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Joined 8 months ago

From their reply, I am assuming white

in order to fix the corrections system you need to fix the entire legal system. from cops and jails to DAs Judges and laws

Did you kill the kid, beat them, or did you just throw them in jail?

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SOP, got it

Yeah, I am in my 40s and when people significantly older than me talk about how crime is worse than it has ever been I am always like "I guess you don't remember 1970-2000".

One of the cops' spouse worked in the school and they had to physically restrain him from going in

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No idea actually. Haven't heard much about him since the story came out. I will have to look up what came of this, if anything is out there to know.

Seems he resigned from that department but I can't find anything about him other than a piece talking about his wife since then. Nothing about his stance on policing, his job, etc.

The mass school shootings didn't really take off off until the mid 2000s. So we are really just seeing the generation of constant mass shootings come into adulthood.

When columbine happened it was rare for that type of shooting to happen at a school. The actual rate of school shootings was rapidly dropping by the late 90s too. It is still much lower than it was, only these mass shootings has increased. So, with it being, at the time, a rare event, and shootings in schools on a rapid decline, it just didn't hit the way it seems to have affected gen z/alpha.

We held a hearing about whether or not the mayor should also be the Judge. The mayor has decided that the mayor runs the court impartially and there is no need for a 3rd party magistrate.

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the police and justice systems in Japan and Korea are awful. Seriously look up articles and videos on the subject. There is plenty out there, from credible sources.

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Yeah, I get the impression that they are out to crush him, make an example of him.

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Had an English teacher that did this. Once asked if I could go to the bathroom and he replied with this statement. So I said "Not if you don't let me." He rolled his eyes and called me a smart ass, like he wasn't. Yoi, I hated that guy.

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I doesn't work either. Appeals to nationalism, religion, and even straight up paying and providing luxury benefits to people, in order to have them start having more kids just did nothing in the long run. The world is different. Your children are more likely to become independent adults when you put your resources into a smaller number of children. The cost/benefits ratio of having large families to produce stability, and increase the chances at least one child will be successful, has completely reverse from 100+ years ago.

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Start? Already coming after it.

If Japan doesn't want to go into a death spiral as it's population shrinks they will need to get used to the idea of immigrants being common, and being a Japanese citizen is what makes you Japanese.

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Since she was stealing drugs I would imagine that it was due to saline being inventory controlled and would have further raised suspicion.

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Yeah they call it a punch, but his nose and teeth were broken, and he died. I am gonna speculate she hit him with an object, or got him in a compromised position that allowed her to wail on his face for a while.

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When I was young I knew a bunch of people who went into this program. It is under funded, relies on methodology that is known to not work, nothing changes about this because of the outside interests that influence it. Many of the people in it are people who were pushed there due to behavioral problems. These people need psych therapy, not a bare-bones vocational camp.

None of the people I know who went in, or any of the people they knew in it, left and found work faster without them.

If I slap a woman that way I would be hitting a variety of parts of her body. When you say vagina everyone knows what you mean, it is already part of the common lexicon to use the word in this manner, most people are simply annoyed by this type of pedancy. So, unless I need to give a small biology lesson when doing something slightly kinky to, or about, a sex organ, I am just gonna say vagina, or some other euphemism. Box, vag, pussy, etc.

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Newsmax: you city people better be scared because we have all the guns

Also Newsmax: Gun laws won't reduce gun violence, cities are full of guns!

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MtG made over a billion dollars. From what I can see WotC, products/services/licenses, make up over 3 billion of Hasbro's 5.something billion revenue.

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They are aware that the more people that vote the less likely they are to get elected.

It's simple, the games that appeal the most to kids require some form of subscription. If those games didn't, then they wouldn't want ones with subscriptions.

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Wile this is something that can be generally applied to fast food restaurants, this is a problem with basically all industries, many of which exist in a space where their customers are stuck with them. EG a lot of people are stuck with walmart because they are often literally the only place around or the only place around people on the lower half of income can afford.

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Free speech absolutist means "I am absolutely free from the consequences of my speech"

Won't matter, he is speaking directly to MAGAs, and they already believe that this is the truth

"Free speech absolutist" means absolutely no accountability for what I say. "I just want people to think for themselves" means "I just want people to think exactly like me."

All the qualifications you need to be a warrior against the lgbt+ community, and stop their insidious child molesting ways, is to have raped/sexual assaulted someone, apparently.

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More than just some evidence Saudi citizens backed them. However the claim that the government was tied to it was denied. However a portion of the report, or the missing 28 pages as it came to be known, was on this subject. Biden has since declassified, and released, these documents. They show that the ties to the government were real. They have phone, and other communications such as e-mail, between people involved and members of the government. This includes tying a hijacker to a Saudi diplomat. It is called the ENCORE report.

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Yeah, I was working with a black guy that had a maga hat. He eventually brought it up and I pointed that out. His reply? "He's right, I hate them too."

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Back in middle school, 28 years ago, I had a native american friend named Eagle Boy. First day of 8th grade a new teacher kept pressing him on what his real name is. She eventually told him to tell her is "christian" name. I see nothing has changed.


link to the pdf outlining what Project 2025 is, published by 50 of the most influential conservative organizations

too many delicate, moving, parts at the point, where a several thousand pound object connects to the ground, while creating great force on the tires.

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It comes off to me not that he is mad about it, but more that he is just acknowledging reality.

She has an absolutely statue-esque physique. These chuds are so fragile. This intimidates them.

You really think kids use consoles, to access social media, more than phones, and tablets?

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Well now he has felt the fear of death from the violence of another person too.

Yeah the furry con near were I used to work ended up developing their own police because of how many local businesses were banning them for disruptive behavior, hygiene, and public displays of sexual behavior.

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