Ron DeSantis Ends 2024 Campaign Using Fake Winston Churchill Quote

Flying to politics – 253 points –
Ron DeSantis Ends 2024 Campaign Using Fake Winston Churchill Quote

Newsweek reports that one early instance of the quote being misattributed to Churchill comes, ironically, from a 1939 ad for Budweiser — a company DeSantis has criticized in the recent past.


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Four Seasons Landscaping is such a huge, embarrassing blunder.

If Biden pulled a stunt like that it would never be let go... But so much bad shit is going on with the donnie debacle that I've almost completely forgotten about four seasons landscaping.

I will never forget Four Seasons Landscaping for the simple reason that it is the funniest thing to ever happen.

It's an SNL skit come to life.

It's so funny that you can't make a joke out of it.

The only option would be to "Normal Al" it and have everyone dress up in costume and deliver the press briefing they intended at the actual Four Seasons.

My favorite part:

During the event, while Giuliani was stating how strong their case was, a reporter interrupted to say that all of the major news networks were now joining in projecting Biden's victory. Giuliani asked "Who was it called by?" Sky News correspondent Mark Stone replied by saying "All the networks." Giuliani then responded by looking heavenward and striking a pose of mock crucifixion, saying "All the, oh my goodness, all the networks. Wow! All the networks!"