
8 Post – 347 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Direwolf20, he was mean to the kid

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Forget the younger guy's name. Erno? Anyway, I didn't know if anything actually bad happened, just normal meanness on camera played off as humor.

You can be a hot sexy millionaire too, just look at all these examples in film.

Yeah, it's a huge project, but not impossible.

Why is this guy still around after bathroom?

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Hallelujah is similarly about Bathsheba

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Technically you can if you learn a little 3d modeling and electronics. The index touch pads are cirque https://www.mouser.com/c/?marcom=118816186

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Didn't she run someone over?

Living the dream

Lol nice, it's 404'd now

Probably just an anecdote, but notice more sus medium content recently. Used to be niche Python tutorials.

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thank mr skeltal

I can tell the difference between generic and real cocoa pebbles. Fuck cocoa krispies too.

Side note, it doesn't always fuck up, but most of the time it'll give just completely wrong matplot instructions. The recent tattoo post comes to mind.

This is the guy who's dad -- upon hearing that his son shot up a gay club -- immediately thought that his son might be gay and was worried about that, but then was relieved that the son had only killed gays.

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Also on top of what other folks are saying, making a complete modern computer is really fucking hard.

No one is making a 3ghz CPU in their garage. Maybe folks are assembling stm32, or pis, or whatever into their own pcbs, but the machines that make the chips just aren't hobby level yet. You just have to buy some stuff.

Maybe that's not your point. Maybe you're okay with the processor being closed because it is fucking hard to make.

Beyond the hardware now we're talking making your own drivers and shit. There are resources out there like zephyr, but there's millions of devices that aren't covered.

Try writing your own SPI interface for an established MCU and a common periferal. Make sure you include crc, don't skip it. Maybe skimp and do i2c. It's fucking hard.

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"They even called me the n word." - Sen Tom Scott, in like a thousand ads this weekend.

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So try a lemmy comment.

For the likely large overlap this audience might have with dnd, it didn't make 100mil a year so it gets to eat shit. It doesn't help that the video game license isn't counted in that total. Other Hasbro brands do make 100mil a year.

I thought magic was one. It is surprising to see layoffs there.

Anyway, of course a corporation does evil shit. The only moral is the line going up.

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57 and 63 screaming and throwing things forgetful ... infuriating

Folks shouldn't be forgetting so much it affects their lives at this point. Nor screaming and throwing things. Oof man, genetics are a bitch, get them care (at least checked out) and then get yourself setup as well.

Pretend to fall and hit your head some night out with friends. Not enough for them to force you to stay up and get a cat scan, but just enough. Just enough to leave some doubt. Then start talking American the next day

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Right now I am hearing ever louder calls of Russia winning

Winning was taking over the county at first. Then it was kherson, and donbass, crimea, and a few others. Now it's just like 3 areas. If you're hearing anything about winning it's because the goal posts are moving.

Youtuber Perun had some good high level takes on the war. It all boils down to Western support will win. As long as support keeps coming from the rest of the world, eventually Russia will run out of material. WW2 was won (not wholly, but in large part) due to the larger economy being on the allies side.

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Pretty sure we all saw the dean drawing dicks everywhere.

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The restaurant industry is like the actual gateway drug the government was fear mongering about.

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ive wanted to make an alt account and name it something like dog, and just bark at comments that hurt my ears

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That is the cleanest removal I've ever seen.

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Didn't he get banned or something too?

It's modeled after mission burritos. You could say it's San Franciscan. That's essentially Mexican.

Going from first principles is a different story. Did you know potatoes come from Peru, South America? Shouldn't they be called Peruvian Fries? Not French? Like half of all food is South American. It's wild. Same for beans; which make up a part of a Chipotle.

Anyway, when dealing with cultural categories there's no real facts to rely on. See sandwich vs hot dog.

I'd say it's Mexican, but not sit-down-Mexican. That's something different. You usually get wet burritos at sit down Mexican. There's a million places call like El Rodeo, or La Michoana, or whatever. They aren't a chain, but you know what you're gonna get at a sit down Mexican. It's never a Chipotle style burrito.

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Can I have the smooth brain points on this one?

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Yeah, card crack is real. They've been whaling and getting kids into gambling since the 90s. Don't know why lay offs there. Line go up just a little more probably.

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We need a hero, to link this OF

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Or asthma

There's a famous hacker guy who setup a free VPN and he used it to monitor the people who were using the VPN, including some scammers that were using it.

So, worst thing that can happen if someone gets to see everything you do online.

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I like the deep v. You know that head and chest are smooth. You could slide right down to that pp without to touching a follicle I bet.

This is where googly eyes comes from, sad

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Don't say anything you wouldn't say to someone's face. HR shit has a way of getting around.

Just expensive and nobody takes the time to get fitted for them.

Returns are really bad you guys. Independent research from this federation shows it's like.... 800 billions. That's a scary number, right?

Scooby Doo mask reveal.

I've heard that the subscription feed doesn't always show you uploads from the creators you're subscribed to.

I must not be subscribed to enough people for that to happen.

Otherwise, I don't let a non-subscription video live in my history unless liked it, and I generously block channels for the slightest click bait bullshit, so my home feed is pretty consistent as well.

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itt, people this shitpost is about