1 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


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That was a hell of a journey. Didn't think I would need a hiking stick to read a comment but here we are, my knees are tired.

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Help button should be greyed out. It is what it is, because there's nothing to be done. If help was available then it isn't what it will be yet.

And in the same breath they'll claim that sex and gender are the same "You are what is in your pants and only that!"

ASA SAS - South Asian Sea It's inclusive of all territories and still pisses off China.

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I've definitely caught myself in the doom attitude. But I've been waiting for 30 years to for enough reinforcements to fight a winning fight against the boomers and their many terrible ideas. Here they are. Every millennial still able to fight, its back the the trenches. Our allies have the energy to push our fight through the doom, millennials and gen z together.

(And a huge thank you to the few boomers fighting along side us.)

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Most hotels use reprogrammable RFID cards, not magnetic cards. Hanlon's razor dictates negligence or incompetence be assumed first. I think it's more likely that a hotel employee incorrectly programmed the cards, or just didn't at all before handing them over.

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I'm sorry, but isn't this the exact definition of what they themselves call "grooming"?

Out of curiosity, what's the reason?

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For anyone thinking about listening to this podcast, it still platforms a lot of her crazy ideas. The following excerpt is from near the end of this article.

March 2023: A new podcast, The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling, produced by Bari Weiss’s The Free Press and hosted by prominent former Westboro Baptist Church member Megan Phelps-Roper, featured interviews with Rowling. In its fifth episode, Rowling begins discussing the modern trans rights movement, calling it “a cultural movement that was illiberal in its methods and questionable in its ideas” and insisting, “I believe, absolutely, that there is something dangerous about this movement and that it must be challenged.” She then compares the movement to Death Eaters — the villainous supremacists in her books, analogous to Nazis...

Kerbing issue here. I keep reading Walm Art.

Something like arranging a protest with thousands of participants and marching through a major city like downtown San Francisco? Feels like that's a good start.

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This game has Battle pass seasons that rotate new content. They're all free and included with the game of course. It's a good way to keep people coming back to keep your game alive.

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I don't feel like he needs to be convicted though. It's already been determined in court that he participated in the insurrection. The law doesn't say he needs to be convicted either, only participate; It's an automatic disqualifier. The criminal conviction would be a separate thing.

There's a lot of Musk hate all over the Internet and irl, not just this site. For good reasons too, but I don't think the issue is that he didn't testify, it's because he wants regulators to be punished for enforcing regulations. That kind of attitude screams "I am above the law, punish these people so no one tries to hold me accountable again." to me.

Hi friend! This looks like better context to me, so I'll add it here:

Anyone who knowingly pays someone else to request, collect, or deliver absentee ballots could face a Class B felony charge—the same felony class as first-degree manslaughter in Alabama—which carries a prison sentence of up to 20 years. Anyone who is paid to request, collect, complete, prefill, obtain or deliver a voter’s absentee ballot faces a class C felony—the same felony class as looting, third-degree robbery and stalking—punishable by up to ten years in prison

It sounds like this bill prevents people from showing voters how to fill out a ballot as well as picking up sealed ballots to deliver. The sentences look to be more severe than most of Alabama's election laws too. I'm looking forward to seeing how this is handled in court.

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Only getting rid of half of them? /s

An unremorseful felon* (Not to split hairs)

I'm happy to say that I emphatically want better wages for service industry workers. IDC how much food goes up, or how many mega franchises have to close for it. Either better wages, or cause these these super franchises to close so mom and pops and open instead.

I also don't think it's unrealistic to expect businesses to give up a small portion of their infinite growth targets to actually cover their employees needs. Maybe a large departure from the past 50 years, but it's absolutely something most of them can afford.

If a business genuinely can't afford it, then I'd also be okay with my tax money going towards a business analysis for that owner to find a way to make it work. If they still can't, then how long were they really going to be open anyway and what were they really adding to their community?

people shouldn't be out to try to change everybody's opinions on everything all the time?

Why are you trying to change my opinion on changing other people's opinion?

I don't owe it to everyone reading my comments to explain my complete thoughts

Oh, i guess you won't answer that. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Hi Cake! I think I know exactly what you're going through and I'd like to see if I can help you with some ideas. What habits and rituals do you already do? Starting a daily face wash and skin moisturizer helped me a lot. Do you work out at all?

Hey, unless you're just having fun, don't waste your time. This account is a professional troll. Check their comments.

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Don't smoke weed kids

Just for clarification, try what?

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I don't think the protest is for the Israeli government. I feel like it's more trying to target the American government, to try to convince them to stop handing over so many weapons.

They probably have businesses across state lines they've invested in, and want to keep traffic funnelling out of state.

Thank you for elaborating. That sounds better reasoned than the first comment. I suspect the original comment you had replied to was lamenting that there were only 2 per state and not proportionate to population. I learned a new word today: Bicameral. I appreciate your reply!

And I just want to get off the train...

If the typical cop can't be expected to uphold their duty to protect and serve then they don't need to be a cop. I do not care if American courts have suddenly decided that the oath and slogan used my police for decades is not binding.

They don't need bigger or better weapons, they need brains. They had access to cameras in the building. They knew and could have tracked the gunman using those. Set up around two corners near them, team 1 supresses to distract then team two takes out the gunman. Deploying the national guard would take too long, and not all cities have a swat team.

If "typical" cops aren't expected to risk their safety, then I expect them to take a "typical" paycut. Actually maybe that's what should happen. Separate real police and law enforcement. Real police get firearms and responsibilities, law enforcement can worry about tickets and fines.

I would like to point out that receiving oral sex in a parking lot is most likely illegal in w/e his circumstance was. If he was on the clock, or in uniform it could also be considered a "gratuity" in some sense. But that would be something for the courts to decide. You're absolutely correct on everything else.

I really missed this too, until I discovered that with Sync, you can long press comments to close the chain. I don't really use social media at all on my computer anymore. Which I guess has been better for my mental health