1 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

What he meant to say was that Republicans would have continued to pretend to not be racist and stuck to their wink wink dog whistles, but electing a black man president drove them so insane that they regressed 50 years and returned to being openly racist.

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This asshole always uses a poll as a cover when he does something shitty. "I want nazi's back on the site but it will be unpopular.... better poll my alt-right nazi fans! Heh, heh. I'm so clever."

Has there ever been a dictator who relinquished power after "fixing" things? Yeah guys, I'm going to need some extra judicial powers and have the military become my personal army, but it's just temporary, I swear.

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“My firstborn child died in my arms. I felt his last heartbeat,” Musk tweeted. “I have no mercy for anyone who would use the deaths of children for gain, politics or fame.”

And now he's throwing his own dead kid under the bus. But hey, it's a money bus.

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So not only did Musk un-ban Jones, even though he said he never would because he exploited the deaths of children, but he's also appearing on livestreams with him? Do I have that right? He's not only giving him a platform to spread conspiracies, he's boosting them by appearing with him at an event? Jesus Christ, what a gigantic piece of shit.

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This is just performative nonsense. It has no chance of passing. But Rafael Cruz just has to let the most fucked up segment of the Republican base know that he on their side!

The coverage angered the former girlfriend, who wrote a letter to the Louisville Courier-Journal in which she asserted that Comer had hit her and that their relationship had been “toxic.” She also told the newspaper that Comer became “enraged” in 1991 after he learned she had used his name on a form she submitted before receiving an abortion at a Louisville clinic.

Why am I not even a little surprised?

Serial killer lobby to FBI: Please don't look too closely at the people we kill

Drug smugglers lobby to DEA: Please don't look to closely at the drugs we smuggle

The store didn't hire him, or ask him in any way, to patrol their property. He just showed up with his illegal gun to hopefully shoot some protestors and he got his wish.

The bill would require hedge funds, defined as corporations, partnerships or real estate investment trusts that manage funds pooled from investors, to sell off all the single-family homes they own over a 10-year period, and eventually prohibit such companies from owning any single-family homes at all.

It does include corporations. For instance the Bezos thing we've been hearing about the past couple days would be covered:

Arrived, a young real estate company backed by Inc. founder Jeff Bezos, has just announced its entry into the single-family rental fund space. Arrived currently operates a fractional real estate investing platform that has attracted nearly half a million retail investors since its launch in 2021. The platform allows these investors to purchase shares of single-family rental properties with as little as $100.

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Question seven from the "Taliban or Mike Johnson" party game.

Republicans desperately want the abortion debate to disappear, but by their own actions keep bringing it to the forefront of national news. Great job, Texas. They should have ditched Paxton when they had the chance, because this evil bastard is single handedly going to cost them so many votes nationwide.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley called for more “compassion” Tuesday in comments to NBC News.

We don't want your fucking compassion, we want our fucking rights.

It's hilarious that he tries to backtrack when he gets called out and made to look like a dumbass by claiming it was a "honeypot". But then he removes the "honeypot" and thus prevents future honeypotting? He can't handle the slightest bit of criticism or correction.

It's because republicans don't stand for anything. They can't pass any bills because that would require that they actually have policy goals. They don't. All they want to do is embarrass and attack their political rivals. The republican party is profoundly broken.

Does this guy not get that this type of extreme fundamentalism is a turn off to most Americans? I mean, I would never vote republican in a thousand years but this has got to be pushing some of the more sane fence sitters away, right?

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No, you don't have a right to it. If they want to they can put the entire site being a subscriber paywall. That's their call. But until they do that i will continue to access the site with my adblocked browser.

That's how it's always been with conservatives. Free speech for me, but not for thee. They've been used to suppressing and outright banning anything that doesn't tick their particular boxes for so long that they are in a constant state of rage that they aren't the arbiters of public decency anymore.

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Oh, they knew what to do. They just decided it wasn't worth the risk to their lives to save some kids.

Just so it's clear, they want to turn our homes into a mini stock market.

This bill won't pass.

We already live in a completely fucked up dystopia, most people just haven't realized it.

Cry about it more. Every asshole in Florida is losing their minds. And there is nothing they can do about it.

That would imply he cares enough about any of his kids to go to a little league game.

This race is going to be a fucking circus, but having a few QNuts run and take votes from the repub establishment pick isn't a bad thing...

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She should just travel out of state and get the medical procedure she needs. At this point she's just a pawn in a political game. Take texas out of the equation. They can't threaten doctors or hospitals that way.

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The problem with Florida is that a demographic shift will be tempered by the fact that we import a hell of a lot of angry old people from the rest of the country.

Nah, he eats fast food like it's going out of style. Food prepared in back kitchens by people he can't see in sanitary conditions he can't verify.

I always thought his "germaphobia" was a cover for why he didn't like shaking hands with certain people.

Yeah, right. Put a downvote troll in a vacuum and they wither away and die. You need that negative energy because it's the only attention you get in your sad little life.

He's already punished us by making us live alongside his wackjob followers.

They're mad because Swift has amazing reach with young people and can actually single handedly make a difference, while Nugent is a has been who only a small subset of Boomers even care about. It's just not fair!

It says 1,318 seasons, so that's like 100 people buying thirteen seasons of Shark Pilots or Junkstore Wars or whatever. So, you're definitely right it's bad PR over almost nothing, but I think Discovery should be taking the heat, not Sony. They made the call to cancel those licenses.

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It says it right there in the title. They sold seasons, that is how many they sold. Do you think Discovery has 1,318 total shows?