
7 Post – 301 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Try Antenna.

Me neither!

I don't know how well known this is by now, but just in case, I'll add it.

The quality of your speakers is not affected by the cable from your amp.

The connectors are more important in terms of physical contact, but almost any new connector will do. The wire itself makes no difference. Pay as much as you want but the sound will not be any different than if you used metal coat hanger wire.

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The Citroen 2CV.

There are many cars that have something worse; three wheeled things, Tesla design, the Renault dash mounted gearstick, etc.

But there is no other "modern" car which so significantly fails in every way as the 2CV.

It has nothing that could be described as performance or ride or comfort. There is nothing about it that can be called practical or stylish. It has zero properties that any sane person could find desirable in a car.

It's so bad that even the Trabant has less to damn it, and that really is terrible.

I think the best evidence that the 2CV is man's biggest failure, should you really need any, is that you are more likely to see them in the country they were made, repurposed as a chicken coop.

If that's not the ultimate failure, I don't know what is.

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If memory serves, I think at least some versions of the Allegro had reasonably comfy seats. I'm afraid that can't be said of the 2CV.

Also, the use of a "double skin" body, dropped by almost every manufacturer a decade or so before the Allegro, is really just another amusing tidbit we can taunt it with.

There absolutely nothing even faintly comic about the 2CV, it is an abhorrence at every level.

But I'll grant you, the Allegro is definitely in the top 10.

There were so many better options that I can't even grant you a nod in this direction.

Nil points, yellow card, etc.

No 0-60, you would die trying. Even 40 mi/h is over ambitious. Clearly, the 2CV was spawned by Satan to destroy our will to live. I see no other reason for that many sales.

Was that the first version Nexus 7? I had the refreshed version and it was my favourite bit of tech ever. I ran it for about 5 years until the screen and battery both died. I loved that thing.


Everything in Holland and Barrett.

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Even my 14yo daughter got rid last year. Made me proud.

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I think she started to find it banal and annoying. Just like a real adult!

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You're probably right but I can't help thinking there would just be a different version, equally harmful and controlling, stunting our growth.

I think it's part of us that we have to outgrow as a species. For some reason I'm confident that will happen, given enough time.

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Smart car 2 seater. Drove it for work for about 6 months. You're a target for bullies, the wind is scary, lorries sometimes can't see you and they can get to 90, which is interesting.

I can live with all that, I've driven vans and lorries that were in much worse condition. I had a Morris van that was so crap it's engine seized trying to do 50.

No, the Smart car was the worst car mainly because I'm 6 6. It was like being a sardine driving it's can. I could do it, but it was not a pleasant experience.

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That's a strange film. I watched it at the cinema when released and enjoyed the visuals, but it seemed like the story was purposely simplified to a wild west love yarn so that the audience would have to focus on the visuals. There's so little to distract from the "cutting edge" CGI, any depth to the plot or characters would be detrimental to the six fucking years he spent making it.

Which I can understand as it does achieve that. And I didn't hate it, mainly because it did look amazing and I wasn't distracted from that. But I've never watched it again and wouldn't want to.


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Guys, I'll distract him, you get his bike!

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In practical terms, how realistic is it to just not allow the stuff to be made?

I see much less of it these days, which is great and it's usually replaced with cardboard that I imagine is much easier to recycle.

Can we do away with completely? It's such an awful substance, it grinds my gears, as they say.

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Do these people never watch movies? We know how this ends, it goes -

Twenty seconds to comply!

Then everyone dies.


Me and a friend watched it in a cinema on release aged 13. I'm very tall and my friend looked about 40. (Now he's over 50 and looks under 40.) You could get away with it in those days.

On VCR release, our friend got his dad to buy a copy and we watched it on repeat at every opportunity. I've watched the Final Cut release many times, which I think is even better, and it's one of the very few films I will happily watch at any time.

The documentary about the making of it is great to watch as well. Watch the film first though. I started reading Dick's books aged about 11 or 12 and was already hooked before the film. I think that prepared me a bit, along with other sci-fi I was reading by then.

It's still my favourite film.

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If you're feeling shit after sandwiches and hot dogs, presumably in bread rolls, you could be gluten intolerant.


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Getting up when my alarm goes off.

I put the alarm on the other side of the bedroom and used one with metal bells. I did it for years and hated it but it worked. Now my phone tinkles next to me and I'm up. Except Saturdays.

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I can't help thinking that there are easy solutions to this. Mainly because I don't take any notice of advertising, at least not in the sense that AI makes a difference.

I have no other exposure to it aside from where it's being pointed out, such as here.

What I do is things like this:

When the ad break comes on, press the mute button.

When I can't do that, I overtly ignore the ads, eg I will talk over them or fein extreme annoyance of them, or sometimes I ridicule or attack them with exaggeration. Sometimes all at once.

I have always hated being invaded by direct advertising, and I push back against it. But I also don't watch reality TV or read celebrity news. I don't tend to listen to commercial radio or use anything by Meta or X.

Ad before a TV episode? Skip.

YouTube ads? ReVanced.

Internet browser ads? Adblock.

Who follows an actor on social media, what's the point, haven't people got anything better to do?

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Can all the young people not smoke cigarettes please. It's the one thing I regret in life.

There's obvious reasons like health and money, but there are specifics that you don't want, such as -

Emphysema. You don't want that.

Receded gums. It's not funny.

And you smell. Really bad.

Smoking kills, obviously. But it's the things it can do to you while you're still alive that are really horrible.

