'What’s happening is not organic': Why the right thinks Taylor Swift is a government PsyOp designed to swing the 2024 election

ZeroCool@feddit.ch to politics @lemmy.world – 478 points –
'What’s happening is not organic': Why the right thinks Taylor Swift is a government PsyOp designed to swing the 2024 election

Jordan Sather, a prominent promoter of the QAnon conspiracy theory, suggested that Swift’s life had been orchestrated as part of a sinister plot to encourage her fans to vote.

There a few other people quoted in there but it's all the same sinister plan they are proposing: The psyop is encouraging people to vote.

Republicans see large voter turnout as a bad thing because they are less popular than they want you to think they are. This is not new, it's just a new target.

Swift’s life had been orchestrated as part of a sinister plot to encourage her fans to vote.

Reminds me of the time Republicans in some local election had sent out a mailer smearing the Dem candidate. There was a big box on one part of the card, in a large font against a dark background proclaiming that the Dem candidate wanted to "Educate and Transform you!"

Well, I thought, do your donors know you are campaigning for the Democrat?

Better headline:

The Right will believe literally anything except reality because they don't want to accept they're unpopular.

Reminds me of the time GOP Senator Mark-Wayne Mullin shouted "I don't want reality!" In a senate hearing

Haha haha my god that's a horrible thing for a senator to say.

The right is free to have kid Rock or whatever loser they have on their side, do the same things Taylor is doing, if they're so concerned. Except all she's doing is encouraging people to vote, which as we all know is bad for Republicans

You're forgetting that if a woman does it its a psyop

More specifically if a woman they don't like does it. They like her in theory because she's white and attractive and straight and Christian and got her start as a country singer, but then she had to go and have opinions about things, so now she's a commie who's destroying America, or something.

Qanon? Not a psyop. Fake electors? Not a psyop. Fake evidence of election fraud? Not a psyop. Inciting insurrection at the capital? Not a psyop.

Popular woman wants right to healthcare? PSYOP!!!!

Oh thank god. Republicans are gonna piss off the Swifties.

this may be the thing that topples the gop

I really dislike all the attention Taylor Swift gets, but if this is what does it I will become a lifelong Swiftie.

I just don't get it. I must be missing something really important about what makes her stand out as different from any other guitar-playing radio pop woman singer-songwriter since the early 2000's. Why didn't Michelle Branch get as popular? I don't dislike her, just not my taste I guess.

Better media relations? No idea. She’s not that much better than other artists but her popularity and media saturation is freaking annoying.

Lazy projection. The Trump campaign was already literally part of Russian PsyOps a decade ago.


C'mon now, we all know the primary thrust of their attacks/defenses is always "I know you are, but what am I?". By far the most common. It's used like half the time.

Isn't it more "I know I am, but what are you?

No. If you call one corrupt or a liar for instance, they will not say anything like "I know I am."

Trump says things like that all the time and gets away with it. At this point he might as well go ahead and murder that kid in the middle of Park Avenue, his followers will say it shows he's strong, and what about Hunter Biden!?

True. I would say he's atypical though, most of them don't act like that. He's a trailblazer, is what that man is.

Yeah, usually they say the Road to Hell is paved with good intentions. But he stepped off that path long ago and is forging a new Trail To Hell over a mountain of fraud, grift, sexual assault, and fascist thugbootery.

Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Do betray your promises, do attack your neighbors.

The whole article could have just been this:

it remains unclear how encouraging people to vote can be construed as election interference.

But one of the weirdest things is how conservatives are totally obsessed with how many people she's dated. One of the tweets in the article says she "runs through men like water." Ok? Even if it were somehow unacceptable to date multiple people throughout the whole of your twenties, god forbid, exactly what in the fuck does it have to do with "election interference."

I love how every male conservative leader can be married 5 times while paying for abortions for their girlfriends, but regular dating is where they draw the line.

Young empathetic voters ruin their chances.

