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Joined 3 months ago

Open plan offices fucken suck.

Noise, constant distractions, and that one arsehole who never covers their mouth when they sneeze, sending a wave of infectious germs rolling out across the office floor.

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With Roger fucken Stone lurking in the background in both situations.

Bob Marleys words were also kind and good. Can we teach those too?

"Dad, Eric's fucking the turkey again!" whined Junior.

But as an official act, the president can strip someone of citizenship.

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Knew a girl who lived on a farm, and she had a pet sheep for 7 or 8 years, since it was a lamb. It's her 21st birthday and they put her sheep on the spit.

Couldn't eat any of it myself. Guess farmers are bred tougher than us townies.

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Thank you for not using that arsewipes name. Wish more people would do the same.

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Does the bank staff all work on mobiles?

Bet they are paid in rubles.

Maybe he is too old.

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Maybe the athletes can sell shares of themselves, provide dividends and engage in stock buy-back. /s

'the ones I've met seemed like decent people."

Squid hits the nail on the head here. Furries are just being themselves, which we are always told we should be. Until some old fart gets all twisted up on hate by preach everyone should be as bitter and twisted as they are.

Hell, there are so many more pressing issues in the world to deal with. Who cares who love whom or what. Let's focus on the bigger issues like corruption, greed, and tribalism. Who fucken cares if Fred loves Fred, or Jane wants to marry Jane.

I want to worry about how many dollars are getting stuffed into political or judicial pockets. That's the real issue.

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Buy him a hamberder and he will agree to anything.

Get rid of anything that mentions rape, prostitution, genocide, or god forbid SODOMY?

Out goes the bible then. No one under 18 should read it.

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Reminds me of the Korean zombie movie Alive, where the recluse gamer doesn't realise for days that there has been an apocalypse. Only when he loses connectivity does he look outside and realise.

Is being a minority bad?

Quick! Eat the evidence!

It's because algorithms pick up his name, and then feed into the volumes of shit news that is fed out.

Stephen Miller in greens.

Voted most likely to be shot in the back by his own side.

An ex-used car salesman. He's doing 5-15 in Rikers protective custody for raping a minor.

A pan-galaxtic gargle blaster!

"We are all domestic terrorists" - GOP

Know what pisses him off even more? Not mentioning his name.

Reminds me of the Anom phone. E2E encryption, but the whole thing was run by law enforcement.


Bait and switch.

Immigrants = bad. Just focus on immigrants being bad, while I line my own pockets and/or gather power while you are distracted.

But just remember: immigrants = bad!

You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!

Because one of these wants to destroy democracy and the right of many people to even exist.

But tell me again how the tangerine terror isn't going to corrupt everything....

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Yeah. Kind of scary that he is that easily led.

"This guy belongs in a nursing home"

Better yet: a secure mental institution.

We can be sure that no Native American is ever going to save his arse, like Nicholson in one flew over the cuckoo's nest.

An old man was shouting at the clouds.

"How's wee talk to da boss now, Clyde?"

It's quite clear one group of people only want morons dictating what people can do, as opposed to those who listen and trust experts (who have often spent their entire life's acquirung knowledge in their area of speciality).

After all, who wants a doctor with 20yrs experience operating on their spleen, when Harry the butcher could do it.

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You reckon poorly run but you don't give any examples.

What has his administration done worse than the tangerine terrors?

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You're going blind because you rubbed the nubs off?

Double secret probation!

Palintir is one scary company, with all the data it can access.

Well, Republicans do know a LOT about grooming...

Brexit in the UK happened because most didn't vote, meaning a small percentage of voters had over-inflated influence.

You mean the part about the owners making lots of dough while everyone else pays for it?

Awesome summary thanks!