2 Post – 266 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Fuck Spez

“potentially biologically addictive” and “proven to harm human brain development.”

These warnings should be required for all social media sites every time you open any webpage or app.

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Just start charging exorbitant amounts of money for every API call; problem solved! —Spez

(Also: Fuck Spez)

This is the way he’s always been and it’s only getting worse.

Employees have always had to manage him not the other way around; a perpetual petulant toddler banging his hands on the table; ruining everything he touches with his Reverse-Midas-Touch so they keep him at bay.

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"If I lose to [Joe Biden], I don't know what I'm going to do -- I will never speak to you again. You'll never see me again." —DJ Trump

“I Am Willing to Go to Jail”

The master spinner of lies and deceit shits out just another lie.

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Adobe has ruined all they touch since way back. Most notoriously with Macromedia Flash acquisition and enshittification.

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He’s lying,..again.

Some of the last words he said before the insurrection were “we have to fight like hell” and “if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country”.

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Amazon doing their own OnlyFans for minors. Who woulda thunk it.

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“Made for Xbox” branding for proprietary accessories approved by Microsoft incoming. Anything else won’t work.

How hypocritical of MS to pull this on their consumers after making it such a big deal that competitors like Apple do this same thing. Pot meet Kettle.

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we were on the verge of electing a 30-year career criminal as the President of the United States, and if you do that, you're going to rot from the head down.

More projection. A 30-year career criminal is exactly what Trump is; as evidence has shown and proved.

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This dude started with an online ‘Hot or Ugly’ site at his college. Online toxicity is his bread and butter; always has been; always will be.

Starlink's grant was intended to subsidize deployment to 642,925 rural homes and businesses in 35 states. The August 2022 ruling that rejected the grant called Starlink a "nascent LEO [low Earth orbit] satellite technology" with "recognized capacity constraints." The FCC questioned Starlink's ability to consistently provide low-latency service with the required download speeds of 100Mbps and upload speeds of 20Mbps.

That’s Phony Stark for ya, everytime: Overpromise and Underdeliver. And then get angry when called on his bulkshit.

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I herd it was cuz damn people were forcing them to pay huge wages

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Across the country the Nat-C’s and the Qult45 lost election after election, from school boards to higher offices.

People are just dead tired of the extremists and radicals trying to take over the country.

Stay out of peoples bedrooms, bathrooms, boardrooms, and babymakers.

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Nothing phone in shambles.

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From Mein Kampf:

‘All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning.’

Another passage:

‘All this was inspired by the principle - which is quite true in itself - that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.’

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This was always going to happen.

Muskrat bought twitter specifically to make it Parler, GAB, and Truth Social all rolled into one.

Banning, shadow-banning, or purging any and all dissenting views or content that differs from the Far Right narrative on the sites is the norm.

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Some of the very first people that the Brownshirts went after was transpeople, even completely destroying an institute that was studying gender in the 30’s.

Musk claimed that “vast numbers of handles were consumed by bots/trolls” and that he was “aiming to start freeing those up next month.”

So Phony Stark is going to start taking anyone’s Twitter handle that he considers a troll and selling them.

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I nominate Arnold Schwarzenegger for speaker.

He’ll get enough votes from both parties. His dad also fought for and was ruined by fascism so he has a pretty big hard on against all of it. Sensible choice in nonsensical times.

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Tran started a separate company, ChiliCo, to buy and sell chili peppers. Underwood didn’t want to work with ChiliCo because he feared it wouldn’t have the assets to guarantee payments. To make matters worse, Underwood says, Tran and Lam made several failed attempts to hire Roberts, his COO, to work for ChiliCo.

So the chili sauce maker switched up the deal, and then tried to poach from the chili grower. What a dumb move.

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We made a huge mistake when we passed the Civil Rights Act in the 1960s.”

Ah. There it is. I’ve heard this one before from other White Nationalists and NatC’s

Next comes: ‘we should have separated the people into their own regions’ and other such complete and utter nonsense.

Segregationists. The lot of them.

Blake Neff, a producer of The Charlie Kirk Show. In 2020, Neff resigned from his job at Fox News as Tucker Carlson’s top writer after CNN revealed he had been making racist posts under a pseudonym.

And there’s the real architect of this pyramid of shite. Blake “Neff”; the NatC bag of shite that held Cucker Tarlsons reins.

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Yeah, I’ve heard this one before.

‘We Promise To Not Be Evil’,…unless it gets in the way of profit some years from now…

Embrace Goodness, Extend Goodness,.. Extinguish Goodness

Fooled us once… We won’t get fooled again.

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A person that participated heavily in an attempted Auto-Coup to overthrow the government of the USA is now nominated and heavily favored to be third second in line to be the President of the United States of America.

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And offered lawyers for after the illegal acts!

Petty infighting between scene groups needs to stop. Fall together or fall apart.

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I can’t believe this. You will ruin the company and make it go away. Earth will remember this! Fuck off!

Muskrat— probably.

Wait, thought that when Facebook bought WhatsApp that it wouldn’t slowly but surely wrap it all up into one product?

Since the day FB bought WhatsApp, it’s been breaking the rules of the agreements made when the acquisition went down.

There should be a massive movement and a call to forcibly break WhatsApp off from Meta again and maintain strict boundaries between the companies.

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At a campaign event in Iowa today, former President Donald Trump explained that the Civil War didn't have to happen. "So many mistakes were made," Trump said. "I think you could have negotiated that."

"This is something that could've been negotiated," he added. "…That was a tough one for our country…. Abraham Lincoln? If you negotiated it, you probably wouldn't even know who Abraham Lincoln was… That would've been okay…. I know it very well… I know the whole process that they went though. They just couldn't get along."

They couldn’t get along,..because one side wanted to keep all their slaves.

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Fran —fucking— Drescher. The hero we didn’t know we needed.


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  1. Make it 99 indictments.
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The Conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) played a key role in establishing a policy and regulatory path for an FCC under Republican Party control, led by Chairman Ajit Pai.

When Ajit Pai was kicked out of the FCC spot he was hired by AEI to be a lobbyist.

Fuck Ajit Pai and the people who put him in power.

Of course. They need more Living Space

[huge /s just in case]

Sad thing is, it lets Epic run most of the table now. Their shite business practices and ethics are just ridiculous. To have them leading the whole industry with little competition is a damn shame.

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If you’re part of an insurrection, you shouldn’t be able to run for any public office anywhere.

If Germany would have had this same rule/law the whole world in this timeline would look completely different.

Remember the days when Reddit would go down at least every month or so?

And that was the reason to start selling awards and beginning of the Enshittification of reddit.

Only back then it was presented as, ‘hey people of reddit, we have a problem, can you help us out?’ Instead of, ‘Fuck You! Pay Me!’ like the API bullshit.

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QanonCasualties. I’m sorry for your loss.

Now convict him of his crimes so he doesn’t have any of the other perks of Congress.

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Ritual abuse of a children: like,..indoctrination?

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Downloading the All Trails app, or something like it, and using that would have helped a lot.

Honestly thankful that most of these installations were hardened after 9/11.

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