But unlike the previous administration they are leaving that unsaid

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It's because the GOP knows that more voters means they lose. Centrists don't exist. There's no middle ground between Ds and Rs anymore.

No one is 50/50 on Trump.


There are tons of people who don't know anything about political ideology that are 50/50 on Trump.

Prove it. The numbers from the 2016 and 2020 election say entirely different.

Centrists do exist and will always exist. Regardless how bad or good things are.

The problems is both sides have at least 1 great and 1 terrible policy or stance.

We need more sizeable parties options, or at least vote for them.

That way people can vote for parties that best fits them.

Note: voting for the lesser of two evils, won't solve the problem. Just make things worse overall. We can all see that

The problems is both sides have at least 1 great and 1 terrible policy or stance.

Well, first off there's 3 "sides.

  1. Conservatives (almost all Republicans)
  2. Moderates (mostly Dems)
  3. Progressive (all dem, but not all Dems)

I'd love to hear what you think is great about 1 or terrible from 3.

Those moderates tho...

Their entire deal is just staying the same distance from 1 and 3, regardless of how illogical that is.

As long as the US continues to use first past the post for voting on these things, voting for the lesser of two evils is the only actual option we have. Voting independent in these races is effectively throwing your vote away at best.

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Weren't right wing men weirdly obsessed with Taylor Swift a while ago? Specifically in a creepy misogynistic "it's a shame she's not having kids, what a wasted opportunity" kinda way? I remember reading about that somewhere.

If so, good for Taylor for now becoming an enemy to the creeps as opposed to an object of desire.

Years back before she had made any definitive statements about politics I think a lot of Republicans just assumed that as a rich, white, country-ish musician she was a right winger who could one day be their ideal Aryan Christofascist princess.

I don't know if it was that group in general, but Stefan Molyneux in particular certainly was.

For the longest time they kept saying she was a 4chan user because at one point someone posted pictures of a skinny blond and said it was a selfie. Which quickly lead to users saying it was obviously Taylor.

So that lead to them insisting Taylor is a far righter, super racist, and a trump supporter. But all in secret so she could grift liberals or something.

Shit was super weird

I distinctly remember Taydolf Swiftler being a thing in some circles

I'm not sure what Molymeme is, but he's not typical of the right in a lot of ways, unless his dive to insanity included finding God.

The only Swift conspiracy I believe is that she and the NFL fabricated her relationship with Travis Kelce to cross-pollinate the fan bases.

The NFL fabricating stories for views / clicks / likes?!?!


Cuts to Taylor at a football game

Cuts to demar Hamlin - tho he did die

Cuts to Josh Dobbs and his degree

Cuts to Jackson mahomes


I firmly believe that the NFL absolutely drives a narrative, creates drama, has the referees keep games close for views and latches on to anything that makes news and drives viewers.

The games exist to only serve us ads... :/

Ohhhh that's why football got huge, like, turned into a full on human meat grinder industry huge. Because advertisers wanted more eyeballs, so they started pumping money in.

Wild how capitalism effects everything like that x.x

Not sure I would have ever put that together without your "the game exists to only serve us ads" quip. Like, there's naturally big, but when advertising gets involved, it becomes gigantic, whatever it is.

Yeah I hate to put it that way... But last year with the demar Hamlin deal and then the whole Taylor swift deal this year and how overboard everything has gone with it... It just really drove home that they just want to drive a narrative that gets eyes on the screen.

Alabama being in the college football playoffs over Florida State is the same thing for the NCAA. Saban is marketable and a household name outside of the sec. Which is why he's on Aflac commercials... So of course bama gets into the playoffs. Marketing and views.

Perhaps I'm just jaded, perhaps I'm wrong. But it really doesn't feel like I am. :(

It's also a game that works for advertising better than many others. Games like basketball want to keep things moving all the time. Now, the NBA does tend to stop everything a lot, but it's unnatural to the game and fans hate it. Nobody plays a pickup game of basketball in a park like that.

