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Joined 1 years ago

follow me on OF? pls?pls?

Lemmy is just Facebook now huh?

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Well far be it from me to judge anyone at a music festival but I think for many burning man has some bourgeoisie, fake hippie sorta connotations?

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Yeah I mean, LW using discord instead of a FOSS option is not a good look...

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Somebody get me outta this backwards country 🥺

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I hate that the two are becoming more and more conflated. Ukraine is fighting off a invasion; Israel is invading and has driven the people of palestine into radical organization and direct action. These funds should go to aid and peace efforts instead.

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I've been all around the country, and ofc there are exceptions but radio in general is ridiculously conservative. If I have to hear another Christmas song I might just lose it...

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Lol "safety capitalism" the editors wouldn't even let them say socialist. Just the state of the world in 2024 -fight harder, people. I personally can't handle what this shit does to my blood pressure anymore

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Unless you're disabled, elderly or otherwise unable to do this... Not to mention how is this tracked? I don't want MY employer knowing what I do or where I go in my free time.

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Inflation and wage theft are absolutely out of control in this country. I'm a barista. My store makes $1600 in a eight-hour day. Mine and all of my coworker's wage in there probably adds up to about $50/hour on average. So the profit margin is ridiculous. And these businesses have the gall to think they can make MORE MONEY. No, fuck you. At some point the human beings doing the hard work need to get a bigger cut.

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Hmm, maybe it's because they're actually fighting for their country's billionaire's interests instead?

I'll never understand statements like these. Capitalism is the #1 reason there's a profit incentive for any given thing to be horrible.

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Okay, well I'm ready to write a angry email now who's with me? Anybody know the best address?

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I want a fucking headphone jack, thanks. Also 3 full size USB ports, a physical keyboard and a inch-thick battery, because fuck you.

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*especially! Spoof user agent if you have to.

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8 is old enough to know a lot of things about yourself. Personally I knew I hated the idea of "being a man" at that age, i just wish i had realized sooner that growing into something else was a option. My mental health would certainly be about 1000x better if I had been able to transition then instead of as a overwhelmed, forsaken and misunderstood 19 year old...

Nah, wait, why the hell is there a separate women's category in fucking chess in the first place? Those in charge of this decision are 100% misogynists AND transphobes. There isn't a single good reason for this.

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stop weakening the movement by lumping every random alt thing with it

The "movement" has historically BEEN A PART OF EVERY RANDOM ALT THING and is growing to do exactly that! Acceptance is important. But I bet you get real butthurt when you see somebody dressed up like a cartoon animal at pride, huh?

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About 15 years ago I remember my teacher calling anal sex "unnatural" and dodging questions entirely by refusing to answer more after someone brought this up.

Chaos? Sexual anarchy? I don't even know what that second one looks like, but sign me up

Really doubt it was because of this one incident, conservatives just sensationalize anything to do with trans people. Like... Budwieser is a trash product. Everyone knows it. Anybody with taste buds who wants to drink will grab anything else.
But ofc it makes business sense to blame it on us trans people, like this was anything, like Budweiser ever did shit for us in the first place...

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It's a little bump of energy and a calming ritual that's all too intoxicating. Perfect for when you wanna sip a cup of coffee and/or do yoga or something to decompress but only have like 3 minutes to spare or else your boss will yell at you. I've found cannabis to be far more effective and safer-feeling.

Well, to be fair he did steal the presidency from Bernie Sanders and doom us all to pre-fascist neoliberal hell

Been here lol, it can be so easy to forget random meowing is frowned upon when the only people you talk to are trans girls and/or furries

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I'm almost 3k behind because my parents forced me into choosing college or the military at 18. I wasn't remotely ready for either (was dealing with extreme gender dysphoria at the time) and I'm deeply opposed to the army but sometimes I wish I had chosen otherwise -I don't know if I'm ever fixing this. All my cash goes to survival and everything I own is constantly breaking. Poverty is a vicious, vicious cycle...

I was too poor for it to be a option personally, I'm still trying lol. Leaving a country isn't exactly a easy, straightforward thing.

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Yeah this is exactly what a world where toxic masculinity is empowered looks like. We really just expect half the population to never display emotion and that's robbed the world of so much richness and color.

I think this marks the true end of twitter. Undoubtedly, some people will literally pay to have ol' muskys thoughts shoved in their face and get their data collected, see garbage alt-right memes but if he fails, if he can't even make it a premium-feeling cult experience now... (which obviously his vision, but let's be real it's a longshot- he's only gonna be a clown) I don't see it lasting much longer.

Same though. Sports are boring asf to me, I can understand exercise and competition but I will NEVER see the appeal of watching people run around intermittently for hours at a time

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Poor dude probably just dug out the prize lol

that's great to know, these are all the sites I'm aware of atm: https://watcha.movie/ https://fmovies.to/ https://ww8.0123movie.net/ https://www.wcostream.org/ and https://anix.to/

I have a really, really hard time believing treating both genders equal and empowering accessibility + diversity is best achieved by segration.

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Beats a racist with a power complex anyday. Although there is a significantly higher overlap than you'd think.

Dwarf fortress. It makes me want to forgo sleep in favor of weed lol

It's brutal. More draining than any other retail job I've worked, and I've been in warehouses, unloaded trucks. Especially near a airport or hospital some locations do business NONSTOP. And the customers? FIENDING for sugar and caffeine in the form of some obscure, brand new tiktok hack that uses ingredients we probably don't have in stock and is made the total opposite of how a reasonable person would want it. It's like any other job, a lot of people DO put in hard work and most of those get nowhere but burned out.

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That doesnt mean it's dangerous to society at large, and I'd argue that authoritarism IS. Also, (illicit) heavy cannabis use saved my life and is the only thing that adaquately treats my depression and allows me to function like a normal human being. So reading this honestly makes me want to tell you to go play in traffic -The world is bleak-a-fucking-nough I hope you're at least getting paid to post this crap

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Shut the fuck up, there are so many empty, insured buildings rotting away or even sitting in great condition but if we had to build new ones that CAN be done cheaply. No matter how bad they are, their problems would undoubtedly be VASTLY improved by the roof over their heads, and it could be sustained easily by the government taxing the rich even obscenely slightly. But no, instead we pass that burden onto the middle class so they get brainwashed into hating the poor too. Or stigmatizing, looking down on them, writing them all off as lesser beings who don't deserve a shred of hope. But realistically? Even if you have a million dollars today you could end up like them tomorrow. I remember somebody new starting at pizza hut who had just lost his house and was selling his Ferrari- it can happen to you. So many people are right around the corner from being homeless themselves and don't know it. Don't ever let anybody downplay that reality.

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Switch it up. even just tortilla chips and hummus or salsa too with plenty of water and you might even survive! Nuts are great too. Dense calories and nutrients, underrated.

I just use illicit streaming sites nowadays, I wish I could afford more physical storage but I don't really wanna hold onto every TV show I consume anyways. Way to go though, fuck these vastly overpriced subscription models!

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I'd suggest you read the g/acc manifesto. Some people do believe they're animals and should be encouraged to express their kinship with them. Queering society as such is something you should be all for if you're "not straight". I say this as a trans woman who's been around the community for a decade- identity is fucking complicated. Reductive logic like this is NOT applicable and actively harmful, even. therian/xenogender people, you're fucking awesome and I love you all.

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I actually haven't done my taxes in like 2 years due to extreme poverty (in the u.s you don't have to file if your income is under a certain threshold) I think I'm still under that, but I still should probably file this year right? Is there anything specific I should do? Maybe not the best place to ask, but I hate financial anything so I'd really appreciate some advice

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