Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’ to politics – 646 points –

Justin Mohn, a 32-year-old Pennsylvania man, is in police custody after allegedly murdering and decapitating his father, claiming the latter was a "federal employee" and a "traitor." Before his arrest, Mohn posted a 14-minute video to YouTube in which he displayed his father's severed head, proclaiming: "This is the head of Mike Mohn, a federal


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And they have the gall to say liberalism is a mental disorder.

Say it with me now, "P-R-O-J-E-C-T-I-O-N"

...and even taking that BS at face value, an actual mental disorder is infinitely preferable to sober and calculated malice.

"No -your- brain is broken! I'm just plain ol' evil."

Their brains are broken. Depending on age, it the condition has a chance to be arrested, if not corrected. Until a significant amount of “not right leaning” people understand that at a core level, nothing will change.