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Joined 12 months ago

Patch 5 also improves inventory access, letting players manage the inventory of all companions from one single UI, regardless of whether or not theyโ€™re currently in your party.

YES. I was just looking for a mod to do this but it's so much better when the devs build out a highly-requested feature like this.

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Awaiting the Christian Right to call him antisemitic.

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Except there is a line of succession for president, whereas trump got to pick RBG'S successor.

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No opinion XIV

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This level explains my 30+ year fear of being strangled by seaweed.

The very few times I was able to clear this level (with a low-health Don), I immediately died in the van level. Yet I kept coming back..

It took a 23-count indictment to make it happen, however.

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"I didn't have children because I cannot afford it" is the system working, to you?

But then they couldn't inundate you with ads.

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Fine, as long as they have their tax exempt status removed.

Oh, is it Thursday already? ๐Ÿ™„

They cherry-pick the Constitution more than the Bible. That doesn't mean anything to them.

Poor education, crime, and border insecurity all occurred in the past 3 years? Got it Gutfeld.

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The only Swift conspiracy I believe is that she and the NFL fabricated her relationship with Travis Kelce to cross-pollinate the fan bases.

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If it hurts a corporation and/or helps the people, they get big mad.

This is the least funny xkcd comic.

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"As a black man..."

Perma-photo mode!

Each branch checks the other two and keeps them in balance. I thought we all learned this in high school? Or at the very least I'm sure Alito learned this, whether he cares to remember or not.

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Because despite their name, laptops are meant to be placed on a hard flat surface when in use - NOT on your lap, a pillow, etc. They have little rubber feet that allow just enough room for the hot air to escape, and when placed on your lap the air gets trapped. Manufacturers warn about the effects of the hot air on your lap for extended periods of time.

I'm so glad that he is making this deeply personal decision for himself and his family. Oh wait...

"I'll show you that the US is a racist country!"

But they hate with a smile on their face!!

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Yet they call the left entitled. Say it with me now: Projection

He had mojo? Nothing I've heard about Johnson tells me he's a particularly savvy lawmaker. Just another red tie.

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Either you're terrible at analogies or you're great at them, I can't tell.

You should think harder next time.

He's always had that Peterson pseudo-intellectual bent to him. Couple that with his fervent anti-vaxx YouTube channel and he's a natural pairing. All that he needed was a credible sexual assault accusation.

Nope. Israeli citizens are not all bombing Palestinians, and Palestinians are not all Hamas.

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I liked Alien3. It's my third favorite, but it has all the charm and environment that the first two do.

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This is my shocked face ๐Ÿ˜

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They'll force you to have the kid, then tell ya to fuck off.

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We'd be lucky if they were boomers. These are greatest generationers. Feinstein is 90 years old ffs

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Different situations completely. Hunter did not accurately fill out a form. Trump is under federal indictment.

I give him 26 Emmers before he drops out.

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Richard Nixon is rolling in his grave.

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They will claim it's due to greedy writers and actors. Don't believe them. 87% of actors do not earn more than $26,000 annually.

Not true! Some retire to the private sector to become villains.

And they have the gall to say liberalism is a mental disorder.

Say it with me now, "P-R-O-J-E-C-T-I-O-N"

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4 out of 10 can be the majority if you include Neutral, Dislike, Like, Love as options.

Edit I think I'm dumb

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7 in 8 Republicans are liars.

No, that also seems low.