American Football inherently stops and starts, so there's more places to stick commercial breaks.

That and - I am going from memory here, so apologies if it’s not 100% correct, but you will get the idea:

Isn’t that somewhat related to why the military does flyovers and things for some games? It’s a way of recruiting via advertisement.

Please correct me if I’m getting it wrong.

Correction: the games used to exist to serve ads. They now exist to create gambling addicts.

¿Por que no los dos?

Capitalism seeks to squeeze every dollar out of every person by every means all the time.

I can't remberbif it was NFL or NBA, but one of them are fully allowed to influence games by refs or something.

Like, straight up went the WWE "we're an entertainment industry" route. And I don't mean people just think it's possible, but I'm pretty sure whichever one it was has it explicitly stated in their own regulations that if it ever came out that they told refs who should win, and stopped hiring refs who don't listen...

That it would be both super cool and super legal.

The NFL fabricated her relationship with Travis Kelce to cross-pollinate the fan bases.

I totally believe this too. I bet this was supposed to culminate in a Superbowl halftime show. She declined to headline it tho so maybe not. Maybe she'll be a surprise appearance if the chiefs or eagles are there.

But no matter the plan the relationship smells super fake.

Edit: yo, downvoters, but seriously, why? I keep rereading what i wrote and i don't get what's angering peeps?

Sorry not a swift person but isnt she just saying to her fans, you should register to vote and vote because its importent? Wish psyops was that simple.

Also they're speaking as if their celebrities don't tell people to go out and vote republican.

Also what happened to the "free speech" crowd lol

It's only freedom of speech when you're saying super heinous shit! All other speech isn't really free because that means you're not speaking your mind since, you know, everybody thinks these super heinous things deep down and not just racist, misogynistic, violent psychopaths that are really the minority of people. They're just the truly free people because they speak their mind truthfully!!

(really hope I don't need this but /s)

Swift is a force of good, as much as any insanely rich person can be. She alone may end up responsible for tens of thousands of young women registering to vote between now and election day. One of her Instagram posts drove 35,000 voter registrations. Republicans have every reason to fear the Swiftie factor.

Yeah. She's measured with it too. One of the reasons her sway is so strong imo, is she just saved it up for a long time. So when she finally asks a fan "hey could you do this one little thing for me?" it almost feels like "uh, yeah, I've known you my whole life Taylor, of course."

Which the fan doesn't "know her" per se, but between a musician and a huge fan, it definitely feels like you do. It's a personal relationship, a little different from most other fandoms. Music is just odd that way.

I would say that Princess Diana would be a comparison.

Personally, I like Swift because she has legs for days. I'll vote for that reason alone.

Are they upset how so many people could yield so much influence to one person ?

And they want a dictator.

I'm so sick of Absolutists. They create monarchies, wealth gaps, and Spanish Inquisitions.

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So, Russian interference was a "hoax" (according to most of the radicalized right wing, the Enlightened Centrists and of course, a lot of the unhelpful left who seem to enjoy being useful idiots), but Taylor Swift is part of the Deep State or something?


Lmao, even if it's true the actual complaint here is they're mad the Democrats did it too, only conservatives are allowed to run info ops during elections!

Why the right thinks Taylor Swift is a government PsyOp designed to swing the 2024 election

Because they're stupid, conspiracy-theory believing fucks.

The article cites two people. So far as I can tell there’s one tweet on this topic. One.

Either we're reading different articles, or you're really bad at counting. The article the OP linked contains tweets and idiotic drivel from Jordan Sather, Laura Loomer, Jack Posobiec, Stephen Miller, and Tim Pool. So that's five people, and five tweets. Five.

Counting mishaps aside, right-wingers are stupid, conspiracy-theory believing fucks, regardless of what this article says.

Just when I think conservatives can't get any dumber they always find a way. It's remarkable, really.

It's because a lot of people want a confident leader.

They don't care if the confidence is because they know what they're doing. They just want the confidence.

