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Joined 13 months ago

I typically don't know what I'm doing, so my favorite binding is :q!

I would advise fighting for equity to mean "distribution of resources to enable equal opportunity" rather than "capitalism with a diversity coating"

If you allow people to use the term incorrectly, you're allowing the term to grow/evolve into a meaning that harms the ability to accurately convey the concept you're trying to describe.

So with all that said, to respond to your question: Perhaps you've seen it used that way. That is not what equity means though.

I think you've managed to define an oxymoron of a society.

Society does not exist without consequences. That's what laws/rules/agreements are necessitated on. As in, a society with no consequences is not a society. I'd go so far to say that society is a system of consequences.

Even in a "lawless societies" hierarchies form, and then agreements turn to rules turn to defacto law.

This is like saying "I can never truly be free because gravity binds me to the ground". Like, ok, sure, but you had to define freedom in a non-standard way to get to that conclusion (I'm trying make this make sense, is it landing well?)

I've found the closest thing to a panacea for this is a mixture of willingness to fail and self forgiveness for falling off the horse. Everyday is a new opportunity to get back on it. And if you're not feeling it today, it's generally ok to just wait until tomorrow (this works for me because I have to be very gentle to myself sometimes, idk if this part will work for everyone. You kind of have to [or at least, I have to] address all the other potential issues, like anxiety or depression, before the motivation to do stuff follows).

Idk why I'm posting this on a shitpost, but if it helps even one person, seems like it's worth posting.

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Hmm can someone tell me if I'm just in a "republicans are hysteric about it so it must not be that bad" mindset?

It's obviously spyware to some degree, but this really seems more like a case of red-scare. I can't put my finger on exactly why, though. Makes me think I might just be reacting to their reaction.

I guess, what exactly are they afraid that China is going to do with this data? It's a missing puzzle piece that I've heard nothing coherent on besides "China gonna spy on muh datas". Like, sure, maybe if you're a government official, and I don't think bans of tiktok on government devices are stupid, but I think the nationwide ban idea is pretty dumb and baseless. So I guess my actual question is, what are they afraid of happening, exactly?

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Ok, this may be wrong history but I could have sworn I saw some article a few years ago explaining that this marriage happened because it was the middle of the great depression and her parents couldn't afford to feed her or something like that.

Makes it worse, imo.

That said, was he a pedo? If sex happened then obviously yes, but I thought this marriage was a charity case more so than a "indulge a pedo who's interested in our daughter during the depression" situation...

I'm gonna have to go find that article at some point...

Edit: welp, I went looking for it, couldn't find it, so everything above this line may be bullshit, but based on the age she had her first child at, yeah I'd say that obviously counts as some pedo shit

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As one who was raised Evangelical Christian for the majority of my childhood by a devout and Republican parent, I'm pretty sure it's just a death cult.

They live their whole lives only preparing to die.

They forsake and forego a lot of random stuff in favor of rewards after death.

And if they think it'll get them any bonus, they don't care if they take everyone else with them, hence the Republican Evangelical politicians generally trying to supply the ingredients for the battle of Armageddon to happen.

Tldr; I think it's greed typical of those who would fully knowledgeably choose to be a Republican combined with the beliefs of an Evangelical trying to cash in on rewards asap, in the way a Republican typically does.

And they have the public so disenfranchised that the public'll just go "fucking politicians" and move on with their lives instead of grabbing the torch and pitchforks and showing these assholes what accountability for politicians used to look like in the old days. Perhaps show them why we don't play by those rules anymore and why they shouldn't inspire the public to continue playing by those old rules.

Note: I am euphemistically edging towards tar and feathering more so than anything else. Anything nonlethal but severe in nature and consequence, that sort of thing.

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Too bad their doctrine is to take everyone else with them, instead of being as courteous as the cults that self annihilate and leave the non-followers alone.

Seriously, their own book says man was charged with taking care of the world. By their own doctrine, God is the one that will end it, not man. But they're all either power hungry greed lords trying to take Gods destiny into their own hands or idiots who don't know what's in the book they thump so hard.

Yeah, it's just billionaire funding, not gumption.

Left is king of grassroots movements that go nowhere because they can't get funded while the right has daddy koch and murdock making it rain all the way down to altright and neonazi youtubers.

But call me a hippie conspiracy theorist and move on with your day, because you're obviously not too bright.

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I got a reason! It's because people are afraid meta is doing what Microsoft did to a much earlier project. The crux of that whole story is that Microsoft adopted the new tech, became the biggest player thus dominating the area, then, when they had full control of the tech they ended up shutting it down. Some people are convinced meta is going to do that to the fediverse.

