'What’s happening is not organic': Why the right thinks Taylor Swift is a government PsyOp designed to swing the 2024 election

ZeroCool@feddit.ch to politics @lemmy.world – 478 points –
'What’s happening is not organic': Why the right thinks Taylor Swift is a government PsyOp designed to swing the 2024 election

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While I don’t think it is some sort of stupid political conspiracy, I do think that she is being advertised/shilled a crazy amount.

It feels like it blew up in less than a year. She’s fucking everywhere now.

Edit: to the fans (or Swifties or whatever you want to be called), I’m in no way talking shit about her. I’m simply pointing out that she’s in the news a lot. Stop PM’ing me bullshit. I also don’t care about your downvotes.

She's been a top-selling artist with a huge fan base for years now.

Oh I’m not saying she isn’t. I know she’s been around a while. But you don’t see any other artist with the amount of publicity she’s getting is my point.

She re-did and re-released a couple albums this year, had a massive worldwide tour, which she had filmed. The movie made $100,000,000 on opening weekend and is the highest-grossing concert film ever. She's doing an awful lot of stuff this year, so of course she's getting a lot of coverage.

She also managed to completely sidestep the entire multiple Hollywood strikes issue by the simple expedient of meeting with the unions, asking them what they wanted, and saying, "Okay, you got it."

Yep. I'm not a fan of the billionaire class in general since I don't think anyone should be allowed to be that rich, but she actually seems to do right by her workers, which is a hell of a lot more than you can say for most of them.

Most Billionaires don't earn their wealth. Taylor Swift has earned her wealth.

Disagree there. "Earned" implies "deserved." No one deserves to be that rich no matter how talented or popular.

Earned because she worked for it herself and overcame some huge barriers. Let's not forget what happened when she won her first Grammy. She stuck it out and built up her brand, her way. That takes incredible dedication and willpower. Now she is doing a 3 hour nonstop huge stadium show around the world while maintaining a high profile relationship with Travis Kelce. Yeah, she earned it.

Nope. No one earns a billion dollars. I don't care what they overcame or how hard they worked. There are many people who overcame far worse things and worked much harder than she ever will and are barely making ends meet.

She did not earn it and she does not deserve it.

And if you don't think a significant portion of that billion isn't from investments, you don't know how the billionaire class works.

I mean, I would say that it's far more ethical than most billionaires. She didn't exploit workers, she performed and the populace gave her the money willingly. It's as ethical as one can get in the modern day where no person can participate in society without benefiting from exploitation. And as far as I can tell from some half-assed searching, her investments are in property, but not in the landlord sense. She owns rich people property. Mansions and jets and shit.

I my personal opinion, musicians seem like the most ethical rich people in terms of how they got their money. They get exploited by the music industry early on, but money primarily comes from ticket and merch sales, which people choose to spend their money on in support of the artist. People hate capitalism, but forget what it is they hate about it and just start hating the money, forgetting why it's bad- the exploitation.

Maybe you're right and maybe she earned it all from her music career- although if being an investor isn't involved I would be amazed- but that still doesn't mean what the person I replied to said, that she earned it by overcoming hardship and working hard. I mean there are people who overcame cancer and scrub floors for a living. The person I replied to suggested her hardship came when Kanye interrupted her at the Grammys.

Redefining words and then doubling down on them to bolster your opproprium? I believe that's what the kids call a classic reddit move.

It strikes close to the denial of reality you see from these right wing conspiracy enjoyers as well.👍

Definitely a debatable subject, but if there was a line of billionaire to start taking away "earned" income, she wouldn't be at the front. Plenty of others that are far less "worthy", depending on how the debate of worth goes.

In particular, her tour was a massive three hour retrospective covering her entire career rather than being focused on one new album. Combine that with a few re-recordings of old albums and her successfully getting a new generation of Gen Z fans and you've got one very popular star.

Thank fuck I’m not in the US. After being outside for so long, I think the advertisement-atmosphere would send me to suicide.

Very easy to ignore all the ads. I tune them out completely.

Yo harddaysknoght, I'm really happy for you, Imma let you finish but Taylor Swift has been in the industry a long time..... A long time!

I know that. I’m saying the coverage she’s getting is nowhere near any other artist

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