So Republican politicians never admit they're wrong and make up ridiculous things because any answer works as long as their confident.

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A couple months ago, my conservative neighbor mentioned he thought Taylor Swift was dating Travis Kelce as some plot to force people to get vaccinated. At the time, I thought this was just a dumb ass theory that he came up with himself after seeing Travis Kelce on a COVID vaccine commercial, so I just laughed it off. Now I see this is an actual message being pushed by the right wing. Jesus these people are fucking nut jobs.

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The Democrat party can't even advertise when Biden does a good thing properly. You think they're smart and organised enough to run a sophisticated psyop like that?

The answer is simple, because reality and the truth almost never align with the goals of the right. So they invent these fantastical conspiracies to explain why the world is the way it is.

Conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer even claimed that Swift’s entire Eras Tour was nothing more than “a Democrat Party Voter Registration drive

Yes, because the voter registration drive would only 100% register democrats or people who they know will vote democratic. No republicans/GOP voters could possibly get registered.

Well now it’s obvious - the only option is for the GOP to buy all of the tickets to Taylor Swift concerts, thus preventing democrats from being able to register to vote.

This theory implies that Taylor Swift's entire fan base is Democrats. She's about to get "canceled" by the right. Which... that shit worked with the Dixie Chicks, but I'm not sure it will work as well with TS because she isn't predominantly a country singer any more. They'll wind up politicizing her and creating the left-wing superstar they fear.

Remember when the Dixie Chicks got cancelled for being against...George W. Bush? The right hates the Dixie Chicks for criticizing George W. Bush, and now the right hates George W. Bush because of all the catastrophic wars he started and other unpopular stuff he did that the Dixie Chicks criticized him for. Somewhere in there, through the transitive property, the right just hates itself

But, you see, the outgoing democratic presidency hadn't been in control of those wars yet. So there was no reason to hate the wars at the time.

Even if we pretend her entire voting base were Democrats, and even if we pretend she's going to have a 100% success rate convincing unregistered voters to register, and even if we pretend 100% of all her fans then vote Democrat, she's a private citizen playing the same legal game as every other private citizen is entitled to play. She's not breaking any laws and she's not breaking any rules.

Republicans are entitled to do everything she's doing.

The only thing they can possibly complain about is that the best thing they can come up with to compete is Kid Rock. sadtrombone.jpg

Fucking with Swifties is touching the 3rd rail, politically speaking.

I’m not even a Taylor Swift “fan” - I don’t have any opinion of her music whatsoever. I will date myself and admit that I just don’t really seek out new music anymore…that being said, I am 100% on board with this plan, lol

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Anything that hinders the GOP is a government PsyOp. Anything that helps the GOP is God's will.

Delusional fuckers.

While I don't listen to her stuff intentionally, I do enjoy her tunes for the most part that I've heard. I also recognize her talent and influence.

I think it's really wonderful for her to encourage her fans to register to vote...

The more people who vote the harder it is to maintain minority rule.

Republicans are attacking Swift/Swifties? I need to buy more popcorn!

Republicans are attacking Swift/Swifties? I need to buy more popcorn!

A woman, who has only been able to vote for about a century, actively encouraging others to vote??! Blasphemy!

I wonder if they'll burn as many of the expensive NFL jerseys they paid for as they did when a black man had the gall to send a silent message about police brutality and inequality.

It's like they're swift-boating her.

The term swiftboating (also swift-boating or swift boating) is a pejorative American neologism used to describe an unfair or untrue political attack. The term is derived from the name of the organization "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" (SBVT, later the Swift Vets and POWs for Truth) because of their widely publicized—and later discredited—political smear campaign[1][2][3][4][5] against 2004 U.S. presidential candidate John Kerry.[6][1][7][8] Since the 2004 election, the term has come to commonly refer to a political attack that is dishonest, personal, and unfair.[9][10]

Fools! How can they not see that Taylor Swift's tour is a secret op to install 5G towers all over the world that will make our penises fall off? Wake up, sheeple!

