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Or when they can’t find enough workers and their crops die in the fields…

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This is literally why net neutrality needs to be regulated. Corporations will artificially make problems to induce additional earnings.

Super scummy, anti-customer behavior.

… well, yeah… but symptoms can kill you, too.

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He is free to say whatever he wants and the government can’t stop him.

He is also accountable to his victims if his actions cause them financial harm.

Freedom of speech remains intact.

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I’m about to throw my google speakers away at this point. I feel like they are becoming more and more useless. Voice commands used to work fine, but lately this is a standard occurance.

“Hey google, turn on the kitchen lights.”

“I’m sorry. It looks like that device hasn’t been set up yet.”

“Hey google, turn on the kitchen lights.”

“Power controls are not available at this time.”

“Hey google, turn on the kitchen lights”

…lights turn on…

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I always thought it was a huge concern to let the insurance company have gps access to my phone because it gives them exact times when I am away from my home.

Insurance companies’ more nefarious employees or employee’s friends have an exact playbook for when it’s safe to break into your home, how much money you have(based on how many and the types of cars you have policies on), how many people could be at home (insured on policy), credit rating… etc. It’s not data that you couldn’t get with a bit of research and time, but having a searchable database full of customer info makes it easy to list out hundreds of targets with little effort.

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I don’t get their arguement. The federal govt can’t tell them they aren’t allowed to print or report on something… and they aren’t. The govt is just warning the citizenry that the information being reported on is funded by foreign interest and contains biased or non-factual information.

They are specifically not interfering with freedom of the press by letting these media outlets publish whatever they want. That doesn’t means they don’t get to have an opinion and definitely doesn’t mean they don’t have a responsibility to help protect the nation’s citizenry.

People have the misunderstanding that the 1st amendment means you can say anything you want without consequence. The govt can’t stop you from saying something, but you are still accountable for the things you say in the marketplace. The govt is allowed to say you are full of shit and the marketplace can decide if they believe you or them.

30,000 / (365*4) = 20.548

More than 20 per day, everyday… for 4 years. That’s more than 1 per hour if you exclude the hours he was sleeping. And factoring in all his time playing golf instead of working, he pretty much didn’t say anything that wasn’t a lie.

My tesla doesn’t let me use autopilot or FSD if I set it over 5% of the posted speed limit. How is this guy going 75 in the burbs?

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I wonder if they saw a large enough down tick is user traffic to realize that endlessly badgering people with 5 ads to watch a 30 second clip is driving away their user base.

I know my YouTube consumption has decreased by a factor of 10. I used to use it for almost all of my streaming entertainment. In conjunction with other streaming services’ password sharing crackdown, I am spending more time reading and going outside than I have in the past decade. That’s a trend these providers don’t want catching on.

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If google stops strip mining my data when I pay for their service, I’d do it in a heartbeat. I’m not going to pay to be someone’s product.

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Unfortunately, the choice we have is between the false flag of that dangling carrot and the open derision of someone calling us ‘vermin’ and thinks we need to be eradicated.

Do what you want, but don’t kid yourself into thinking you’ll help the situation by exercising a vote for Trump, 3rd party, or abstaining from voting. Expect a lot worse treatment for Palestine, its citizenry, and other middle eastern countries from his opponent.

That being said, you may not have to worry about who you’ll vote for ever again if the fascists gain control… you’ll have a lot of other things to worry about, but voting won’t be one of them.

Nobody bring up the BLM arrests during the protests…

So they can sell your browsing habits to other advertising firms and, ultimately, other manufacturers or service providers… so they can badger you with more targeted ads…

These are going to sell out regardless of if anyone buys them. This is just a way rich people launder money.

Sell something that costs a minimal amount to make for an outrageous price. They don’t have to worry about whether or not a consumer would buy it because the object is trivial. It’s about legally passing money from one place to another in a way that looks like business.

The same thing happens when you see obvious trash make it onto a ‘best seller’ list.

… try… they’re going to try to take over Taiwan.

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LinkedIn plans to get added to every company’s IT blacklist for adding gaming to its platform.

I mean, you eventually need to replace the motor in an ICE car, but most people won’t… they’ll buy another vehicle instead. Most EVs lose a minimal amount of range over time… around 10% over 200k miles. Battery replacements are expensive, but not much more than replacing an engine on an ICE vehicle, unless you do all the labor yourself, and no one should be kidding themselves into believing they will actually replace a battery before they’d replace the vehicle… much like a car whose engine shits the bed. And the amount of savings you have in fuel and maintenance offsets the difference significantly, especially if you get to the 200k mark without trading up for a newer vehicle. Not to mention that there are Teslas on the road with over a million miles on them. You may not be as lucky, but 500k without replacing batteries is not uncommon.

I’ve driven a used Tesla for the last 4 years and have 110k miles on it. It’s still humming like the day it came off the line. It’s quieter, faster, has more torque and power, and I get more compliments on it than I ever did on the ford trucks, vw coupes, or Buick sedans I ever drove. I’ve only replaced tires, windshield wipers, wiper fluid, and the 12v battery and haven’t had any maintenance issues. I drive a lot, all over the country, and save around $2k a year in fuel costs compared to when I drove a Buick. I travel all around the country and have few problems finding charging stations (mostly when way off the grid… like Great Basin national park off-the-grid… but still found a charger) and have never been stranded or ran out of mileage on a given drive. A few pigtails and I can charge at any RV park or campground nationwide.

There is far too much misinformation about EVs and concerns with range or charging infrastructure or whatever the oil companies want you to be afraid of, and the savings in fuel costs outweigh any inconveniences I’ve experienced 10 times over.

