6 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Actually we need to keep publicizing his ridiculousness so those that worship him might finally realize he’s not some genius ™. I had a friend recently tell me that Musk was probably the smartest person on the planet right now. I had to explain - as gently as possible so as not to offend those who think others are the snowflakes - that Musk is the very definition of starting on third base and thinking you hit a triple. My buddy gets plenty of propaganda telling him how great Musk is, there needs to be plenty of balance.

NOTE: Before you tell me, yes, I know that brainwashed people don’t just change their mind, and it probably won’t make a difference. But we shouldn’t let these lines of thought go unchallenged.

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Well, one has. He had his cybersecurity symposium, where he showed the “evidence” that the election was stolen, and offered a $5 million prize to anyone who could prove him wrong. A cybersecurity expert took one look and showed him that his “evidence” didn’t say anything close to what he claimed and wanted his 5 mil. MyPillowFool refused to pay, security guy took him to court and won. Fool had to pay.

He still has the Big Daddy 1.3 billion (With a B) Dominion lawsuit pending though.

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Okay, first let's cool it with the insults. He's not a moron, he's my friend, and he's extremely intelligent. But he's been brainwashed by propaganda from those who want to hold up Musk as a god-like figure, which is why I say we NEED to continue publicize Musk's negative actions to keep balanced information out there.

Second, telling people that they should stop talking on social media about something that you're tired of hearing about is the antithesis of SOCIAL media. If no one wanted to talk about it, it wouldn't keep getting posted and commented on. You can use filters and never see another post with his name, but ironically, you opened this post about Musk and made a comment, which keeps it going.

It's known as a trial balloon. "Oh, I was only joking! Unless you're fine with it, then I'm serious."

I’d be more impressed if Congress was under scrutiny for their ties to China. And Russia. And Saudi Arabia.

This one is easy for me. When I was a kid, my mom made a hamburger casserole. The ingredients were fairly cheap, it was easy to make, delicious, and filling – all perfect for a single mother who worked long hours. Needless to say, we had it pretty regularly. When she passed away, my wife inherited all of her recipes. Mom has been gone 10 years, but when my wife makes it, it tastes just like it used to and takes me back to a time when, even though we didn’t have much money, it was her and me against the world. Eating it now gives me a warm comfortable feeling.

In fact, I’m going to text my wife now and tell her that I’d like some for supper this week.

My grandmother: “You can get glad in the same pants that you got mad in.”

Also, when you’re hurt: “it’ll feel better when it quits hurting.”

While I like the sentiment, in reality I think it would do the same thing as it's doing on Reddit - turn Lemmy into a huge bot farm trying to get money from real users.


I moved over to NewsBlur for my aggregator, and I’ve been really happy with it. It’s a small team, and the dev is very responsive to issues and suggestions. Reading articles online is quick because it uses many of the same keyboard shortcuts that GReader used.

On my iPhone I rotate between Fiery Feeds, Unread, and NewsBlur’s app to read my articles on mobile.

This is off topic, but why isn't there an animated gif of Bugs Bunny saying the "NO"? I mean, we have animated gifs for almost everything else, but I only see this as a static pic. Can no one find the cartoon that this is from and create a gif from it?

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Well, anyone else, but not me. I know next to nothing - no wait, I know actual nothing - about coding.

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“Before you criticize a man, you should walk a mile in his shoes. That way if he’s angry, you’re a mile away… and you’ve got his shoes!”

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No one wants to “accidentally” fall out of a window?

Mildly infuriating? No sir, this is seriously infuriating if I’ve ever seen it! 🤬

One of the sad things is how big he's smiling in the picture. Looks like a jolly guy.

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Maybe it’s that giant migrant caravan that kept heading our way from Mexico every 2 years during election cycles. Fox “News” would show video and claim they were coming to cross the border to steal your jobs, molest your kids, and kick your dogs. After the elections, the caravan mysteriously disappeared.

Seriously, I saw it again last year for the third time, and I wondered, “How many times are Republicans gonna fall for this?!”

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Actually all three of those things have been possible for a couple of years now.

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That's the problem, this wasn't a dog. This was a dog/wolf hybrid, which is more aggressive than a normal dog. That's one reason why this is national news. The article also says that there were more children in the home too, so the owner should be charged with multiple charges of child endangerment as well as manslaughter in the death of the baby.

This isn't just a dog attack story.

Maybe I’m missing it, but I don’t see the option for infinite scroll anywhere. How do I add that?

Great Value Elon!

I've got to say that I've enjoyed having Echo speakers around the house and the things that they can do. I know Amazon may be listening in on me, but they're bored to tears if they are! But I enjoy having the Echo speakers turn lights on & off around the house, set the Nest thermostat without having to get up, play music, answer questions, etc.

You mean rebranded safari? That would be a no, but when I say rebranded Safari, that’s just the rendering engine, not the whole app. Other browsers can add features.

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I hate to be that guy ™, but isn’t Scooby a Great Dane?

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Okay, that makes sense. Maybe it's the Mandela Effect, but I swear I remember a cartoon where Bugs says "No" similar to how he's shown in the still. Maybe not (?).

Musk must have come up with the idea. Wait, there's no $4.20 option, so maybe not.

I’m guessing it’s that, along with a healthy dose of trying to delay things as long as he can, hoping he can win the next election and make all his legal problems go away.

But….. if you’re allowed to install into the downloads folder, then it wouldn’t be unused and empty….. ?

Is this Schrödinger’s file system?

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Is there supposed to be a problem here? Small price to pay to rid yourself.

Cut any corners! That’s funny because it’s on a corner, and it was cut! I get it!

Yeah me too, but it was in the comments of the article and reminded me that he’s already out that $5 million. But that’s going to look like couch cushion money if he loses the Dominion case.

I agree that pillows are very individualized, but I’m going to add my pillow choice out there since everyone else seems to be!

I’m very hot natured, so I found the GhostBed Pillow that stays cool during the night. Add to it that it’s just the right amount of firmness for me, and I love it.

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A reference to GOP mixed with Qanon. GQP.

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Y’know, my wife got one back when they first came out (and before all the election denying) and she loved it. It was firm enough not to go flat, but soft enough to be comfortable. She had it for a while, and even took it with us on vacation, but we accidentally left it behind at a hotel and didn’t notice until we got home. I ordered her another one, and it was junk. She hated it. It wouldn’t hold its shape, was lumpy, and was horribly uncomfortable. We sent it back and ordered another with the same results. We wound up throwing it away, and she sleeps on a Purple Pillow now.

I read something later that said that after his pillows got popular, he started cutting costs by using substandard memory foam pieces, and the quality tanked. In my experience, that seems exactly right. So I will say that his pillows were really good when he started out, but they’re junk now.

I can't take credit for this, as I found it in a comment in a similar post and want to give that guy his props. It's a microwave sandwich grill press. It's inexpensive, and I use it all the time, especially when I want something, but I don't want anything big or heavy. I microwave grill a sandwich, and it's fantastic!

I was skeptical about how it would work, but it does. This is the Amazon link to it.

You’re there!

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Wow, I had no idea this is what it's from! It took a few minutes for me to get the exact frame, but when I did, it was obvious. Thanks!

I prefer the top, but I’m afraid the globe won’t be recognizable at icon size. It will just look like a green dot.

I guess the one I miss the most is having a bar on the left of the posts that I can click, which will close the comments.

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Down by the river?

I’ve got tons of feeds for sites that interest me. I organize them into folders by subject. I have a folder for online comics, iPhone sites, news sites, sports sites, technology sites, and pen-related sites just to name a few.