
4 Post – 308 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We don't! When I was younger I had a theory that the brain is a 3D representation of an organ that exists in a higher dimension. Granted, I had (and still have) no relevant expertise to properly speculate on how that could work, but it was fun to think about.

My mother is fond of saying "God doesn't make junk". Easily disproven whether or not you believe in a god, but she's a "if I don't like it, it didn't happen" variety of Trump supporter, so I err on the side of changing the subject over arguing.

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Thank you. It is really difficult. It's especially hard to find the line. (Un)fortunately for me she's always been unreasonable per se, so I already had her at arm's length before Trump flopped onto the scene.

The headline sounds like he blew his guts out of his nose.

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She looks like Friendly Jordies!

It's honestly unkind to include it in the quote from her. Written down, it is seriously hard to read. But spoken aloud, your brain will filter "filler words" like that out without needing to think too hard about it.

Can all the folks saying "I don't care" on this just stop? If this doesn't affect you, why are you commenting at all?

Some smart folks managed to reverse engineer Apple's secretive tech that they refuse to put on any platform they don't own, which is fucking awesome. Even if you don't give a shit about using iMessage, it's awesome they were able to stick it to Apple at all, and make the gap between iPhone and Android that much smaller.

And of course Apple comes in and breaks it. Do you not wonder why? Does this mean there was a minor security hole that was exploited or was it something else that changed? This arms race is fascinating, regardless of your preferred mobile OS.

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An article...about a tweet...quoting another tweet.

I mean, it's mildly interesting, but I don't know that this is really news.

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The man has been leading by example for years. Remember when, during the Obama presidency, he refused to even call a vote on any Supreme Court nominees?

He has shown time and time again that he doesn't care about the unwritten gentleman's rules that the government has been (more or less) abiding by for centuries, and now he's shocked that his party is overrun by people with zero interest in working towards anything other than destruction?

He's a fool and he's dragged us down with him.

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Officials said he refused to step off the vessel and threatened to kill himself. He also claimed that he had a bomb on board, according to court papers.

Oh so he's not a cool weirdo, he's a terrible weirdo. Damn.

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Let's not share the version with the credit cropped, folks. Come on.


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Christ, you aren't kidding. The article is clear that he is saying it's too easy for higher ups to forget that employees don't have an investment in the success of the company overall, and that they need to try to empathize with their employees more.

Except it dances around it and has this idiotic title. Fucking trash website.

Sometimes a hypocrite is just a man in the process of changing.

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Not even then. There are countless examples of corrupt prosecutors pushing through convictions because they want a win, even when it was clear the accused was innocent.

Without an absolutely perfect system of justice, I'm not willing to trust the state with executions in any circumstances.

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I know I'm being that guy here, but this is a butchering of the meme format. Woof.

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Honestly mad respect for owning it. No one's perfect all the time, and it takes a lot of courage to be able to admit when those mistakes happen.

In my opinion, that makes you MORE qualified to be a mod -- not less.

Optimistic of you to think people wouldn't use it as an excuse to be even MORE discriminatory. There would be Ultra-Whites who could claim they were never non-white in the past X years, with seniority by how far back they can trace their reincarnated whiteness. And of course there would be new religions claiming that if you follow them you'll be reincarnated into the race/environment of your choice.

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Disclaimer: this absolutely sucks and I'm baffled that they've made this move at all.

That being said, I don't think folks have noticed the very specific situation where this is the case:

Users who redeemed digital copies of a Blu-ray or DVD purchased from Funimation were granted access to the streaming service, where they could store and stream the purchased program or film.

They are very specifically removing the free digital copies that came with buying hard copies via Blu-ray or DVD. It still sucks, but no one is losing a digital product they outright bought.

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Sure, Jan.

It's bullshit that the opposite of "important" is "unimportant" instead of "portant"

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I zoom in and this is the FIRST thing I see. What in the god damned shit?

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What a weird thing.

So someone made up a rumor that this Sophia person was dating Jenner. Sophia publicly and transphobically denied this. Sophia is a known member of a transphobic group associated with the Republican party.

Who the fuck started this weird ass rumor? Why are we talking about this? How is this news at all?

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Not even then. They'd try to increase militarization of the police instead.

To be fair, Adobe wasn't going to fix either of those problems.

You must have missed it. When he tried the first time, the Supreme Court stopped him. It wasn't a conspiracy by Biden's administration. And since then his administration has been successfully canceling student loan debt for certain subsections of the population.

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I'll add that my understanding is that you aren't even prompted to choose a pronoun in-game -- it defaults to one or the other based on your character creation choices, and you can then change it if you want to. It's literally a non-issue.

A few things came together for me here.

The paper had two reviewers, one in India and one based in the U.S.


"...a reviewer of the paper had raised concerns about the AI-generated images that were ignored."


...the U.S.-based reviewer who said that they evaluated the study based solely on its scientific merits and that it was up to Frontiers whether or not to publish the AI-generated images...


"The authors failed to respond to these requests. We are investigating how our processes failed to act on the lack of author compliance... "

They don't outright say it in the article, but it looks like the reviewer based in India was the one who actually raised concerns about the garbage images. The authors were supposed to respond, but didn't, and the journal published anyway.

I will readily admit that this is just my own conclusion here, but -- I wonder if there was an element of racism that went into ignoring the reviewer's concerns?

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It's mostly fine. There's one guy who's got a real rough view of the world and taking it out on anyone that engages with him, but if you block him it's a lot better.

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Not just that -- Twitter started automatically granting the blue check to any account followed by a certain number of accounts with the check. These people never paid but are being labeled as if they did.

Damn good question.

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I bet you do. 🙄

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I wonder if he means that in the sense of "putting you in jail is only going to empower your frankly rabid base of supporters. I need to avoid even the slightest hint of a mistrial so we can put you in prison for good."

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IIRC, the common argument is that modern Black Americans have great opportunities by virtue of being in America. Without slavery, they would have been born in Africa.

This is ludicrous for a variety of reasons. It's the same kind of thinking that leads to people saying your relative died "because of God's plan", as if suffering always has a good reason to it.

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Jesus. What a shit heel, trying to enlist people during graduation. The fucking audacity.

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Yeah. I think you can sum it up as "some crimes absolutely deserve death. No government can be trusted to dole it out".

Ehhhh sometimes it goes too far. I remember one time he commented after a mass shooting that, uhm ackshually the flu kills more people than mass shootings so why are you all upset? It was pretty offensive.

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IIRC, he did try that. Over the summer he was committed after claiming to hear voices, and was released after 2 weeks.

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It sounds like Magill said some really stupid shit.

In their testimony, the presidents evaded questions on whether calling for the genocide of Jews violated their institutions' codes of conduct.

Penn President Elizabeth Magill said: "If the speech turns into conduct, it can be harassment."

Calling for genocide isn't harassment, according to her. Guess I can go to U Penn and start loudly telling everyone we should exterminate the lesser races and it's fine.

She was asked point blank if calling for genocide was against their rules, and she said "it depends on the context". How is that not the easiest, most softball question? How hard is it to say "absolutely it's against the rules, but I will clarify that I don't believe supporting the Palestinian people is the same as calling for genocide"?

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