Take the leap and you’ll never look back. I’ll never buy another ICE vehicle again. It feels like throwing money away.

I get that Elon is a bipolar asshole at times, but the mission to provide the infrastructure for a more sustainable future is what we need and the user experience is far better than reported.

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Pack a cooler with sandwiches, take bags of trail mix and other healthy snacks, and drink water from refillable bottles.

Fuck the leeches. Live healthier, cheaper, more satisfied lives by cutting out the “convenient” fast food that costs too much, fails on nutrition, and makes you feel bloated and gassy. Prep doesn’t take any longer than stopping along the road to order and get your food, and you can still stop at rest areas for a picnic in an actually enjoyable environment if you want.

Been traveling on the road for about a year. Life got better when I started prepping my meals and stopped eating garbage.

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…as long as you totally ignore the opening statement

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They may not be perfect yet, but if their track record is safer than a human driver they aren’t any worse than any of the other assholes on the road.

Millions of human drivers are risking the lives and safety of the non-consenting public, too, but we aren’t advocating for stronger driving tests to keep bad drivers off the road. We’re just bitching about someone else trying to solve the problem because it isn’t a perfect solution on day 1.

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“All these sneaky, unarmed, women and children, Hamas agents, with the strategic beachfront property, are forcing us to protect ourselves.”

It’s not a “sex scandal” case. It’s a campaign finance fraud case. The media has tried to make this an attack on Trump for amorally fucking a prostitute… well, a pornstar that was bait-and-switched into fucking him, according to her testimony.

It’s because he broke financial law by taking donated funds, from his support base, intended for use on his election campaign and used them for personal expenses.

You can make your own judgement on his lack of morals, but this was a criminal act. He stole from his donors and should be held accountable.

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Article is paywalled. Is this an OTA update or a true recall where you have to take the vehicle in?

There really needs to be a differentiation. I’ve had a Tesla for years and seen about a dozen articles about recalls, but have never had a hardware issue. All of the software issues are updated automatically when I’m on a Wi-Fi network and are usually done way before I hear about the “recall”.

If I need to take my car in for a hardware issue, I want to know as soon as possible.

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Also, start prosecuting trading on insider knowledge on both sides of the aisle.

If you are going to execute someone with nitrogen, would it add that much cost to anesthetize them to sleep first?

I’m not for capital punishment but realize that it’s the system we have. But slowly suffocating someone to death is surely demonstrative of the fact that it’s supposed to be torture.

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Sounds like incentive to actually legislate in ways that constituents support.

Accountability can be a bitch if you act like an asshole all day.

You also forgot that the first mover takes the heat, then all the other competitors quietly roll out the same feature with no or minimal backlash…

Nothing better than a free ‘paid’ leave when you still have to show up for work, don’t actually get paid, and can’t pay your rent! The very definition of vacation!

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Do people really not understand that we are in the early stages of ai development? The first time most people were made aware of LLMs was, like, 6 months ago. What ChatGPT can do is impressive for a self contained application, but is far from mature enough to do the things people are complaining it can’t do.

The point the industry is trying to warn about is that this technology is past its infancy and moving into, from a human comparison standpoint, childhood or adolescence. But, it iterates significantly faster than humans, so the time it can do the type of things people are bitching about is years, not decades, away.

If you think businesses have sunk this much money and effort into AI and didn’t do a cost-benefit analysis that stretched out decades, you are being naive or disingenuous.

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The Human Resources department at most large companies is there to protect the employer, not the worker.

What’s ‘attempted’ about it. Treason is treason whether they’re successful or not.

Well, except for locking them in a place with actual violent criminals… and violent prison guards. Jail is a pretty fucked up place, even if you get 3 hots and a cot.

Tax tire sales. Heavy cars have more expensive tire s or tires that need to be replaced more often. Scales adequately for road maintenance because heavy vehicles cause more wear on roads.

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EV inventory is still moving fine. Tesla is sitting on a 16 day inventory while most legacy automakers are minimum a month… on ICE vehicles. Legacy auto isn’t producing enough EVs for them to stack up. They are losing boat loads of money per EV they make and will continue doing so until they hit scale from mass production… which won’t be anytime soon since they are all pulling back on production.

I don’t really understand this. The republican position is clearly pro-Israeli, anti-Palestinian. What are they hoping to achieve by destabilizing Biden?

I’m not a Biden fan, but he is clearly less detrimental to their position that the alternative…

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I don’t know if dissolving the court is the right answer, but there are a lot of “traditions” or “gentlemen’s agreements” associated with high level government positions that need be to discussed and codified as law, to prevent abuse.

A lot of the things Trump was doing are not prosecutable because there are no specific laws for the ass-hattery he was parading about doing. Fortunately, he was so prolific in his unrivaled disrespect for the country and the position that he did actually break a bunch of laws. We will see what sticks.

It should not be this difficult to hold members of the government accountable for their actions. Unfortunately, nothing changes when the people voting bills into laws are the ones benefitting from there not being a law. Hell, even when there are laws (like on congressional insider-trading), you have to find someone with the integrity to investigate and prosecute.

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They literally believe every single man, woman, and child in Gaza is part of Hamas, and therefore a terrorist.

They have no capability for empathy and can’t imagine a world in which a citizen of a foreign nation can disagree with the ruling party, despite about half the country he is part of ruling disagreeing with him.

They are also financially motivated to unconditionally back Israel because of lobbying, or corruption, whatever you prefer to call it.

Or taxing the shit out of plastic production…

Tax the things you don’t want out of existence. Subsidize the things you want until they stand up on their own.

We’ve been subsidizing oil and gas/petrochem plastic manufacturing for far too long.

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