I recall you can donate blood or sell plasma. Always struck me as weird but the difference is that they use the whole blood medically while the plasma only is used for research or commercial purposes. We do love to make a market for near everything possible here.

As for how much, not sure exactly since I haven't done so myself but I get the impression it's not huge, maybe $20-$50 each time.

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You done flew that squid into a cloud of reactionaries who get real uppity if their vision of things doesn't happen by 3 months ago. A story about what a political twat said MIGHT happen is suddenly priority #1 amongst all the other things the POTUS has to deal with on the daily.

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And maybe they're ignoring things like the civil rights movement, the original implementation of Roe, the progress of the LGBT community and all the other society changes that have happened in that same time.

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Have to say that was a damn refreshing change from the vacant look and feel in the debate. May be far from perfect but I take that over the raving lunatic with an R by them any day.

Wonder if they could save some time and not put the rest back, just give it to a zoo to feed vampire bats or something... 🤔

Racism, homophobia, and the like are not a matter that can be solved politically. One can make all the affirmative action and equal rights rules you like but the issue at the root is society and culture based. Educational standards are being fought against in our most conservative states pushing for religious indoctrination and denying historical reality.

You have a wing that actively pushes the militarization of the police over community support and engagement, and those same people trying to turn society back to the 'traditional norms' as they existed before the civil rights movement.

Given the realities of the need to actually get votes through, just how would you suggest those things be fixed?

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Something about 'I had a test done and it says I'm .000025 % black' would be my guess. Kind of like the folks that get all worked up about St. Patrick's Day because some long lost relative once visited Ireland.

Israel wants to get some gold star for agreeing to send systems the US provided to Ukraine now? What kind of PR lunacy is going on here.

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And with a major portion of US military aid grants coming with the condition that the purchased equipment come from US contractors you can argue which funding bucket it came from, but in all practicality Israel bought US systems with aid money granted from the US and then where willing to give the old systems they intended to decommission to someone the US is aiming to support.

It really is just US aid to Ukraine with an Israeli sticker on it in that sense.

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Could just get a personal size boat to get accustomed to the feel of it. Be aware of the boom when you turn with the wind (jibe if I recall the term) lest you get whacked out the boat.

I've used this kind of setup, not the cleanest and doesn't actually move/remove the rars but let's a media player import the contents directly from inside them. Doesn't make any notable impact on performance that I've seen.

How long do we have to put up with this charade of her being an impartial judge? Hardly a day goes by that she doesn't entertain some absurd request to impede the case in whatever way possible.

Disney used to do that a lot, 'get it now before it goes back into the vault' in some effort to make it special/get-it-while-you-can.

Having everything available all the time would leave them with little to put on a pedestal as a coming soon limited time thing. Just one person's theory though.

Depends on the place. If someone is in a public facing role I'd expect it to be a bit more comprehensive.

I have a dozen services running on a myriad of ports. My reverse proxy setup allows me to map hostnames to those services and expose only 80/443 to the web, plus the fact that an entity needs to know a hostname now instead of just an exposed port. IPS signatures can help identify abstract hostname scans and the proxy can be configured to permit only designated sources. Reverse proxies also commonly get used to allow for SSL offloading to permit clear text observation of traffic between the proxy and the backing host. Plenty of other use cases for them out there too, don't think of it as some one trick off/on access gateway tool

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A deadline set by a government agency for government workers, NOT a 'Google Pixel Deadline'. Stop writing alarmist headlines to make it sound like Google is gonna shut off your phone if you don't comply. You should update, but knock this writing style off people.

Fedi platforms have a key distinction putting them separate from most other online platforms in that you can literally create your own and have all the rights of a platform admin today, and have access to the very same content as you would having an account on another's node. In that regard there's much less room to complain about unilateral actions by the instance owner than there would be for other systems. As the size of an instance grows you run a greater risk any time you take such an action, but so long as it's consistent with past behavior it shouldn't be a major problem. Large instances like .world have made some cuts that ruffled a few feathers and then backed them off if people objected, but sometimes direct democracy isn't particularly viable in what might be a time sensitive situation.

Eat beaver and thine sin shall be forgiven, pretty sure that's what she said...

Should not, wonder if there's any adguard/pihole lists to smack OneDrive/box/Dropbox/etc domains and just take these services out before they can start.

They're a part of the mix. Firewalls, Proxies, WAF (often built into a proxy), IPS, AV, and whatever intelligence systems one may like work together to do their tasks. Visibility of traffic is important as well as the management burden being low enough. I used to have to manually log into several boxes on a regular basis to update software, certs, and configs, now a majority of that is automated and I just get an email to schedule a restart if needed.

A reverse proxy can be a lot more than just host based routing though. Take something like a Bluecoat or F5 and look at the options on it. Now you might say it's not a proxy then because it does X/Y/Z but at the heart of things creating that bridged intercept for the traffic is still the core functionality.

It depends on what your level of confidence and paranoia is. Things on the Internet get scanned constantly, I actually get routine reports from one of them that I noticed in the logs and hit them up via an associated website. Just take it as an expected that someone out there is going to try and see if admin/password gets into some login screen if it's facing the web.

For the most part, so long as you keep things updated and use reputable and maintained software for your system the larger risk is going to come from someone clicking a link in the wrong email than from someone haxxoring in from the public internet.

*ring will no longer publicly acknowledge facilitating police requests...

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George Floyd murdered in the streets by police: "People are out of line and should be jailed for their reaction"

Old white dude gets convicted by a full jury of white color crimes: "BURN IT ALL DOWN!!!1!1"

Perfectly rational folks there.

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"Democrats were stymied for nearly three years because they did not take majority control of the five-member FCC until October."

Biden's first pick got held up in the Senate for a couple years and then replaced in 2023, until that seat was filled nothing was gonna happen.

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"See now, the press will take that, and they'll say, 'He said a horrible thing.'"

Ok, so the guy is a fuckwit and all, but the article has right in it where he pretty plainly put it as a joke. We don't need to feed the new cycle with every crass bs thing that comes out of his mouth.

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They should really try banning car theft, it's a lot more direct and to the point.

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I'm fairly sure if they took porn off the internet, there'd only be one website left, and it'd be called "Bring Back the Porn!"

Create a bat-signal style light to summon Richard Stallman

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"Melania Trump[a] (born April 26, 1970) is a Slovenian-American former model ..."

But I'm sure it's a genuinely good marriage that one...

Not to mention his prior wife Ivana from the Chech, and his kids with whichever of them...

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Ah the irony of the fedi feed sometimes...

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Wut? Too early for me to try and make up context...

I suspect it's because we see accurate representations of ourselves in every mirror. With voice though what we hear normally is distorted by the resonence of our jawbone, so hearing the version everyone else does when it's played back from a recording is alien and weird.

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Every damn time, 'we just need a few more years, don't force us yet though, we're not ready...' this forever planning stage is going to kill the planet before anyone is ready to act.

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Meme doesn't make sense in this context, but do love me some GOG.

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I mean it'd be a terrible shame if Frank Sinatra and Billy Holiday went broke and had to come out of retirement because of the internet archive's actions, maybe the labels a have a point here...

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Just wait until them tech savvy folks in Congress try to understand the difference between 'deepfakes' in the sense of pasting a new face on existing footage and whole cloth generative AI creating the entire scene, and then someone tells them that the latter is derived from multiple existing media sources. Gonna be some smoke pouring out of their ears like in the cartoons trying to slice up all the specifics.