Jake Farm

@Jake Farm@sopuli.xyz
6 Post – 213 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not from State Farm. Sorry to disappoint. I'm just a half-Iranian American exploring the fediverse. I am interested in science, tech, philosophy, animals, comedy, a wide range of music, and even politics. Though the politics in my country are plain depressing atm.

More implies you got ripped off.

"That's a rock not a rook, where did the rook go?! Oh shit!"

Lol, always fun to see a Rebelsraiders meme.

The OG rainbow pride flag was open source unlike the progress flag. Edit:This wound up just being a rumour.

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Oh last I heard the creator of the progress flag was collecting royalties.

Edit: I guess that was just a rumour.

I think morally I am good but a failure in many ways. I am broken and get in my own way when it comes to living a full life. But I am not wronging other people for the most part, just myself. Morality/ethics in general is very complex and subjective with two different interpretations of the same action giving wildly different judgements.

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OP, why do you believe you are on the whole bad?

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They banned you for breaking an unwritten rule? I don't see anything in the rules about sad posts or even self disparagement.

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Are you referring to the guy calling you a cop?

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This is probably one of the better points I have heard. Though the plastic surgery industry is pretty problematic on its own.

Werent the Nazis pro abortion for everyone else?

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So slack is stealing trade secrets?

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Really? Bastard is getting censored now?

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Cry some more, corpos.

Fucking DRM.

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Don't you need a prescription for them? Of course they wouldn't want shady online retailers selling controlled substances.

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Sounds like union busting.

If the dems actually cared about the voters, their primaries wouldnt be rigged.

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Sounds a like a fucking corpo plant.

Can customers be black listed?

Except it is actually the inverse. FOSS is usually free to access and fork. Whereas commercial walled gardens cost you thousands.

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If the guy even did it. It's not like the CCP is all that concerned with justice.

Fuck communist statist, foss is pure anarchism.

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Sounds like the equivalent of US drone strikes.

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Group chats were for sharing before social media. It just out lasted them.

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Wow, openly letting corpos propogandize children.

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Better bike infrastructure would reduce it even more.

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Do the command prompts only function in the form of haikus?

So they are recreating The Disney Channel?

Lol from a criminal colony to royalty.

Walt Disney World getting to be exempt by state laws was pure corpo corruption to begin with.

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"Succumbs to wounds" do you mean was murdered? Cause that is what that is.

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Fuck MIT for how they massacred our boy.

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Fucking Canadian Idiots.

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We have a cricket team?!

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Did they only ban the pride flag or all flags that are not government related?

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That price makes no sense.

Consumers seem to be too dumb for their own good.

How even would they? It is open source and decentralized, each instance has to monitize separately.

This isnt Lemmy World.