The right thinks what?

Incorrect. The right does not "think." There was no thought or any brain activity from the right involved here.

"I'm not gonna write you a love song eh? Clearly an attack on the nuclear family."

So, the same people who religiously listen to Ted Nugent are amazed that a different singer could influence people?

They're mad because Swift has amazing reach with young people and can actually single handedly make a difference, while Nugent is a has been who only a small subset of Boomers even care about. It's just not fair!

Most played artist on Spotify and Time's person of the year 2023 vs... who? Someone whose name I recognise in the context of being a right-wing nut. Whether they're a politician, musician, actor, podcast host,... I wouldn't be able to say.

This. I ask people to vote all the time because is very important in shaping our democracy. And I am sure singers and artist are actual people who may think the way I do about voting.

The only people inside or outside the government who don't want people to vote is Republicans. That is because Republicans rely on young people's "laziness" and apathetic attitude on voting to win elections. They don't want the masses educated and voting because what the Republicans legislate into law doesn't help average people. It helps the rich.

I mean most of these huge pop artists are pure astroterf from the record labels. But what does this have to do with Trump?

I agree. I also think successful products are a conspiracy that companies engage in to make money. Later on I am going to engage in a conspiracy to drink beer.

When you're stupid everything is confusing and anything can be a conspiracy.

If your political party can be easily brought down by a pop singer, your political party’s problem isn’t pop singers.

They believe it’s a PsyOp because it’s what they would do if they could. It’s all projection.

Idk it seems pretty reliant on carbon chemistry. There’s people involved and everything.

I've said for years she was designed in a lab and programmed for public consumption.

I'm gonna be proven right y'know. Just waiting for Trav to get back to me and confirm.

ask him if she can complete a captcha

You know, even the most batfuck stupid conspiracy theories usually have at least some grain of truth to them, even in a "six degrees of separation" kind of way. At least you could trace the line of thinking back to its roots. But this?

This barely even qualifies as a conspiracy. This is what a Walmart version of ChatGPT would come up with if you told it to come up with a conspiracy theory based on a random word salad that just happens to contain both the words "swift" and "trump". There is no logic here. It doesn't even make sense. It's like trying to treat "Person woman man camera TV" as if it were a real sentence with meaning. It's like saying "Penguins paint rocks because giraffes see in purple." It's a stream of consciousness from someone who hasn't taken his meds today.

This is just Trump and his team's usual tactic of distorting the meaning of words in order to lessen their impact when they're used against him. Ever notice how everything is an insurrection now? Everything is election interference. Every President gets impeached. That way, when those words are used to describe him, at least a percentage of people won't look at it a major scandal surrounding a man engaged in criminal activity. They'll look at it as just another wild conspiracy theory, just like all the others, and to be mentally dismissed just as quickly. And that's the whole point. In his mind, his behavior doesn't look so bad if "everyone is doing it."

So being named Time's Person of the Year is a PsyOp, just like Trump's in 2016?

No, no, no, See Trump making the 2016 Person of the Year was Trump playing 10d chess because he's a super genius.

So Taylor Swift's entire life has been engineered to deny Trump a second term as President? She was born in the late 80s, back then it would have been preposterous to think Trump would have gone into Politics successfully at all, much less have been elected President once....

Accusations being projections and whatnot...

Just casually glance at literally any conservative media age who funds it.

Yes, by all means #GOP, please pick a fight with the most popular & well-liked billionaire on the planet.

they blame everything they cannot understand on a conspiracy, because they are cowards

Eh, I feel like this is just another meaningless article meant to shift blame away from the electoral college probably.

The problem they have is voting for people that won’t give them the mental care they so desperately need. Ironic, actually.

as if anything that happens on this world at this point is natural. 'side from fuckin, ain't nothin.

It's like these idiots are in Salem in the 1690s.

There is seriously no end to the insane bullshit people like this think of. I couldn’t have thought of this if I tried spending hours thinking of the most ridiculously dumb theory possible.

