
3 Post – 306 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Yeah lol... Why curb supply to artificially keep prices high? Sounds like a antitrust issue.

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Isn't this the type of thing Jesus got angry about?

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I know this guy deserves to be punished to the fullest extent of the law for the horrible murder of George Floyd... But nobody deserves to be shanked in prison.

Prison is for reform and rehabilitation and correction.

The U.S. prison system is an abomination of human rights.

Strip their badge and their gun, strip their dignity, strip their title, strip their liberties, but don't through them defenseless into certain torture.

I will be down voted for this but my heart goes out to this man and his family.

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Funny how now it's the "entire nation" that elects the president and not the electoral college.

My wife told me I was a doomer gloomer for not wanting to have kids due to climate uncertainty. I wanted to adopt instead.

I'm terrified of how the world will look over the next century for my 6 month old son.

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I would rather donate to ad blockers lel

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Remember when Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about sex?

It's not about the sex it's about the lies.

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Florida Senate should have AC privelages revoked and no more WFH

What makes something a "liberal org"?

Just because an organization donates to NPR doesn't mean it's a "liberal org" lol

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I flew off my motorcycle once and thought exactly that thought.

I had only had the bike for a few days at that point and I remember thinking in my head, "welp, this sucks. Gonna die now." Along with, "wow, that small mistake is going to cost me my life."

Both terrifying thoughts.

I'm still alive though, my left leg is all messed up, like having the left knee of a 80+ yr old at 36.

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Lmao okay so the FBI is great when you want to investigate hunter biden

Then when you don't get what you want you defund them hahahaha

She was already paid. This trial is about campaign finance fraud... Where he illegally used campaign funds for hush money payments to Stormy Daniels with whom he was engaging in... Use your imagination.

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He's already a nut job to begin with, it's hard to tell where the cookoo ends and where the senility begins.

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If Trump takes the stand, he will face cross examination. If that happens, there's 100% chance he will commit purgery.

The only coherent words that come out of his mouth come from a teleprompter. Everything else is hate speech, lies, projection, or mumbled incoherent garbled garbage.

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Those quotes sound way too coherent to be coming from Trump....

How does he manage to say the most Fascist shit so clearly but then everything else is just mumbled incoherent garbage?

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Russia seems to have agents in far right govt organizations worldwide.

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Four Seasons Landscaping is such a huge, embarrassing blunder.

If Biden pulled a stunt like that it would never be let go... But so much bad shit is going on with the donnie debacle that I've almost completely forgotten about four seasons landscaping.

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It really sucks to be the kid of negligent anti vax parent in situations like these.

There should be a resource (I'm sure there probably is) for kids to get vaxxed without their parents' knowledge.

Sad thing is though that a large portion of those kids can't reason passed the brainwashing from their looneytune parents and won't take advantage of those resources.

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Umm the legal profession should respond by doing their job and not lying to the court room and breaking the law.

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Yeah, he deserves no sympathy.

If I believed in Christianity I would 100% think Trump is the Antichrist and this further cements that.

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This is a huge step in the right direction.... All these post docs funding their research with federal grants then when they discover/create a successful drug they price it as if they funded the research themselves.

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they are corrupt and don't want Trump to expose them.

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His lawyers have to resort to antagonizing the court because they have no case or legitimate strategy to work with.

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That seat looks custom made for an obese gravy seal.

Dude you appointed your kids to public servant roles... It's you that subjected them to this.

It's easier to live without thinking and without reason than you expect.

Even an idiot can do it. They just assume they're never wrong and yada yada yada narcissist's prayer, etc.

It's very easy for them to live in that reality when:

  • you have talking heads on Fox news and other media outlets shoving talking points down your throats.
  • social media platforms will push lies for pennies to millions of users instantly
  • political careers depend on bending the knee to the loudest, most extreme, fear mongering, wannabe dictator.

What's hard is to break free from that reality and find the truth after you've allowed yourselves to be brainwashed by the cult which is the current state of "American Conservatism."

Yeah, agreed on everything. Dark Brandon, you have my vote.

Netanyahu is a madman though and I hope he sees his day in international court for these crimes.

This should go without saying but here we are

Though Trump does concede that he could be prosecuted if he were first impeached and convicted.

But when he was impeached the first time (withholding aid, obstructing congress, ignoring subpoenas, attempting to bribe zelensky to announce an investigation into Biden), they voted not to convict with specific intention that he should be tried before a jury...

So congress openly refuses to convict, but Trump says he's immune from criminal conviction unless congress convicts.

Sounds like this immunity is a fast track to dictatorship.

Hmm sounds like the whole "balance of power in the 3 branches of government" is being completely ignored by this dumb lawyer.

The executive branch must be held accountable by more than just the Senate... Otherwise there might as well only be 2 branches of power and the justice system would fall under the umbrella of the executive branch.

I had an account that was tweeting to my state senators to take action on a stale bill that was stuck in appropriations.

It got censored. Last week.

Well in the medieval textbooks it was a valid strategy....

But this is horrific and along the lines of torture. Genocide and death by forced starvation are disgusting, despicable things that should not be happening in this modern era.

Netanyahu... or however you spell his name... will go down in history next to Hitler, sadly, and the Biden administration supporting this genocide is on the wrong side of history.

Even with all this said, I'm probably still voting for Biden in 2024. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨

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because [the moratorium] only applied to police

Fuck bezos and fuck amazon

In a country this large, rioting as a country takes serious organization.

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Yeah people are paying attention they love it. And the rest of us are paying attention and are disgusted.

The only people not paying attention are the Republican voters who don't care who the candidate is and just vote Red no matter what.

Man I wish I could be a juror on this case. It seems like it would be hard to find an unbiased juror though, considering how publicized the case is and how galvanizing Trump's rhetoric has been around it.

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Trump is a disgrace I hope he goes to jail.

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I used LineageOS before switching to GrapheneOS

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Lol like that's gonna stop him. He's a narcissist with no sense of authority.

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