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The blue led was released in 1993. I remember reading an article in Wired magazine (back when magazines were published on paper) about the invention. Gladly, the article is still available online:

I talked with some friends about the “true boo-roo” led, and the phrase stuck with us (that’s why I still remember the article). At the time (almost 30 years ago) we had no idea how important the invention was, even when we realized that it allowed for rgb led light.

But we had no idea leds would be miniaturized to be used in screens and be as ubiquitous as they are today. Living through all this technology evolution has been quite the ride.

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As Porco Rosso said: “I’d rather be a pig than a fascist”. Be like Porco Rosso…

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Everyone who’s been listening knows we’re royally screwed. Things are not changing the way they should, so, rough times are ahead of us. It was nice while it lasted. Take care, people.

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This is a first generation modern Apple product: expensive, flawed, lacking in features. I've been a long time Apple user, and if I had the money to buy something like this (I don't), I would definitely avoid it, and wait for iteration 2 or 3 of it. The review is good, and highlight all the reasons why you should avoid buying this device, unless you wan to develop something for it. Guess we'll only see YouTubers using it.

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The biggest problem I see from these kind of devices is: you're isolating yourself. For example, it looks very cool that you can see a movie with a similar experience to a theatre, but you're completely isolated using it. I don't see a family, each with one of these devices on, watching a movie on the couch at the same time. It's complicated enough when people have their smartphones out while eating with others...

That doesn't mean that it hasn't its uses, but it's more limited than what the try to sell to you. You're by yourself when you're using this device, even if you can see others.

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He took measures in his first days that produced rises in both food and fuel, two of the biggest components of inflation. You think that may have influenced or not? I mean…

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Billionaires are the cancer of the system.

"Make more money, faster, at any cost" seems to be the motto of a lot of companies these days... Stockholders are there, waiting for their returns, like hungry hatchlings. And CEOs will do anything to try to keep them happy. This system is shit.

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Apple has always been a closed ecosystem, doing things “their way”. When they only sold computers, it was a niche company, with a niche audience. Then they started selling music players and phones, and they became a popular company.

The blue vs green bubble is just an American problem, that still use SMS as their main messaging protocol. The rest of the world use messaging app, like WhatsApp. It’s truly fascinating watching these events from outside the US.

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For those using Safari, a simple custom browser stylesheet with a few styles is all you need, and is undetectable, as anti-adblock works with javascript, so no pesky “Why you blocking the ads? Mimimimimi…”

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We don’t like the candidates by the traditional parties. Let’s yolo it! :P

I’m wondering if hiding assets is still a thing, when wealthy people have so many legal ways to circumvent taxation. The world is full of tax havens.

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Because people have the right to know what type of content they can masturbate to.

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I believe the OLED was actually going to be the Switch 2 (or Pro), but the pandemic made them change plans.

The chip market went bananas, and it was impossible to produce some chips at volume and at competitive prices.

They probably decided to wait a bit, and evaluate alternatives and probably dedicate more time to R&D.

Whatever they do, as long as it is compatible with the Switch, I’ll be happy. It’s one of the best game libraries they’ve had in a long time.

Hey! Your facts are ruining a perfectly written click-baity title, you know?

Why every picture I see from this woman looks like taken from a Michael Bay movie? She seems about to jump away from an explosion.

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I think this should work with any browser that allows you to apply a custom user stylesheet. This used to be normal in the past, but Chrome took it away, and I don’t know if Firefox still allows it. Copied from a reply I put in another post:

Ok, do this: download this stylesheet: Save it somewhere where you can find it easily. Open Safari and go to Safari > Settings > Advanced. In the "Style sheet" dropdown, select "Other" and navigate to the style sheet. For maximum effect, do this while you have YouTube open... :D

The stylesheet is organized in a way that you can comment/uncomment blocks to customize what you want/don't want to see on YouTube. Right now it has my preferences, but if you want to keep something, or hide something I had viewable, just comment/uncomment as you wish. The ads part is clearly marked, and the rest is menu things and navigation elements (I don't need most of those). I also hate Shorts with a passion, so I hide those too. Keep in mind that this can only be used in the desktop version. It doesn't work for mobile or any of the apps. Sadly, you'll have to suffer with the shitty ads there. But at least, you can have a decent experience while watching on your Mac. And since it's a user stylesheet, and has no Javascript whatsoever, YT has no way ob detecting or blocking it, so they can do nothing (other than changing the names of the titles, but that is easily fixed).

