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Other clips from the rally went viral as well, including Trump saying, “I’m for us. You know how you spell us, right? U.S. I just picked that up. Has anyone ever thought of that before?”

I hate this timeline so much.

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The judge in question is 51 years old. He’s not old enough to be this clueless about basics like the difference between a search engine and a web browser and popular examples of each.

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The letter added that open-door proceedings “would prevent selective leaks, manipulated transcripts, doctored exhibits, or one-sided press statements.”

And that’s exactly why they aren’t going to allow him to testify publicly.

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I just want to make it clear that we don’t like Nazis either

Actions speak louder than words. Fuck Substack and fuck any platform that offers a safe haven for nazis.

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That seems like a wholly inadequate sentence when you contrast it with the case of the woman in Texas who got 5 years for casting a provisional ballot in 2016 when she didn't know she wasn't eligible to vote. Wikipedia article outlining the details of her case and appeals..

Five years for not knowing you couldn't vote and casting a provisional ballot vs seven months for launching a nationwide internet campaign to disenfranchise people through deception? What a sad state of affairs.

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Remember when Steven Crowder had a complete meltdown because his wife didn't need his permission to file for divorce from his abusive-ass? This is the average conservative mindset. They hate that women have autonomy. It's why they're doing everything they can to elect people that will reverse women's rights. I don't blame women at all for refusing to date or marry these misogynistic losers.

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Rules for thee not for me.

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Well, it might have something to do with the fact that Mike Johnson is a christian nationalist that wants to turn the United States into a christofascist state.

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Andy Yen says draft safety standards ‘would force online services … to access, collect and read users’ private conversations’

What the hell Australia. This isn't gonna magically help you prevent the next Emu war.

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North Koreans are using fake IDs and learning IT skills to sneak their way into remote American jobs, according to the FBI and Justice departments.

CEOs on Monday be like: "Okay we need everyone to return to the office full time... It's for national security."

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The fact that Matt Gaetz wasn’t forced to resign in disgrace for being a sex trafficker says all you need to know about the GOP.

The fact that he isn’t in jail for those same crimes says all you need to know about the justice system in this country as well.

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"A lot of the top earners want to be part of the solution," Clooney told Hollywood publication Deadline

Look, this is a super swell offer but George Clooney shouldn't be bailing major studios out of their obligations. They can afford to settle the strike all on their own they just choose not to. Frankly, I think George should stop trying to score points for his generosity and grab a picket sign and make himself useful. He isn't the problem but he's not the fucking solution either.

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Acting like nobody ever had their uncle get them in the trade union.

Yes, nepotism exists in other industries too. Congratulations, you're half way to getting the point of the discussion.

Why Was This 11-Year-Old Brownsville ISD Honor Student Put in Solitary For Three Days?

Because it's Texas. The answer is always because it's Texas.. Well, okay. Sometimes it's Florida too.

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People think you have to go through a ritual. You don’t, at least in my opinion, you don’t.

This is my favorite part because on the surface it seems as if he’s stupid enough to think that tossing in a casual “you know, this is just like, my opinion bro” is going to shield him.

But I think what’s really going on here is Trump’s trying to prime the idea in his base that if he’s guilty of anything it’s just not understanding the law… Ignorance of the law is not a legal defense but it definitely wouldn’t stop him from getting his base to embrace it as the defacto talking point since he doesn’t have anything else.

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Internet providers say the FCC should not investigate broadband prices

And that's exactly why broadband prices should be investigated.

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The CDC just recommended a new round of boosters for everyone the other day. And as expected, conservative media is melting down about it again. But even beyond that, they’ve been getting back into “COVID temper tantrum” mode for about a week or so now that we're moving into the fall.

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Clarence Thomas is a disgrace. My opinion of this man could not get any lower than it already is. It disgusts me that he's openly corrupt and not a god damn thing is being done to impeach and remove him from the Supreme Court.

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Third party client support. Specifically alternate web UI's focused on desktop like Alexandrite because if I'm being honest here, I think the comment nesting in Lemmy's offical web UI lacks enough distinction to be useful on desktop (its clearly optimized for mobile browsers). Following conversations can be frustrating on desktop. Without Alexandrite I'd most likely be a mobile app (Voyager) user only.

Edit: No, third party web front ends for reddit do not work anymore. Remember those pesky API changes that went into effect in July and were the entire reason the majority of us are on lemmy now? Yeah, that didn't just kill off third party mobile apps.

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It's good that he's going away for 22 years. However, the sentencing guidelines called for between 324 to 405 months (27-33 years) so by the Judge's own calculations this is a miscarriage of justice and yet another right wing domestic terrorist is being handled with kid gloves. Fucking disgraceful.

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Yep, this news actually broke a couple days ago, I remember seeing a Brave fanboy having a meltdown over it and ranting about how Mozilla is the real shady company, blah, blah, blah.

