Google Flat-Out Refuses to Bargain With Workers, Prompting YouTube Music Strike to – 1580 points –
Google Flat-Out Refuses to Bargain With Workers, Prompting YouTube Music Strike

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6 family members for $15 a month and no YouTube ads. Also that money was basically paid for by Google Rewards. The Web App is good too. I don't have to deal with CEF/Electron or any install really.

The Web site says $24 for 5 members. Is it different per location? How do you pay less?

Yeah, sorry that was bumped up recently though I was grandfathered for a long while. But that was the impetus for getting it back when it was just GPM.

It's 6 actually (1+ 5 other members). My uncle basically paid for half of it.

It's $22.99 for me now which includes YouTube Premium. Just YouTube Music (for 6) is $16.99. Individual $10.99 and Student $5.49.

also pricing varies heavily by region. Family subscription is $6 and student is $2.50 where I live (Poland). But we also got 70% price cut when LJ introduced regional pricing for Sync ad-free because we are poor in general as an economy