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Translation: If we can't track you, you're of no interest to us.

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The TL;DR is now pixels get tracked for how long they've been lit. Then the device can evenly burn out the other pixels so the usage is uniform. The trade off is you are going to lose max brightness in the name of screen uniformity.

The other point is a shifting of the TFT layer that people think is burn-in, but it's actually image retention. But, it is solved by these TV maintenance cycles. Just hope that this compensation cycle actually runs since some panels just fail to run them.

Checkout this RTings video for a good overview of lots of different TV brands and how they perform.

PS: Burn-in is actually a misnomer from the CRT era. There's nothing burning in; the pixels are burning (wearing) out.

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Judkins said that after the finger test, a lead cybertruck engineer at Tesla said he did the video wrong.

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I still code with the mindset of "I need my software to be good or my clients will leave."

Google no longer operates like this. None of what you listed has any financial benefit to Google. You're not going anywhere. All they stand to do is make more money off of you. If they can simplify the software, from being handcrafted by humans perfectly for you, to, instead, generated by an unsalaried AI, they'll do that. They stand to lose mostly nothing and gain by reducing their workforce.

The competition for quality doesn't exist because the money they save by moving to AI is apparent across the industry. Everyone is looking to use it meaning the only competition is who can provide better cheap AI, not who can make a better product for their users.

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I'm mostly enjoying it, but that's after I spent a lot of hours modding the game to look great. I don't mean installing mods I mean modding. (I'm on the Luma mod team). That means fixing the horrible compressed range that is terrible for OLED. Completely replacing the Hable tone mapper after multiple attempts allowing contrast to get properly ramped up. Finally properly fixing the ridiculous fog in shadows from the color grading. Last, I replaced the film grain when theirs just raises blacks and is more digital camera noise than film-like. That only took 3 months. I've enjoyed the technical challenge from doing it, but if this were a game that couldn't be modded, I wouldn't have given it a week.

I also just realized the best part of the game are the story missions. Not the side quests, not the activities or exploration.

The worst part of the game is it's both all fast-travel: where you have to jump from planet to planet in a fetch quest; and it's no fast travel where the game expects you to run on foot 2000km to complete a survey.

The story and characters have charm and personality and that's time better spent. I think there's some good elements there, but overall I don't recommend the game. It's a solid 7/10 game, but completely hit-or-miss if you connect with it.

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As a PocketPC (WinMo) user before the iPhone even existed, I take offense to the claim.

They pioneered capacitive touchscreen for ease of use, but I had ditched dumb phones years before iPhone.

Note XDA refers to the old Windows Mobile XDA phone and then became an Android community. I was there for that transition and none of us were very impressed with the iPhone, but understood that it would be something for the tech illiterate would eat up.

When Android came out, we went from Custom Roms for WinMo to Custom ROMs for Android.

What's kinda crazy is we could reimplement the notification LED with blue OLED now just via software. Just no one has done it.

Edit: It's been done, but a quick Google search says it no longer works. I might get bored and write one.

Edit2: This one seems to be working fine for me.

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We don't like when people add color to our monochromatic text.

Complain today about fewer options.

Complain tomorrow about Führer options.

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The joke is the person uploading a picture that is akin to a failed upload attempt.

Cue people desperate for a second upload attempt.

6 family members for $15 a month and no YouTube ads. Also that money was basically paid for by Google Rewards. The Web App is good too. I don't have to deal with CEF/Electron or any install really.

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Make an iPad Mini competitor with stylus support.

I don't need a tablet as big as my laptop, but with less features.

When reality catches up to marketing

As the age-old adage goes, "If there's koala shit, you must acquit."

I think he's referring to Romans 13:1.

Of course, it's his interpretation that it's them and the US specifically that God has given special favor. That citation is missing.

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According to Route Note, which appears to offer a middle-man service for artists, their ranking, as of November 2023, is:

  • Napster
  • Tidal
  • Apple
  • YouTube Music
  • Deezer
  • YouTube (official content)
  • Amazon
  • Spotify
  • Pandora
  • YouTube (ContentID)
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New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe has Toadette and Peachette.

Super Mario 3D World has Peach / Cat Peach.

My daughter beat them both at 5 years old. There's also Mario Kart 8 which also has Peach. You may be noticing a theme here.

There's also the Lego games where you get to choose your character and she always picks the girls.

Miitopia is great because you create your own characters. She makes the entire team girls.

My Friend Peppa is kinda entertaining, but she didn't really care for it all that much.