This is vague and handwavy, I'm hoping someone actually knows the name of the project. It was early 90s I believe or maybe into the early 00s but it was before my time in the tech sphere of the internet.

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And we should loudly continue to compare them to those with those histories due to similarity of behavior until they change their behavior so that they will never have the chance to quietly add a similar history to their own books.

If we don't want a "gulags of Florida" chapter written in history, it's appropriate to call the behavior that would lead to one out

...then they aught to ban every app with user generated content. YouTube might be the biggest propaganda vector we have right now, and the powers that be would not be able to tell which nation is pumping out anti-us videos due to it being so easy to lie about stuff like that.

That's quite a bad response if that's really the reason. If they're worried about propaganda, the best defense against it is education on what is propaganda, and how to spot it, not banning a single vector of it when so many others exist already.

This only supports my theory that this is red-scare nonsense (though please let me know if I misunderstood, I really do want to understand)

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There's an old proverb I like about this: a person is smart but people are dumb.

People en masse tend to be dumber than they are apart. I think you're comparing yourself to the faceless masses. It's much more humbling to try comparing yourself to someone you respect (but don't do it as a "I'm not as good as them" thing, only do it as a "goals to maybe achieve one day" thing to avoid accidentally trashing your self esteem)

Side note: old proverb here means I think my dad said it once but I have no idea where it actually came from

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With who's army fighting though? Guyana seems a bit too small to properly be able to defend itself from Venezuela... Unless Brazil goes full on South America police on the situation (and apparently, they might?), I don't see how this will end in anything other than Venezuela steam rolling Guyana...

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No. The instance being killed by the taliban is the opposite of that is happening here.

The taliban has done nothing, in this case. The admins of the instance have chosen not to keep the instance due to not wanting to fund the taliban in anyway.

This phrasing fucks up which way the action flows, which is important for a headline to get right to remain accurate to the story. Does that make sense?

I am currently keeping my 2004 going as long as possible. These people need to just make everything configurable, like a smartphone, and then I'd make the switch. It's the last piece of bad design that's keeping me on an ice vehicle at this point.

<vent>I don't want to have to look down to change the radio station just because some jackass buried it under 3 fucking menus. That's dangerous, damn it! Fuck your research, let me configure my own shit! </vent>

Fibonacci spine - legendary item - +10 to code quality

It's like a smaller, slightly more convenient walkman

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And that's why it's the job of people like you and me to raise a hellish stink about it whenever it happens so that one day, maybe it will finally stop.

Fractions are for inches. any red blooded American would know that a Boeing 747 is about 8 washing machines and a half dollar bill long.

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You can't seriously be against all censorship in books, right? Where are your actual boundaries? I don't think you'd be ok with something obviously evil like a book of cp.... Right?

Edgecases are why it's hard to be consistent.

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Instead of down voting you, I want to know what happened to you to call them nazis. Their only rule is essentially be nice, it kind of reflects badly on you that you're so enraged by them to just call them nazis out of nowhere. What happened, man?

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General left of center demonization. This person is lamenting the pattern that will likely continue that consists of things less left than communism (in this case, socialism) being treated as equally "scary" or "nefarious" as communism, in the McCarthy era Red Scare definitions of scary/nefarious (unless I'm misreading, but that seems to be what's happening here)

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Ngl, pretty rude to just go poking around in stranger's holes like that without warning lmao (/s/jk/etc)

You're still acting like a bitch. I hope you're not like this to your neighbors because they might shoot you AND your kids if shit hits the fan (but you have nothing to worry about... Right?).

Might be a bit contentious to say, but you're really bad at protecting your young's survival chances right now. Your selfishness actively endangers them even though this vector has no consequences right now. I hope you learn not to be an asshole to random people. It might impact more than just yourself. Granted I'm sure you're only like this because you're behind a keyboard, but if you said this to people in real life, I doubt you would have many reliable friends left.

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I'm sorry, but your post seems incomplete or I'm reading too far past what you're actually saying. Are you meaning to say this is what teachers are supposed to be doing (ie, pretending to be jailers instead of educators) or are you saying this needs to change somehow? Something else, maybe?

Like the way you write makes me think a lot of unflattering things about your stances, and I'm not sure why... like, for example, it seems like you're saying it's a good thing child labor protections are being taken away in Republican states... is that actually your position though? Or is that sarcasm that's not coming through very well?

Sorry for the million questions but I see this is already getting quite heated, and I'm trying to figure out if the heat is warranted or if it's a general misunderstanding.

