GOP candidate demands Brittney Griner get sent back to Russian prison to politics – 206 points –
GOP candidate demands Brittney Griner get sent back to Russian prison - LGBTQ Nation

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Despite spending a lifetime living with this reality, it still seems so fucking wild to me that one of the two major political parties in this country is just entirely peopled with assholes. It's like they have a secret competition amongst themselves to see who is the biggest bag of dicks.

The thing I don't get is who wakes up in the morning and goes to work for those assholes? I hate to say it, but I think they might be assholes too. I'm starting to worry it might be assholes all the way down.

Oh, it 100% is. If being a total fuck knuckle didn't consistently get them like ~50% of the national vote, Republicans would pivot. But they've realized that the worse they are, the more votes they can squeeze out of the hateful pieces of shit who infect us like a cancer.

What about the people that vote for these asshats?

a mixed group. assholes among them, sure. But also the mentally deficient and weak willed. Those who are easily swayed by rage and propaganda. People who are under-educated and imbalanced.

That's a big overlap with assholes and hats, yes, but not just assholes.

Representative democracy representing huge parts of the population. People are as always a disappointment.

Who said anything about people? We're talking about conservatives (AKA racist, homophobic, misogynist bigots).

She will do what with a bag of dicks?

(no Lindsay, sit down. Don't get excited now...)