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So, Kobach et al's complaint is that the plan to replace lead pipes is underfunded and so probably won't cause enough of an impact on lead levels in drinking water to even bother, and yet the reason it's underfunded is because Republicans specifically voted to not fund it properly. So instead of funding it 100% (or close to 100%), they chose to only fund about 1/3rd of what it would cost to replace all of the lead pipes.

It almost seems like Republicans want potential voters to imbibe neurotoxins that will negatively impact their IQ, harm their ability to concentrate, and make them more easily swayed by emotional appeals. I wonder why that could be?

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The guy went down a rabbit hole that eventually led to him deciding to kidnap and/or murder a sitting US Representative because of a fucking youtube comment? Jesus Christ. This fucking country...

Edit: fixed her job title

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Well, not that we needed one, but I really appreciate you giving us a reminder for why we should never ever make you president, Mittens. It's very thoughtful of you.

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So this article makes it seem like he's got dementia and was under the spell of a delusion when shooting his partner & daughter. But it's written so vaguely that it's hard to know for sure. So I found another article that seems to be much more clear about what happened:


TL;DR: 66-year-old man is in rough shape; has Hepatitis B, Emphysema, and COPD, and needs an oxygen tank. His partner (a much younger woman), their daughter together (8 years old), and his son from a previous marriage (18) all came to his house. The article doesn't say what happened in the conversation, but he apparently became enraged thinking they were trying to get him out of the house. My guess is that they were trying to get him to go into a care facility due to his many, many ailments.

Dude saw red, grabbed a gun, and started blasting. Shot his partner, then tried shooting his son, missed, and hit his 8-year-old daughter in the back as she was running away from him.

So it sounds much less like dementia (though that could still very well be a factor), and more like a miserable piece of shit reaching for a gun first to solve all of his problems.

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The thing I love most about this article is this one throw-away little line right here:

He ... claims that all of his legal troubles amount to "election interference" as he campaigns in the 2024 presidential election.

It just illustrates who Trump is so well. First, he hears a term that he doesn't understand, like: "election interference". Like what he did when he incited his cult of morons to attack the capitol during January 6th to prevent Congress from certifying the election. Then, he takes that term that he doesn't understand and uses it improperly to insinuate that that's what's being done to him. This is either because he's too dumb to know what it means and too stubborn to look it up, or because he believes that about his cultists.

This is the exact same playbook he used for "puppet" during his debates with Hillary, "Fake news" when he was campaigning, "witch hunt" when he was being investigated for impeachable offenses, etc.

The man is a complete god damned moron, and yet somehow, he's managed to figure out that a significant number of Americans are even dumber than he is, and he has become their messiah. It's awe-inducing.

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why do conservatives want x?

Because they're cunts. That is the answer. It doesn't matter what the question is, the answer is that conservatives are cunts. It explains the entirety of their behavior.

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I really can't comprehend the level of hate that these motherfuckers must possess to write or support such a bill. I mean, let's say you're an incredible asshole who doesn't think that trans people exist, like you think that you know who they are much better than they actually know themselves. Even with that as a baseline, isn't it still just the polite thing to treat them with basic respect?

If I found out that someone I just met preferred to use their middle name instead of their first name, I would 100% use that person's middle name when addressing them. It's just common courtesy. The same thing goes with a person who's transitioning - I will use their preferred name, because I'm not a completely deplorable piece of shit.

But this guy is way worse than someone who intentionally antagonizes people by using their disliked name when addressing them. This guy wants to actively punish anybody who has the rock bottom bare minimum of civility by destroying their lives and livelihoods.

I just can't grasp that level of hatred. How is it that this piece of shit shares enough genes with everybody else that he's recognized as human?

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I think it's not so much about the genders of the shoppers, but rather their approach to shopping that is most telling. I take after my mother: I'm a Combat Shopper. When I enter a store, I have a specific plan of action, and my goal is to execute it as swiftly and efficiently as possible and get out. My father, on the other hand, was very much a lookie-loo shopper. He would spend hours at the store slowly walking up and down every aisle trying to think if anybody he knew would want whatever bit of tat was on the shelves in front of him. Drove me fucking nuts to shop with him.

I think that combat shoppers can shop with other combat shoppers, and lookie-loo shoppers with others of their ilk, but pairing one with the other is a recipe for hurt feelings.

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Despite spending a lifetime living with this reality, it still seems so fucking wild to me that one of the two major political parties in this country is just entirely peopled with assholes. It's like they have a secret competition amongst themselves to see who is the biggest bag of dicks.