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Rarely have I ever actually had consequences for my sins, which tends to be why I don't go back and fix them....

If tech debt weight is felt in any way, it tends to get fixed. If it's not felt, it's just incredibly easy to forget and disregard.

(This is mostly me not learning my lesson well enough from my time being on Tech Debt: The Team. I do try and figure out the correct way to do things, but at the end of the day, I get paid to do what the boss wants as cheaply as possible, not what's right :/ money dgaf about best practices until someone gets sued for malpractice, but on that logic, maybe the tech debt piper just hasn't returned for payment from me yet... Only time will tell)

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That's a fair perspective, but most people strive for as few clicks between users and their targets as possible. Forcing a user to become semi-tech-competent by sending them on a fetch quest to figure out their os, while not an inherently bad thing, does work against this overall goal....

Idk, it's like education vs service industry goal setting, that's all I'm trying to get at here lol

Edit: plus, there's no guarantee that it will remain just the big 3 for forever. There was a time before Linux, maybe we'll see a time after windows.... Unlikely, but one can dream lol

...there is a joke here that I could make about incel forums. I'm not going to try to because it's in poor taste, but my point is that I'm pretty sure that does exist....

Also, what's your actual position if that's your devil's advocate position? I'm a bit unsure if the implication there is intentional or not

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Women didn't exist back in those days /s (last time i omitted the /s on a joke didn't go very well lmao)

Oh i get what you're pointing out now, yeah, it is kinda weird to just assume all leftists are pro-lgbtqia.

It seems like every combination of person, no matter how seemingly contradictory vibes-wise, exists in some form or another lol

Like it's weird, I am doing the same lumping pattern that I know I shouldn't be in the same breath as acknowledging that it's weird to do that pattern lol cognitive dissonance is weird when you notice it...

That's my point though. If you don't ban (aka censor) illegal things as a foundation, you end up living in a hellscape. I'm saying your argument isn't thorough enough. It's not going far enough. It's scratching the surface and saying "good enough" when it doesn't actually appear to be.

I am talking about illegal things because it's an obvious hole in your argument. What are you talking about about? Because it sounds like you're being short sighted to me, sticking to a happy path, but I could be wrong. What do you think?

The unfortunate answer to your question is very likely only because there is money to be made....

Fair point, I work in a consumer facing, fast turn around, short lived code project industry. Not a typical software project with long life cycles.

These practices would almost certainly bite my company in the ass if we had to maintain anything for longer than year.

Occasionally, we do have to support a client for multiple years, and everytime it's a hilarious shit show trying to figure out how to keep all the project dependencies up to date. This is likely platform tech debt, and would be the beginning of the problem if we didn't have the privilege of being able to start over from scratch code-wise for each client's new order.

I guess I'm just in a lucky spot in the programmer pool where tech debt literally doesn't hit me as hard as it usually does others, and I just couldn't identify that before now lol

Instead of saying tech debt isn't that bad, my tune will change to something else. Like I said, I was on a team at one point that had a worse than usual tech debt problem, and it was unworkably stressful to deal with. Im guessing that experience is more typical of being near tech debt than my other experiences.

What's the difference?

Maybe it's having been raised in the south, but I'm used to hearing both. Maybe it's a regional difference?

Though if I go for til these days, I'm more likely to say until rather than just til lol

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Per tradition, if we're at war, Washington, if we're at peace, illuminati.

If for some CIA induced reason it's impossible to tell, fold both sides in until they touch and then you'll have it.

I want to argue a nuance that toxic overcompetativeness is a meta issue in gaming, not a direct issue with competitive games. Like it's just as toxic to be like overly competitive with casual shit, though you're more likely to be called out as the insane person you are if you're being toxic over say something like animal crossing than if you're playing league.

I do agree with what you're saying though, it probably should just say toxic gamers to cover all of that because this is the internet and nuance has no transmission ability here.

(Tldr; yeah, it probably should)

Fascinating, that hadn't crossed my mind at all. The actual world police could do something probably good (stabilizing at the very least) for the situation.

But that said, I don't think I would bank on the UN for this one... It seems like Guyana would need continual military presence to dissuade Venezuela because it appears that Venezuela is doing this because Guyana was too fiscally successful over the pandemic. But I mean if the UN does long term guarding like that, then it might be a viable option...

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I mistook the boots as docs and the shoes are Nike... I'm layman level though, and there does appear to be a difference between designer and branding that I don't fully understand... Though it appears to be even though you may recognize the brand, the brand itself may not be designer (is that about right? You obviously know more than me, so feel free to tell me I'm wrong!)

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