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Joined 1 years ago

This is my favorite visualization of how obscenely wealthy the mega rich are.

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So you're saying I can get there....

Informal, modern society understands it the way you do, the term is just different here on Lemmy lol.

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Righto, I have changed my comment to reflect your input.

Thanks! That's a different way of looking at the problem that I hadn't considered.

I guess my clothes look like shit, or I dress like a toddler.

The great thing about being an adult is I don't have to give a fuck what others think about me.

I don't think anyone is surprised, I feel like anyone who criticizes the government there has a very legitimate threat of getting disappeared.

This run is so much scarier than 2016 or 2020, this language is someone who's out for blood...

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To make things clear (and worse), this man wasn't even on the job! Nobody asked him to do this! He just dropped his kid off for a class nearby and decided it was his duty to shoot anyone he deemed suspicious.

Just chipping in with a technicical answer - a model can know what thing A is, also be shown a thing B, and compose the two. Otherwise models would never be able to display anything that doesn't exist yet.

In this particular case, there's stock imagery of children online, and there's naked adults online, so a model can combine the two.

This case seems to be AI fear mongering, the dude had actual CP....

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So this does bring up an interesting point that I haven't thought about - is it the depiction that matters, or is it the actual potential for victims that matters?

Consider the Catholic schoolgirl trope - if someone of legal age is depicted as being much younger, should that be treated in the same way as this case? This case is arguing that the depiction is what matters, instead of who is actually harmed.

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Probably because in a shopping mall you don't need to be accurate in the slightest to kill others.

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The answer has a spread wider than those cheeks are going to be.

By your logic, does everyone who's into bdsm have a sex dungeon in their bedroom?

Your comment reduces everyone to their base fetishes, as if that were the only thing enacting pressure on an individual to act, and I don't believe that's the case.

If they subscribed for unlimited, you can't blame someone for using it.

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Literally the problem with American politics. If you make a political party your identity, any attack on the politicians becomes a personal attack.

Wait, so what's the role of an armorer on set?

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Freetaxusa does them for like 20 bucks

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Jerboa for Android, mlem for ios

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Another big difference is the apartments are actually very affordable. Two minimum wage earners could afford a 3 bedroom apartment in 6 of the 23 wards in Tokyo.

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Point of clarification - yes, the individual may be employed as a security guard elsewhere, but he was importantly NOT a security guard in this situation. He's just a dude who dropped his kid off for a class nearby and deemed it necessary to "patrol" the area to go on power trips. He's a bully with a gun.

"there was once a time when the sky was open, when the twilight beckoned one forth, when the nascent rivers of the internet flowed free with information", he waxed nostalgic.

"Fuck you and keep your ideas to yourself", he says when someone says something he dislikes.


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Probably start with buying them dinner first

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Also, leftist single issue voters == right wing single issue voters

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OP had a meme saying John Lennon bad for many (very real) reasons, Yoko Ono was kind and sincere. Many comments provided evidence that Yoko Ono was in fact not kind and sincere.

OP started calling everyone a bigot because they couldn't accept that both could be bad people.

OP then deleted all comments, modified the post, and blocked many users and the community. Really reminds me of Midwest emo moped guy.

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To add on, security clearances are centered around the idea of "how much damage could this cause to the country if mishandled".

Well, SCOTUS can do a lot of damage to the country.

Tbf I would assume there's not much volume being sold, considering it's definitely at most a serving being packaged. Afaik nobody is out there buying a handful of these to eat as a snack.

EDIT: based on the other comments, it seems like the average consumer buys at most one of these in their lifetime, haha.

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Okay this is a blatant disregard for correlation vs causation, with a side of no shared data to boot.

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I actually interpreted that is tipping is now optional because the service charge goes to the staff

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I'm pretty sure he was paying - the deletion email mentions that his subscription would be cancelled.

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I imagine the same was asked when jet planes were first invented, now look at where we are.

NASA is likely doing this with tax dollars because private industry has little reason to push forward research that does not yield an immediate ROI. Not yielding an immediate ROI is a very myopic driver of priorities.

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One of the things I've learned over time is people can have vastly different perceptions of what being "poor" is, and I suspect that's what's happening here.

I think there are those who could not afford to put down the 1.5k you're quoting.

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I just wanted a nice set of headphones to listen to stuff.

Then I learned my lack of a DAC was bottlenecking the setup.

Then I learned me not having gold plated braided and custom made cables was bottlenecking the setup.

Then I learned I can't hear a damn difference lmao

I forget the plots of movies and books fairly fast, and I'm able to enjoy them "for the first time" many times.

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In the context of this discussion, the chart title is "young male virginity on the rise", so it doesn't seem too far off the mark.

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As an American dev, you should check out other silicon valley salaries. After hearing what some folks there make 190k doesn't make me bat an eye.

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Your claims backbone is that models don't know the differences between a child's naked body and an adults, yes?

What happens if you ask chat gpt "what are the anatomical differences between human child and adult bodies?"

I'm sure it'll give you an accurate response.

To test DALL·E’s ability to work with novel concepts, the researchers gave it captions that described objects they thought it would not have seen before, such as “an avocado armchair” and “an illustration of a baby daikon radish in a tutu walking a dog.” In both these cases, the AI generated images that combined these concepts in plausible ways.

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I was talking about this with a friend - reddit doesn't have many unique features that folks want, and generally speaking the only thing reddit has of value is the community.

Hoping folks start migrating to alternatives

Hold on, for the record Republicans most certainly are holding up aid to Ukraine.

Your first link errors out

Re: the second link, do you know if we're selling arms to Ukraine, or giving it to them?

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