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I think it's just possible that this might be the stupidest ruling I have ever seen. He's an insurrectionist, but apparently he's a special insurrectionist, and should be allowed to have another crack at the highest office in the country. What the expletive fuck?

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So the guy is found on the grass in front of a property that according to his family, he's never been to before, wearing only his underwear, and with potential defensive wounds on his arms. And this is just a few hours after he had a friend pick him up. And the police didn't treat it as a homicide. Didn't even cordon off the scene to prevent contamination. And the house this guy was found in front of is routinely used for police training.

Am I just being paranoid in assuming he was murdered by one or more cops? I mean... why else would they not investigate? Other than malicious incompetence, of course.

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"It's true! I'm not making it up!" said the fucking psychic.

Well, as dumb as this was (and it was very, very dumb), I found myself distracted by just how... weird he looked. Not just his face, which reminded me of Lady Cassandra from Dr Who ("Moisturize me, moisturize me!"), but his weird, jerky movements, and just his general vibe. He's like the personification of the uncanny valley. Eggar-from-MiB "get me sugar water" lookin' ass. If someone were to come out with a tell-all saying that Musk had been secretly replaced by aliens, I wouldn't even be terribly surprised at this point.

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I'm not a lawyer, so I have no idea about what the answer to this question will be, but can anybody who is familiar with New York law tell me if there is any good legal reason why Engoron didn't immediately shut that shit down and hit him with contempt of court and the $50,000 fine he warned Trump's lawyers would follow if he burst into a tirade? Because I absolutely detest the idea that he just let that fat orange idiot vent his spleen for a few minutes because of political pressure.

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Carpet does NOT match the drapes.

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Fuckin' Cult 45ists just can't help themselves.

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Good human.

Problem: the more people know about me, the more they despise me.

Solution: get angry at the media for telling people stuff about me.

Yeah. That checks out.

I remember someone once created a firefox addon that made all of Trump's tweets look like they were drawn with crayon. Someone should make a new version of that for Musk.

I'm glad that the paramedics were both found guilty, and that one of the 3 piece of shit cops were found guilty. But it's infuriating that the other two cops, Jason Rosenblatt and Nathan Woodyard, were acquitted. All 5 of them should be serving murder sentences in a federal prison.

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Love it. Fucking queen shit.

Yeah, man. The thing is, almost nobody has any fucking idea what they're doing with their life. Most people are just winging it. And as you grow and learn about yourself, often times your priorities will change. It sounds very much like you just outgrew several of your friends, and that's 100% completely normal. It also sounds like you're learning about the wacky, wonderful world of construction delays, and that also, sadly, is 100% completely normal.

Life's going to shit on you from time to time. Calling it now - their estimate of May is going to be way off. There's even a good chance that you're still not going to be able to move in by your wedding date. I mean, obviously I hope that's not the case, that they actually make good on their estimate, and that you can move in and get that bit of hot stress out of your life. But from experience? Make a plan B.

There are two points of advice that I can give from my own life. The main thing, as some of the other users here have said, is to hold on tightly to those people in your life that you don't want to lose. If someone is worth your effort, make sure you're putting the effort in. Great people will drift apart from you just as surely as meh people if you don't make a constant effort to keep them in your orbit. It's just part of life.

The second bit of advice? Go easy on yourself. You're probably not going to wake up tomorrow with some burning passion or sense of purpose and direction. You might never get it. Most people don't. A good way to find happiness is to become ok with not making some huge impact on the world, and instead just focus on the things that bring you joy. And if it takes you a long time to come around to that mindset, I at least hope that you'll be gentle with yourself along the way.

Why the right thinks Taylor Swift is a government PsyOp designed to swing the 2024 election

Because they're stupid, conspiracy-theory believing fucks.

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It seems that the main problem is the existence of benzene in the natural gas. It's not an additive; it exists in crude oil and comes through in the final product after cracking and refining. I haven't been able to find anything showing the exact method for which benzene acts as a carcinogen, but there are several studies that show a strong correlation between benzene exposure and leukemia.

Benzene is also in gasoline, so it's also recommended that you don't spend a lot of time huffing gasoline.

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I think you've got some very mistaken ideas about who Democrats are if you think that a supermajority of them would be totally up for implementing a slew of progressive policies. They're way more progressive than the Republican party is, for sure. But that's such an incredibly low bar that it's laughable. Democrats will do things like make Cesar Chavez day a holiday, or fly BLM and LGBTQI flags, but expecting them to actually pass legislation that addresses the root inequities in a meaningful way is an uphill battle.