Have fun.

P.S: you'll notice that sometimes, where there should be an ad, you'll see like a blink in the video. Don't worry, it's normal. The video will continue without problems, and you won't see the ad.

P.S.2: This stylesheet sometimes blocks shitty Google (or other sites) pages (because people are assholes and put things there that shouldn't be there). If you happen to find yourself in this situation (a page that is suspiciously blank, or don't allow to scroll, or behaves oddly) you can temporarily change the sylesheet to "None Selected", and see if the problem is fixed. When you're finished, remember to switch back to the stylesheet, or you'll have a shock when you go to YouTube... XDDDDD

I don’t need no stinky ad blocker! With a custom user stylesheet is enough.., that is, if you’re using something other than Chrome, because Chrome removed user stylesheets for “reasons”.

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I’m a bit lost… are Hispanic whites latinos too or not?

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And that the international community turns a blind eye to. What are we waiting to ask Israel to remove the illegal settlers? Nobody will, because everybody wants to be in good terms with Israel. That’s the sad truth.

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The dialogue goes more or less like this:

- Hey, Israel! Don’t do that to the Palestinians! You’re violating international law!

- So? What are you going to do about it?

- …

- Good

But remember: instead of going with DOS, or a PC compatible system, they developed their own OS. It's always been closed. And doing things "their way".

I've been a Mac user for more than 30 years, and I've always been isolated from the PC ecosystem. No PC Card was ever usable with a Mac, until they changed to Intel processors in 2005, and even then, you didn't have drivers for those, you have to rely on some outside development. You could barely read PC files, and most PCs couldn't read Mac files without external software until Apple changed to Mac OS X in 2001. PC peripherals were incompatible (different connectors and electrical requirements) until Apple introduced USB with the iMac in 1998 (and the PC ecosystem caught up with it).

While Macs were (somewhat) upgradeable, you needed to buy Mac specific parts to do it, made by Apple approved vendors.

So, It's always been a walled garden. I know, I was there before the iPhone, before the iPod. They're doing nothing different from when they started. The difference is in society: internet appeared, and we now expect everything to work with everything. We expect to be interconnected. But Apple? They always liked to be their own thing, to be different ("think different", remember?).

So, it's just normal Apple behaviour. Expecting anything different is not knowing what Apple really is. Fortunately, the EU thinks doing things "the Apple way" is no longer valid, and is forcing them to adopt standards, and don't abuse their position. But they're doing it reluctantly, complaining, and putting a fight.

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I’m not claiming that this is the end of western civilization or anything like that. What I mean is: the ads sell it like “you will be able to interact with those around you without problems”, and I think that’s not entirely true.

I’m not judging people wanting to isolate themselves, but in my opinion taking this thing off or putting it on is not as easy as putting your smartphone aside, or a newspaper aside.

My thinking is that this will be way more an individual experience than Apple sells. So people should take that into consideration.

This is one of the best options, specially if you finished studying, or are an older person. You’ll be surrounded by people that share an interest in similar things as you.

I don’t consider myself a bookworm, but I recently read:

  • Japan Sinks by Sakyo Komatsu
  • All You Need Is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka (the novel, not the manga)
  • Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke
  • The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein

And now I’m reading The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin.

Yes, I like Science Fiction XDDD

Edit: realizing that I had nothing lined up to read after “The Three-Body…”, I just got:

  • War With the Newts by Karel Čapek (thanks to a suggestion in the comments)
  • The Stars, My Destination, by Alfred Bester
  • The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula K. Le Guin
  • Snow Crash, by Neal Stephenson
  • Gateway, by Frederik Pohl
  • Slaughterhouse Five, by Kurt Vonnegut
  • Childhood’s End, by Arthur C. Clarke (want to reread it in English, as I read it many years ago in Spanish)
  • Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert A. Heinlein

I think I’m now covered for the rest of the summer, lol!

