Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout to – 549 points –
Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout

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Yeah lol... Why curb supply to artificially keep prices high? Sounds like a antitrust issue.

We can keep producing mass amounts of EV’s; we’ll just store them all in caves in middle America.

It'll be like government cheese all over again!

I’ll take some of that government EV. Maybe fill it with government cheese too while they’re at it.

EV inventory is still moving fine. Tesla is sitting on a 16 day inventory while most legacy automakers are minimum a month… on ICE vehicles. Legacy auto isn’t producing enough EVs for them to stack up. They are losing boat loads of money per EV they make and will continue doing so until they hit scale from mass production… which won’t be anytime soon since they are all pulling back on production.