Kirby is pretty great and both games Return to Dreamland and Forgotten Land are accessible, though both ramp up difficulty later. (Kirby is gender neutral)

There are more games out there, like Kena, Metroid, Celeste, Shantae, but not for her age yet.

Ask her what she thinks about immigrants and minorities.

It kinda annoys me that the lowercase L glyph is taller than capital A. I don't mind there being a difference, but cap-height should be taller than lowercase letters.


Did well with Brother laser printer. Canon was okay.

I had setup a friend's HP printer and noticed he was constantly switching to WiFi Direct in order to print. I did him the favor of connecting it to the AP, so he wouldn't have to manually switch all the time.

The moment it got online, the printer locked itself down and refused to continue print until he paid for a subscription service on the ink.

Congress should be paid based on a minimum wage factor and that rate should be locked for 20 years.

Sync for Reddit suggested it, so here I am.

Now you can work two jobs!

Republicans don't understand Republicanism.

I don't understand the article. They either aren't clearly explaining the issue or just heavily misinformed.

I have Google One and PIA. Both do the same thing, which is add a key to the top right of the screen. To me, that's like a persistent notification.

PIA has never needed to use the actual persistent notification API. There's no reason to. Persistent notification is for application that don't want their UI Window to terminate when Android gets memory pressured, or when wanting to use a local service (eg: Location or Orientation) when not the main foreground application. I can kill the PIA Window (swipe up from recent apps) and the VPN is still running.

If Google One were able to activate VPN without changing my status bar, that's a different story, and that's not the case.

Edit: DNS66 as well

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Phone material stopped mattering the moment camera bumps became a thing. Now, nearly everyone slaps a case to balance out the bump.

That said, I miss my completely mirrored-back Sony Xperia Z5 Premium.

Touchstream met with Google in December 2011 but was told that the tech giant wasn’t interested in partnering with it in February 2012. For reference, the first generation Google Chromecast was released in 2013.

Not really patent trolling when you meet with the company, they say no, and then they launch their own version.

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FYI, lifetime warranty usually means the lifetime of the product, not yours. What the manufacturer deems to be expected lifetime of the product under general use is arbitrary.

Y'ALL actually stands for Yet Another Linux Lauding

If you didn't mind reading this, you've done this before.

Should be a hyphen instead of period before NAHOM.

I will start calling my JSON Web Tokens impregnated goblins.

Haven't felt better.

Poor choice of words?

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The problem is it's a script that logs onto Haier's servers with the user's email and password and starts polling for data. Considering that most designed usage is probably based around users every once in a while checking and adjusting their thermostat, just one user with an HACS install doing a poll every minute is 1440x more usage than the next who checks it once a day. If HACS uses were the majority of traffic for these devices I wouldn't be surprised by that metric.

That's what probably meant by the ToS because the users using it are probably violating it, and the addon can be considered as something that makes violating it easier (it doesn't have a secondary purpose other than using a set of credentials that are only given after accepting the ToS).

I've had crappy "Smart" ACs and Samsung was the absolute worst. At random times their AWS instance in Europe would go down or their app wouldn't respond. I gave up and coded my own script to directly interface with the device over the local WiFi. You cut Samsung completely out of the equation. You don't have to worry about their servers not working anymore. That's an ideal way for an add-on to work. Ideally most of the script can be retuned to work directly with the device.

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We're kinda getting it back with the Accessibility tree

In theory, if the page is compiled right, you can read everything right from there. You could also interact with it.

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Some people don't know how much better Snapple used to taste.

Proper quote:

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

(From your snopes link)

OP thinks it removes rudeness and not adds lol

I used to not like JavaScript when I started, having done C# and Java for about a decade before moving.

But I feel differently now, having spent about a decade with it and having better tools (VSCode, Typescript, eslint). I code in JS, and use JSDocs whenever Typescript's automatic type detection needs help (no-implicit-any).

The 2015 changes brought a paradigm shift to write more expressive/declarative code and it's continued from there. async/await is much easier than the Future<T> in Java. Tree-shaking of imports is great at reducing code bundling size. Classes are also optional, not mandatory which helps simplify code (functions vs methods).

But for the nerdy stuff, I like I can still pass around functions as objects, something that harder to do in C# (delegates). It makes building functions more versatile dealing with arguments, so I can pass a string|number|function|Promise to one function and write more expressively httpPost(variableContent).

Not perfect though. The prototype system is powerful if you learn it, but definitely confusing. Multithreading is basically non-existent in usage since you have to essentially convert a function to string (serialize) or script threads into their own file.

I heard python is better for beginners, but I grew up on C style and needs my braces over indents.

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