Proton Mail founder vows to fight Australia’s eSafety regulator in court rather than spy on users | Australia news | The Guardian to – 914 points –
Proton Mail founder vows to fight Australia’s eSafety regulator in court rather than spy on users

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Andy Yen says draft safety standards ‘would force online services … to access, collect and read users’ private conversations’

What the hell Australia. This isn't gonna magically help you prevent the next Emu war.

But it will help them in their corruption and self-enrichment, which is the entire purpose of all attempts to erode civil liberties.

Australia is a country with shit laws as someone who lives in Australia

Life is fine unless you somehow manage to break those stupid laws

For example there was that video of the one guy from Australia who wanted to ban anime, yeah some of our politician's are that stupid

Thankfully anime isn't banned completely but hentai is which I find stupid because it's fictional drawings

Hentai is NOT banned here in Australia. As an Australian I'm sure you knew that and had some reason to lie. The freaks who import DVDs and manga from Japan depicting minors are getting targeted by immigration, but it isn't a general ban. But who cares about them? If they are looking for something too fucked up to be on the internet it's probably pedophilia. Also I want you to know that every time I hear someone bring up that hentai is fictional and above criticism I assume they are an actual child molester.

Or Kangawars. Or Toadwars. Or Kangatoadwars becaue you know those bastards are gonna fuck and make a super beast death machine animal...thing.

I’d watch the wheels off of “Kangatoadwars!”

Closest we got was Tank Girl's Tank Girl. With ninjaroo's and missile tits.

But yeah you could totally do a Jurassic Park/Planet of the Apes rewrite mashup and someone would watch it at least once.