Reddit Enhancement Suite for Lemmy to – 63 points –

I always used with RES on my desktop. I've started using now, and I love the familiarity, but I realize how much I miss RES. I wish there was something for the that offered the same enhancements.


The reason reddit enhancement suite existed was because the developers couldn't fix reddit. Lemmy is open source, the frontends are open source. You and anyone else who wants to can fix it.

There is no need for an extension.

Well, anyone else, but not me. I know next to nothing - no wait, I know actual nothing - about coding.

what features do you miss?

Tagging users (for example "lemmy developer"), keeping scores of upvotes and downvotes, and marking comments as read and hiding them.

See the feature requests for lemmy i made for details.

I guess the one I miss the most is having a bar on the left of the posts that I can click, which will close the comments.

I really missed this too, until I discovered that with Sync, you can long press comments to close the chain. I don't really use social media at all on my computer anymore. Which I guess has been better for my mental health

Yeah, I use Voyager on my phone, and it's got the jump button to jump to the next parent comment. It was just muscle memory that I was trying to click on the left of the comment chain to close it like on old Reddit with RES.

That very well could exist with one of the userstyles or front ends.

kbin enhancement suite has it. But it's for kbin obvs. It's a user script I run with ViolentMonkey firefox extension. There are a ton of lemmy projects along similar lines. Have a look.

I keep trying to up/downvote with a and z. Which when I first saw it I thought "that's such a stupid mapping I will never remember it". How many months later I am literally still doing it.

It still has advantages, you don't have to depend on some server and trust it will keep your data, you can build features on top of a certain front end and don't have to re-implement functionality and maybe even support multiple front ends.

There shouldn't be, but that doesn't mean it cannot be enhanced. Hopefully a popular feature from an extension can become integrated into official web clients.

I just want locally stored user tagging like RES had which isn't something you'd want the site to manage.

As a former user of and RES, I've found the Alexandrite front end ( to be very comfortable. Its not feature-for-feature equivalent to RES, but a lot of the ergonomics are there.

Now, if we could just figure out multilemmies....

Alexandrite is great. The only thing really keeping Alexandrite from a 10/10 for me is the inability to set the default comment sort to top, new, etc. It’s a minor gripe but having to change it myself every time is frustrating all the same.

Depending on your instance I think you can set that at the account level. I was able to set my default home page and sort on

I'm talking about default comment sort. You can only change the default sort for your post feed at the account level. Not comments. Apps like voyager and photon allow it, which is why I hope alexandrite will eventually too, but it's not a native setting in lemmy, regardless of what instance you use.

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It's not all wrapped up in a complete package and definitely won't find equivalents for every feature, but there's some userscripts on !

(Full disclosure, I wrote a simple one to customise the community bar at the top and posted it there)

Thanks for pointing me to that community. I subscribed.