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Charlie Kirk is a traitor and a domestic terrorist. He should be in jail right along side Enrique Tarrio of the Proud Boys for organizing the 1/6 insurrection by sending bus loads of domestic terrorists to D.C. to storm the Capitol.

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Top 5 Creatures of Folklore according to Redditors:

  • Chupacabra
  • The Jersey Devil
  • Bigfoot
  • Mothman
  • Women on the internet
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Heaven forbid Republicans stand by while the FCC is allowed to go and do something basic to protect consumer rights.

Rafael can go fuck himself.

His desperation to impress a bunch of dweebs on the internet is as bizarre as it is pathetic.

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Trump is a draft dodger that thinks fallen soldiers are "losers" and "suckers."

He does not give a single shit about the military. If he actually wanted some of that food he'd have stolen a tray right out of a soldier's hand and bragged about it next weekend at Mar-a-Lago.

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Yep and the only people unaware of that mandatory vaccination requirement seem to be Fox News’ viewers. So I find this very amusing.

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Many people are saying Viktor Autobahn, who invented highways, is a Turkish Delight. Bigly people. You wouldn’t believe it. They come to me and they say “Mr. President Sir, have you seen what he’s doing with the cars and the trucks? He’s got them driving on roads and it’s wonderful.” And I say of course! The cars need roads tremendous roads and that’s why when I win in 2024 I’m going to build so many highways and roads and streets. The democrats said “let’s not have streets, we need to drive horses” can you believe that, folks? They were going to take away the roads and the driveways and we weren’t gonna have any more hotdog carts because there’d be no streets! You want a hot dog you can forget about it. The democrats weren’t going to let you have any hotdogs.

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Plenty of struggling actors have a good work ethic but don’t have powerful/successful mommies and daddies giving them a foot in the door, Meg.

It's not dismissive to call him a nepo baby. It's just a reflection of reality. It doesn't make him a bad actor, it's just acknowledging he's privileged by being the son of two very famous actors. Besides, [puts on Jeff Foxworthy mustache] If the biggest hardship you face in your life is being called a "nepo baby" then you just might be a nepo baby

Yep, if "more people voting" makes you furious then you just might be reaching the level of mustache-twirling cartoon villainy.

Don't want to keep losing elections, conservatives? Adopt better policies. Nominate qualified candidates. And for fuck sake kick out the god damn nazis.

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48-year-old Jason Brown was arrested Tuesday for violating state law when he hung banners with Nazi messaging off an I-4 overpass.

Brown's own demonstration contained messaging endorsing DeSantis' 2024 presidential bid.

This neo-nazi trash is a perfect example of the typical DeSantis supporter.

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Tomorrow's headline in Variety:

Ben Shapiro rumored to be in high-pitched talks to play all seven dwarfs in anti-woke version of Snow White 90 minute conservative temper tantrum.

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Former US President Donald Trump congratulated Mr Milei on his victory, saying he would “Make Argentina Great Again!”.

I'd love to see where Trump thinks Argentina is on a map.

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Elon Musk said Monday that X, formerly known as Twitter, has “no choice” but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League amid an ongoing slump in advertising revenue.

“Based on what we’ve heard from advertisers, ADL seems to be responsible for most of our revenue loss,” Musk wrote on Monday. “Giving them maximum benefit of the doubt, I don’t see any scenario where they’re responsible for less than 10% of the value destruction, so ~$4 billion.”

How to avoid being antisemitic, step one: Don't blame your incompetence and piss poor judgement on "the Jews."

Elon Musk: D'oh!

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Hey all!

It looks like most of you had difficulty reaching the site for about 5 minutes, but those issues should have subsided.

During that time, you may have been shown an incorrect error message that read:

Whoa there, pardner! reddit's awesome and all, but you may have a bit of a problem.

Make sure your User-Agent is not empty, is something unique and descriptive and try again. if you're supplying an alternate User-Agent string, try changing back to default as that can sometimes result in a block.

To share some additional context on what happened - we pushed a bad code change in our tooling that resulted in a significant amount of users getting blocked without doing anything wrong. So if you happened to see that error message within the last hour, don't fret! We've reverted the code change that caused this error and things should be back to normal very soon if they aren't already.

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"The Democrats have gone too far! If we introduced term limits for the Supreme Court then Clarence Thomas might have to pay for his own vacations one day!" - Fox News

it costs almost as much as Netflix ($204/year)

LMAO what?! My god, it could not be more obvious that every single anti-porn crusader out there has serious issues with self-control and project it onto the rest of society. And let's not even get into the fact that they have a ridiculously unhealthy understanding of human sexuality.

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As homelessness continues to grow, so does the number of those living in their vehicles.

🇺🇸 🦅 The American Dream 🦅 🇺🇸