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I’d say Austrian is better. Who doesn’t want to sound like Shwarzenegger?

That’s interesting. It’s a bit funny that new technology can take us closer to those far, and at the same time take us far from those close. :P

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I have a 2017 Hybrid Yaris in blue like this one:

That I affectionately call “Blue thunder” 🤣

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Homicide at the zoo, maybe?

It’s really sad, but Argentina has no masters plan as a nation. It’s constantly trying last ditch efforts to right itself in any way, but mostly failing. There’s no social cohesion, no shared interests, it’s a goddam jungle. It’s a miracle that it stays together and not breaking into pieces. It’s a pity. So much potential (geographical and human) wasted.

A human would get involved to verify the sale

And probably, more than one. When you start moving large amounts of money, a lot of people start paying attention: banks want to know why you’re taking that money away from their institution, tax agencies want to know if you’re paying the taxes you’re supposed to, and security agencies want to know if everything is legal and you’re not involved in something fishy.

So, if you actually have the money and the transaction is not immediately rejected as an error, you are probably going to be asked a few questions. Unless you’re someone who regularly deals in such things. Bank have ways to detect unusual types of transactions from an account.

If you don’t have the money, it’ll probably just be classified as an error.

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From the article (did you read it?):

Since you’ll mostly experience the Vision Pro in there, the most noticeable thing about the hardware after a while is that it’s just… heavy. You’re supposed to wear this thing on your face for long stretches of computer time, and depending on which band and light seal you use, the headset alone weighs between 600 and 650 grams. I keep joking that the Vision Pro is an iPad for your face, but it’s heavier than an 11-inch iPad Pro (470 grams) and pushing close to a 12.9-inch iPad Pro (682 grams), so in a very real way, it’s an iPad for your face.


[...] but it’s also very Apple that the battery is not actually bigger so it can provide more than two and a half hours of run time.

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For a working culture where being at the office is important, it's an major step. We call it "seat warming", and sometimes it's a big factor to get a promotion. I know people who got promoted by just being at the office to late hours doing nothing. Maybe this step can convince higher ups that just being there warming your seat is worse than having a good work/home balance, and that productivity won't get hurt by leaving a bit early.

The settlements go against any accord or treaty signed previously in search of peace in the region. But with Netanyahu governing Israel, I don’t see them stopping anytime soon.

In my humble opinion, as long as terrorist attacks from Hamas and illegal settlements from Israeli settlers keep occurring, peace in the region is impossible.

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Wonderful! The mouth is simply fantastic. And you can clearly see that he draw most of the head shape with umber or a similar color. Really interesting.

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I was born in Argentina (part of Latin America). My family is all from Spain. Am I considered a Latino? I mean, I’m from Latin America after all. What does being a “latino” implies? Because as someone from a Latinamerican country, I always thought myself as a “latino”. But apparently I’m a white hispanic?

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I’ve seen gold leaf put in food. It doesn’t hurt your body, apparently, but I guess you take nothing of value from it.

The “I don’t care” crowd could be the rest of the world, that use messaging apps instead of SMS or iMessages. Try to consider this factor first. Not everything should be centered in America, or exclusively to what happens there.

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So, you're telling me in the US you can move a million dollars in a transaction and no one will bat an eye? Holy money laundering, Batman! :O

Edit: Btw, this reminds me of a guy that was doing crypto transactions from unknown origin (and not huge quantities, in the thousands) and had his accounts frozen by the bank because authorities wanted to investigate where the money was coming from. But I think he was in the UK. I'm amazed that you can move money that easily in the US...

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But it’s not “most”, it’s more like half of Americans use iMessage (that’s not an app, it’s a service, the app is called Messages), and the other half uses SMS with different apps.

The factor that moved people away from SMS in the EU was telecom companies charging for it. SMS is virtually free for telecom companies, but European companies got greedy, and people moved to WhatsApp. They tried to block it, but accepted defeat after a while.

In the US, SMS is free with your phone plan, and it became popular with young people until iMessage appeared. Since iPhones are still subsidized by US telcos (afaik, correct me if I’m wrong), a lot of young people have iPhones and use iMessage, that’s far superior to SMS.