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I can be. The other day, I was driving on a 70mph road and the lead car two in front hit a young deer. She had tried her best to avoid it but there was nothing she could do.

She pulled over with her signals flashing and as I went past I realised no one was going to stop, and then I had the thought of that happening to my wife, who is a vegetarian and would have been in bits, so I pulled over and ran back to check on her.

She was crying and shaking, I asked her to drop the window a bit and if she was ok. I told her it wasn't her fault and she should take as long as needed before driving, and that I would be in my car if needed.

I had my lunch and her husband soon arrived, coming to thank me, which I wasn't expecting. They were very nice and it was very sad and I was slightly emotional. They left eventually and I carried on with my day.

I can be grumpy as fuck, though.

I think a good deal of her internet awareness comes from school. I'm amazed at what they cover and how it's combined with social safety and inclusiveness.

I feel like there's a common theme here but just can't put my finger on it....

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I can't tell you how happy I am that some of the replies here are about electronic music machines.

I've found it very difficult to find anything like r/synthesizers and it's fellow circlejerk in Lemmy. If I've missed the obvious, please let me know.

For my show and tell I would bring my little analogue synthesiser and my special echo foot pedal. They are very simple but have unusual attributes that are easily demonstrated.

What really gets me is when there's no REJECT button.

Aside from uBlock on Firefox, I've been using Privacy Badger and also Super-Agent.

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This is the best summary I could come up with -





iPhone 15 Pro has can have overheating problems


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But the former's app on mobile is a shit show.


Greetings from the UK!


My question with all this is why hasn't everyone switched this off in the settings from the first moment they made an account?

It's no wonder we've become a commodity to the services we use, people just allow it to happen.

I worked in a factory near a very rough housing estate in the mid 80s. There were lots of tattooed knuckles and forearms but back then they were still associated with services or prison time.

One chap had on his inside lower lip the words FUCK OFF, which he would use with great glee. He was a hard drinking, fighting nutter but he was also very funny and good to work with.

Happy days.

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My late version (early 90s) Quad 34 preamp.

It's a brilliant and somewhat unique design. The eq is part 8 pole tilt filter and part lift/step filter with adjustable turnover. This enables you to position the audio in a very precise and uncoloured way, much like changing your seating position in an auditorium. If you like bass you don't sit at the front!

It has a true mono selector, high and low frequency filters for radio and vinyl subsonics respectively, a modular phono stage for MM or MC turntable cartridge type, and the volume gain stage is accurate between channels to around a tenth of a dB, which is about ten times better than is generally accepted as adequate.

It's power is so efficient that it never gets even warm and it's audio design has a quality that is similar to the way valve equipment sounds.

It's a very special part of my system which drives my active speakers. They are pro audio which have a very accurate response compared to consumer speakers. The Quad gives them something special to reproduce which, with a lot of CD sources imparts a bit of character that's musical and very pleasant.

If it ever needs servicing, I can take it to the Quad service centre where it was made in Huntingdon near Cambridge, a couple of hours drive away.

I'm very proud of my Quad 34, I wanted one for many years and was fortunate to be able to find a good one I could afford at the time. I expect it will outlive me, along with my speakers and a few other bits and bobs I've collected over the years. It's the oldest bit of technology I have that I use regularly. I have a film camera that may be older but I don't use film any more and I thought the Quad would be more interesting.

Thanks for asking and I hope you find this worthy. I'm happy to answer any questions about all this if anyone feels compelled.

I despise bagpipes. Anyone who thinks that awful noise is in any way related to actual music should have a set jammed into their ears so hard they come out the other side.

/Rant over.

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What you got?

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if you went Out in public and paparazzi started haunting everyone out on the street, all the time, even though you are no-one famous.

While this is true, it's important to understand that you have already given that right by just being out in public. If you can be viewed by the eyes of people, in a public place, then they can photograph you.

The difference is that if you can be obviously identified in the image and it is used commercially, you should be asked for a release or permission generally.

It's a grey area in the context of scraping for AI, not because permission hasn't been given, but because the technology is new and the laws haven't been written yet.

The changes will happen but it takes time, particularly with a complex issue like this.

Best way is to use a different launcher. You can install a few and switch between them. Setting up a new one can be a bit time consuming but you get a feel for them doing so. Keep notes.

I used Nova for years but unfortunately it's now owned by a data collection company. I found it difficult to find another but since being on Lemmy and reading posts like these, I've finally moved to Niagara.

It's very different but I suggest it for you because of your need tothe search for installed apps. That's what it's based around, there's no separate app drawer. It's very clever and easy to use once set up, and well worth the effort.

The win is that it's FOSS.

It's not FOSS but the privacy policies are decent. You can read a summary here.

Most features are free but the paid version has a seven day trial. It's a very reasonable cost which you pay annually and I think it's worth it if you're going to use the app. It's very mature and the dev deserves to get paid for it, especially at the low cost he's asking. Check his website.

As you can probably tell, I'm a huge fan.

EDIT - as pointed out, it's not FOSS. My apologies and I've edited accordingly.

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I try to make electronic music, mostly with a laptop but I also have some equipment. It's really just to scratch my engineering itch.

Photography. I mostly use my phone but I have a proper camera which is for my very specific use case.

I've been doing both of these most of my life, my father gave me my first camera around 10yo and I got into electronic music at about the same age.

My son is using my old camera a lot now, and he's making music on his PC. Which is very pleasing to me.

This was much more interesting than I expected, and somehow managed to lead me to Eveready Harton.