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Joined 1 years ago

My company blocked ssh keys in favour of password + 2FA. Honestly I don’t mind the 2FA since we use yubikeys, but wouldn’t ssh key + 2FA be better?

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Yep. All the headless automation broke…

Oh please do! Great way to kill your site faster

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He’s technically correct. They didn’t argue, they just demanded and expected everyone else to accept it. There was no discussion…

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I downvoted because of this. I don’t like Tesla. But I hate this click baiting and lying to tarnish a reputation. Let them do it themselves. They are doing a good enough job.

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Not family, probably because my father passed away just before the pandemic. But it has changed friendships forever. I was surprised by the lack of empathy from people. Like the mild inconvenience of wearing a mask was worse than people dying…

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What annoys me about webcams is that they could have easily used the power line to the camera to light the LED. Then if the camera was on the light would be on.

But for some reason the LED is enabled separately from the camera, so it can be hacked through software that the camera is on but LED is off. Leading to a lot of paranoia. It’s just a non sensical design choice.

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I’m never buying a BMW again. I had an electric i3 which had an inverter (charger) failure. BMW wanted €12k to fix it. Thankfully an independent offered to do it for 4K. But BMW still wanted 3K just to plug it in and authenticate the new block. Nothing else, just “bless” it. Made the fix cost-prohibitive so we just had to scrap the car. The battery, which most people fear, was fine on this 8 year old car.

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I wonder if Hamas would exist if Israel treated the Palestinians well, giving them aid, food, water and the promise of a brighter future… including sovereignty of their borders.

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I think it’s more of “that’s what i do so everyone else must do the same”.

They do it and believe everyone else does too.

I’m worried they’ll just embrace it like they did with “deplorable”.

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I remember seeing a video of a Model S in water and Elon boasting the car would float and use its wheels to propel along the water.

I once had an argument over someone who was anti fluoride. They said it makes you dumb. But they have also in the past commented that I was smart, so I said imagine how smart I’d be without fluoride? They don’t have a comeback for that one.

Also too much oxygen (twice the limit) will also cause you harm and possibly kill you, do we ban oxygen?

I'm not sure, i made a comment on the controversy over linus tech tips, basically there may have been miscommunication and we should wait and see before demonising anyone. But people took what i said the wrong way and downvoted me to eternity. It was quite depressing. I didn't say anyone was wrong or anyone was right. Just stated i'd been in a position before where people misunderstood my intentions so i understand how easily it can happen.

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Yes. These things are unenforceable. Especially since you were never officially a lead on paper.

Or don’t buy it and support the brand?

Don’t go? I mean, you’re being fired, what’s the worst that can happen so just don’t go. Go for a walk in the woods or mountains while the company is paying you…

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Getting back into PC gaming after buying my friends old 300 euro gaming PC. I'm looking to upgrade and every little bit faster is only a little bit extra, so a 100 euro upgrade turned to a 120 euro upgrade, then a 150 euro upgrade to... i don't want to say how much i spent...

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I know, but in the past the independent dealers didn’t have to deal directly with BMW for fixes. Now with all the authentication needed you can’t just get a replacement part from anywhere any more. Similar to how Apple locked down its batteries, BMW is doing the same.

Yeah. Good thing we don’t fill up planes with flammable material today!


I run OMV baremetal for last few years. I really like it. I did try TrueNAS and found it too convoluted.

Nextcloud is a totally different beast that would run on top of either.

OMV allows you to use ZFS as well if you want (I do) but also the flexibility to use other raid systems.

I just wish they’d left in portainer as default. No point reinventing the docker wheel…

Debian? First time i installed it wanted to use CD for packages instead of online. Don’t know why. Second time it didn’t have wireless drivers as these were non free.

It’s a great distro but not for newbies.

Fedora all the way!

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Get a reverse proxy. Ping me if you need details. All my stuff is hidden behind port 443.

I think what they are trying to say is that harsh reactions are becoming less common. Which is good for everyone. Although it can still affect people a lot, like it affected your wife.

Although it could be propaganda, at this moment I hope it’s the former.

They believe it’s a PsyOp because it’s what they would do if they could. It’s all projection.

Probably wording could be better like “why would they make a whole video of a still image…”

Random mix and match. I’m all for diversity!

Same reason poor people buy overpriced designer handbags. Status symbol…

I like the intentional misspelling. Very accurate. Here they would say “just 10 yo yo’s a month”. I’m not sure they know what a data plan is…

Good point.

You should look into ranked voting. You still only get one vote, just if your preferred candidate is eliminated you can propose your second/third choice as well. This allows you to vote with your morals but also strategically.

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Too expensive to heat/cool. Too hard to keep clean. I’d love a small apartment (with respectful neighbours or good sound insulation) with a nice south facing balcony.

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I thought this was a new hip smiley I didn’t know about until I read the article :)

If you are still on by choice then I’d agree with the OP. If you need it for work then that’s different, but you should be trying to move off it.

They are probably just being pedantic and saying “but those punters didn’t buy so they aren’t customers…”

Define the expectations of how many patients you need to care for in one hour. Since there is more than one employee they can’t say you need to attend to all patients. So count all the patients, divide by the number of workers. And attend to that many in an hour.

Then you won’t be overworked and management can’t say you aren’t doing your job.

I get the feeling that China is slowly taking over Russia in the background. They probably don’t want to do an overt takeover.

I agree with you. If i had to add my password everytime I’d just add my personal account to sudo group.

Good security works with people, not against them.

Maybe they are too stupid to realise that?

Also good is to always put something back where it should be. Like my work badge is always in the front pinch of my laptop bag and the first thing I do when I finish work is put it back into that pouch.