Right message, very much the wrong messenger. Like it or not, Hillary, a significant number of people in this country despise you. I don't think that's at all fair, but them's the breaks. You're not helping.

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Well, there wouldn't have been prison in any case from this trial, as it was a civil suit, not a criminal one. But, he is facing 91 felony charges in total spread across a few cases that are currently working their way through the court, so maybe. Probably not. But maybe.

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This trial isn't about the sexual assault. That was already established in a previous case, where he was ordered to pay $5M in damages.

This trial is about him repeatedly calling her a liar, and other worse things when the memoir she had published in 2019 described the sexual assault. He's unsuccessfully attempting to argue that since he was president at the time, his actions as president should be immune from civil and criminal litigation.

I think that even if he and his attorneys weren't some of the dumbest people in the world, it would still be a very difficult position to prove. As it turns out, though, they are some of the dumbest people in the world, so there's no shot that that defense will work. And he doesn't exactly help his case by repeatedly claiming that Carroll was lying about the sexual assault, since that has already been established as fact by the court.

Edit: Very confused about the downvotes here. What am I missing?

I think if I hadn't dropped Netflix when they did a 180 on their stance on password sharing, I would drop them now.

I think if you're going to be annoyed by stupid people, you probably shouldn't make stupid people a core part of your business model. I'm not saying everyone who homeschools their kids is stupid. Just most of them. Like nearly all of them.

Ooh - very cool. A. baumanii is a really nasty little fucker. It's the A in ESKAPE, a list comprised of the 6 most virulent and antibiotic resistant pathogens out there. A. baumanii is also sometimes referred to as Iraqibacter because of its prevalence in US military personnel returning from Iraq. It's a soil-borne bacteria that was local to the middle east, but has now been spread around the world by hitchhiking in people. One of the main reasons why it's so difficult to kill is that it is gram negative, which means that it has both an outer and inner membrane, which makes it difficult for existing classes of antibiotics to penetrate into the cell. Some of the other notable gram negative bacteria are E. coli, Y. pestis (the bacteria responsible for the black plague), and C. trachomatis, the bacteria responsible for chlamydia.

This study is pretty significant because, in addition to targeting a nasty little fucker, it's possible that the approach used could be repurposed to target a number of that nasty little fucker's nasty little family, too.

True, the weather was really bad in that area, but he was traveling in a 3-helicopter convoy, and only his helicopter crashed. Now, I'm not saying that it's impossible, or even improbable that it was an accident, but we can't really rule out sabotage at this point, especially considering how big of a target he had on his head from both the US and Israel. Personally, I really hope it was an accident. I mean, I shed no tears for that son of a bitch, but the ramifications if this was an assassination are unsettling.

And nothing of value was lost.

Well, the first thing I'm going to do is drink myself into a coma. After that, I don't know. I keep hoping to wake up rich so I can have a lot more options, but that hasn't happened yet.

It is true, though. If he were to run for president, he'd be the best candidate the Republican party has put forward in 2 decades. And he's still a gigantic piece of shit.

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I feel like the word "the" in your first sentence is misleading. He most certainly is AN anti-democracy extremist, but by no means THE anti-democracy extremist. The Republican caucus is lousy with them.

It's interesting to note that 4 out of the 5 people that were brought up as candidates for Speaker are traitors. Each of them voted to overturn the election results on January 6th.

The one who didn't, Austin Scott, actually signed his name to a letter to Congressional leadership stating that Congress doesn't have the authority to object to the EC votes absent an investigation by one or more states into the validity of their slate of electors. He also attended Biden's inauguration, and is on record condemning the violence of the Jan 6th protestors. So... there's probably no way the majority of the Republicans will ever vote for him.

That being said, he is incredibly racist. So there's a chance.

She, actually. And no, her interpretation was that the office of president not being listed in the opening sentence of that clause means that the "framers" specifically wanted to exclude it. Here's the sentence in question:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

The language says: "elector of President and Vice-President", but it does not explicitly specify "President" or "Vice President". Therefore, she ruled that though he is a traitor, he can't be barred from running for office again.

It's incredibly dumb.

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At one point in a former life, I was one of the trainers for the incoming helpdesk technicians. One of the practical exams we put them through involved us doing creative things to fuck with their computers before they came to class, and then having them figure out what was wrong and how to fix it. Plugging the mouse from one computer into its neighbor's USB port and vice versa was one of my favorite tricks. For whatever reason, it had a 100% success rate in effectively fucking with them.