While I don’t think it is some sort of stupid political conspiracy, I do think that she is being advertised/shilled a crazy amount.

It feels like it blew up in less than a year. She’s fucking everywhere now.

Edit: to the fans (or Swifties or whatever you want to be called), I’m in no way talking shit about her. I’m simply pointing out that she’s in the news a lot. Stop PM’ing me bullshit. I also don’t care about your downvotes.

She's been a top-selling artist with a huge fan base for years now.

Oh I’m not saying she isn’t. I know she’s been around a while. But you don’t see any other artist with the amount of publicity she’s getting is my point.

She re-did and re-released a couple albums this year, had a massive worldwide tour, which she had filmed. The movie made $100,000,000 on opening weekend and is the highest-grossing concert film ever. She's doing an awful lot of stuff this year, so of course she's getting a lot of coverage.

She also managed to completely sidestep the entire multiple Hollywood strikes issue by the simple expedient of meeting with the unions, asking them what they wanted, and saying, "Okay, you got it."

Yep. I'm not a fan of the billionaire class in general since I don't think anyone should be allowed to be that rich, but she actually seems to do right by her workers, which is a hell of a lot more than you can say for most of them.

Most Billionaires don't earn their wealth. Taylor Swift has earned her wealth.

Disagree there. "Earned" implies "deserved." No one deserves to be that rich no matter how talented or popular.

Earned because she worked for it herself and overcame some huge barriers. Let's not forget what happened when she won her first Grammy. She stuck it out and built up her brand, her way. That takes incredible dedication and willpower. Now she is doing a 3 hour nonstop huge stadium show around the world while maintaining a high profile relationship with Travis Kelce. Yeah, she earned it.

Nope. No one earns a billion dollars. I don't care what they overcame or how hard they worked. There are many people who overcame far worse things and worked much harder than she ever will and are barely making ends meet.

She did not earn it and she does not deserve it.

And if you don't think a significant portion of that billion isn't from investments, you don't know how the billionaire class works.

I mean, I would say that it's far more ethical than most billionaires. She didn't exploit workers, she performed and the populace gave her the money willingly. It's as ethical as one can get in the modern day where no person can participate in society without benefiting from exploitation. And as far as I can tell from some half-assed searching, her investments are in property, but not in the landlord sense. She owns rich people property. Mansions and jets and shit.

I my personal opinion, musicians seem like the most ethical rich people in terms of how they got their money. They get exploited by the music industry early on, but money primarily comes from ticket and merch sales, which people choose to spend their money on in support of the artist. People hate capitalism, but forget what it is they hate about it and just start hating the money, forgetting why it's bad- the exploitation.

Maybe you're right and maybe she earned it all from her music career- although if being an investor isn't involved I would be amazed- but that still doesn't mean what the person I replied to said, that she earned it by overcoming hardship and working hard. I mean there are people who overcame cancer and scrub floors for a living. The person I replied to suggested her hardship came when Kanye interrupted her at the Grammys.

Redefining words and then doubling down on them to bolster your opproprium? I believe that's what the kids call a classic reddit move.

It strikes close to the denial of reality you see from these right wing conspiracy enjoyers as well.👍

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Definitely a debatable subject, but if there was a line of billionaire to start taking away "earned" income, she wouldn't be at the front. Plenty of others that are far less "worthy", depending on how the debate of worth goes.

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In particular, her tour was a massive three hour retrospective covering her entire career rather than being focused on one new album. Combine that with a few re-recordings of old albums and her successfully getting a new generation of Gen Z fans and you've got one very popular star.

Thank fuck I’m not in the US. After being outside for so long, I think the advertisement-atmosphere would send me to suicide.

Very easy to ignore all the ads. I tune them out completely.

Yo harddaysknoght, I'm really happy for you, Imma let you finish but Taylor Swift has been in the industry a long time..... A long time!

I know that. I’m saying the coverage she’s getting is nowhere near any other artist

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