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Many people will celebrate sugar baby Clarence’s death. Add this to the list of reasons why.

But who actually cares? Stop talking about this useless waste of life.

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Remember when pigboy spez tried to say that the API pricing was, at least partially, because reddit still wasn’t turning a profit?

I wonder if paying some fucking moron who brings effectively no value to the company $193 million has anything to do with it…

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Good. That was kinda the whole fucking point of Airbnb in the first place. If you want to own property for the sole purpose of short term rentals buy a hotel.

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The concept of trickle down economics. Anyone with a functioning brain can tell you that it would never work. But somehow people as a whole in the US still think giving corporations and rich cunts extra money, and tax breaks somehow lead to the 99% reaping a benefit.

It has never been true because the basic function of capitalism is to get as much money as possible, while spending the least amount of money to do it. There’s no room for passing on the extra profits to your employees, clients, or vendors.

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You know, I’m generally willing to let everyone share their opinions even if they’re awful, but I feel like if you’re proudly waving a nazi flag you should be shot in the face. Stop wasting oxygen on those scum.

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Let those banks burn. I could not care less. Let the commercial real estate market burn with em.

We don’t need them.

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Literally anyone with a functioning brain already knew this. And yet, there will be no penalty for this bullshit.

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It’s almost as if most middle management is completely unnecessary and a massive drain on resources if they feel that most of their time should be spent monitoring their employees.

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Compared to another 4 years of Trump? Absolutely.

But I don’t have to be ecstatic to choose between a prehistoric career politician, and an embarrassing, felonious dinosaur

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If I’ve learned anything about corporate lobbying groups it’s that they only exist to fuck you and ruin any legislation that attempts to protect you from them.

Eat shit SIA.

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Most people don’t even think about burning man at all.

And well, the people of the internet tend to be less fond of more wealthy people, like those that can afford to spend thousands to party in the desert. I may not want them to die just because they went to burning man, but I will laugh at the world essentially raining on their parade.

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There are two types of people in support of this scanning: technologically illiterate or malicious.

Either way, keep your invasive scanners off of my shit.

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I’ll believe it when he’s sentenced.

I mean…technically the suicide was prevented.

Aw, poor sugar baby Clarence doesn’t like when people call out his blatant abuse of power for personal gain? I guess you should just do the country a favor and fucking retire.

I’ll believe it when I see it. How many years has there been enough evidence to charge the cocksucker in plain sight and still nothing significant has happened to him.

I’ll cheer when he’s sentenced.

Ah yes, fire 1,800 employees that bring value to the company. Definitely don’t fire the brain dead, overpaid executives that destroyed the companies credibility with a terrible monetization scheme.

Wouldn’t it be wild if the government just…sent us our refund or our bill? Because they know how much taxes we owe or how much they owe us without needing to play the stupid fucking “gather all your forms” and put it into the right fields game.

That would also completely solve this problem by eliminating the need for turbo tax to exist at all.

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Sounds like this was part of gods plan 😂

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Every time I see articles about this my knee jerk reaction gets more and more unhinged. Regardless, the world would be a better place if people like this were dead.

Thats the nicest way to say it. These people fucking suck.

Jesus. What fucking lunatics. That video never needed to exist. Just be like every other corp and send an email. At least that news story would have blended in with all the other RTO trash.

Now I’ll just forever remember that webMDs parent company is operated by unhinged boomers.

You know who probably won’t have a problem with squatters? People who buy houses to live in them.

Hard to feel bad for a fucking landlord. Get a real job loser.

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His only redeeming quality is not being Donald Trump. He’s otherwise too fucking old and out of touch with the vast majority of the country like most of our government is.

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Of course there is a bias against neo-nazi fascists in this country. See, there’s this little thing called World War II that we all learned about in school where millions died and the world joined forces to put a stop to nazis. So I suspect a vast majority of adults these days think nazis are scum of the earth. And rightfully so.

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The same reason everything costs more without there being inflation, greed and the never ending desire to make the line go up. At the end of the day that’s all a publicly traded company cares about. Line go up. They will do whatever they can legally, or hidden from legal scrutiny to make that happen.

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I like seeing the full cycle of Google Chrome starting out as the hero the world needed, to becoming the bloated pile of stalkerware trash like it had originally replaced.

Rest in piss Google chrome.

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Not if you stop using chromium based garbage!

A shitty economy that has forced people into paying more for less while corporations lie about the reason for inflation and rightfully soured everyday Americans view of the economy.

The value of the stock market and homes increasing does fuck all for people getting screwed at the grocery store.

I’m fortunate enough to get to benefit from both of those things, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to pretend the economy is great now because theoretical net worth has gone up.

As it should have been 5 years ago. Maybe even more.

Of all the things to try and monetize with a subscription…

Who’s more brain damaged, the site owner or the people that actually pay for it?

It’s shit behavior that should be illegal, but I also can’t feel bad for any moron that sees this truck and still agrees to buy it.

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Breaking news: Printer company behaves like printer companies always have. User hostile.

That’s capitalism working exactly as expected.

They found their scapegoat. But anyone with a brain knows he didn’t just do this all on a whim. The whole board knew, and at least a majority agreed to this shit idea of theirs.

In other words “Leaked memo tells managers to lie”.

Weird, if he didn’t commit fraud maybe he should fight it in court and provide evidence that no fraud was committed…

But I guess rallying his idiotic supporters into trying to economically harm people who he wants to elect him is a strategy. Because anyone with a functioning brain would see that any damage done by this trucker campaign would surely only be felt by the average American.

Or…perhaps…instead of 100-year mortgages we learn from the French and start separating heads and wealth from the 1% that are trying to own everything so they can rent it to us.

Are they furious? Sure. But I feel like anyone still on Reddit just doesn’t care what they do, they’ll still be there scrolling.

“Earn crypto rewards” lol nah, I’m good.