Joe Rogan Mistakenly Blasts Biden’s Mental Fitness Over Something Trump Actually Said to Not The – 1113 points –
Joe Rogan Mistakenly Blasts Biden’s Mental Fitness Over Something Trump Actually Said

To that, Rogan responded, “Oh, so [Trump] fucked up.” Nickal commented, “That’s the thing about media these days. You gotta look into it.”

Hey fucko, you're a part of the media

The ol' Fox news switcheroo.

They brag about being the most watched news on television and also tell their viewers to not trust mainstream media.

"most watched news"

"don't trust media"

"we are for entertainment only not news and no reasonable person would think so"

Until they are in a courtroom then they're entertainment

Yeah, and it works wonderfully. Why wouldn't they roll with it?

We libs think we score some kinda "gotcha!" by pointing to the hypocrisy. It's not working for us.

They got a formula that works. We do not. Isn't it about time to abandon the high road and engage in lying, cheating and stealing? Hell, they already think we're doing it.

Not only that, with being one of the most popular podcasts ever you could even call it mainstream.

Yeah. His show is the most advertised podcast of all time. You're not getting 200 million for an indie show

Apparently, the misleading part of the media they are complaining about.

Bo Nickal (the person who said that) is an MMA fighter.

Exactly the person you'd want on your show for nuanced political discussion. Thank you once again, Joe Rogan.

The show isn't for nuanced political discussion lol

Then maybe they shouldn't keep trying to have them.

True. A few years ago I started watching old JRE videos and enjoyed them, but when I started watching the videos as they came out, I found the show sucked because Rogan wasn't just platforming people anymore, he was actively pushing his own beliefs because he'd become convinced he was an expert on everything.

Hey fucko, you’re part of the media

Bo Nickal said the second quote referring to the media. Not Rogan.

What's fun is the moment he realized it was Trump. He went from Biden should be removed because mentally unfit, to well Trump just misspoke

I'm going to just trust you that he said it because I can't listen to that dumb fuck ramble all day.

To that, Rogan responded, “Oh, so [Trump] fucked up.” Nickal commented, “That’s the thing about media these days. You gotta look into it.”

Ah, a perfect example of people not checking their sources themselves /s

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Is he still claiming to be left-wing?

He claims he voted libertarian in the last election but I feel pretty confident that won't happen next year.

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Joe Rogan calling people out over mental fitness is a prime example of a pot calling a kettle black.

Prime example of a pot... cough cough cough hack hack cough haaaack cough cough cough... pot calling... haack haaack.. black. Huuaaah. It's just allergies.

Not directly related beyond steaming and podcasting apparently rotting people's brains, but I just watched a stream where a guy tried to cough up a lung and then said "it's not allergies, chat, it's just hay fever"

Like, damn bro. You're about to get clowned on by thirteen year olds with more medical knowledge than you.

In case I'm not the only one who didn't know what hay fever is:

Hay fever is the common name for allergic rhinitis.

Hay fever is caused by the nose and/or eyes coming into contact with environmental allergens, such as pollens (grasses, weeds or trees), dust mite, moulds and animal dander.

Fuckin lmao

(E: forgot the link)

There's no mistake. It's his intent to blast Biden, not to speak the truth. He 100% achieved his goal.

If you read the article, it says he was corrected and acknowledged the mistake.

He did not acknowledge the logical conclusion that everything he said about Biden being unfit should then in theory be applied to Trump. No, Trump just "fucked up".

If read the article critically, you would not accept such a lazy correction.

I actually watched the podcast for the context of this article. You're right, he doesn't apply the same scrutiny towards Trump. Yet, he does acknowledge it and they showed the clip of Trump's idiotic speech. They also laugh at him, but then move on. Anyone that actually watches the podcast, the ones you're afraid will be manipulated into fascism or whatever, would have seen that recanted. The only side that has a real opinion swaying agenda is the media side. A lot of people just read headlines and move on. Those people would never even be aware of the correction.

Also, I don't care. I know Joe Rogan has different political views than I do and that doesn't stop me from seeing him as a person that is entitled to his own views. I can still respect him for his work in comedy, mma and for his podcast. I haven't watched a full one in a while, but he has some good ones with interesting people. He also has a way of interviewing people that seems mich more real than most other formats. He just shoots the shit with people and it doesn't feel like some scripted intentional message they're trying to put out.

the ones you're afraid will be manipulated into fascism or whatever, would have seen that recanted.

They would have seen a recantion, yes, but nothing about either saying why he just ranted about Biden's mental fitness with appropriate evidence OR spend some significant time retracting each adjective that he applied to Biden on false information.

He is fucking broadcasting. Stop treating him like a buddy sitting on your couch. He either knows what he is doing, or he has no respect for the power of having a large audience that can internalize messages on his word.

I believe your comment shows a lack of awareness of how people get piped to fascist viewpoints. To be clear, I do not think Rogen is intentionally leading people there, but being an idiot is not a great shield.

How could he not acknowledge it? They played the clip... He was proven incorrect on the air. The issue is that he was using the statement as a reason Biden should be removed, but for Trump it was just a mistake.

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You are mistaken in thinking that changes anything.

Fascists only need to blast their message. Any incorrectness or recanting is 100% irrelevant and inconsequential.

When the nazis roll over the government and burn it all down, I swear, there'll be this 10% subset of people befuddled that this could be happening after all of the recanting. It doesn't matter. Don't let them convince you it matters.

Like blasting headlines about how shitty Joe Rogan is? I've seen a ton of them and pretty much all of them are overblown, taken out of context or misleading. Media knows you guys love to hate him, that's why they put out these pieces in the first place.

Also, I fail to see how someone wanting to put down Biden is bad. People are entitled to their opinions and views, even if they aren't what you agree with. I seriously doubt Joe Rogan is plotting to make America fascist. Biden is not without his faults as well. His main selling point is that he isn't Trump.

People are surely entitled to their own opinions. I read yours. I've concluded that you're a moron.

If you don't see the hypocrisy in your own words, then your conclusion doesn't mean much to me.

They are inherently different

Yeah totally, one supports your opinion and the other does not.

Just curious, but why do you think they are different? It's real easy to just say "no you're wrong".

You're ready to die on the hill of false equivalence. And for what? An orange turd, failed coup, and knuckledragging dolts who can barely read? Lmao you're a joke

You're such a tool and you don't even know it.

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Maybe Rogan needs a new, younger, fresher host on that show.

Rogan should step down as we see his mental facilities are in decline.

Maybe a rival podcast should call for rallies, then storm the JRE studios and overthrow him. I be the Behind the Bastards gang could sort this out.

oh, cruel ironic fate - they're called faculties!


It's not just his faculties, but the entire facilities that keep him running!

I seen a bit of this interview yesterday. The article doesn't cover it all. As soon as these 2 knuckleheads started spewing airports and it was Biden that said this I was confused as this was something Trump said a few years back. Didn't they know? They ride the media for skewing things and they weren't even aware of how Trump was called out in the same media for this some time back.

Below this fellow breaks down the double standard in more detail than the article does. It covers how Rogan and his Guest said no one should listen to Biden and how he is unfit for office due to this airport thing. Then when the producer points out to Rogan that Biden is referring to what Trump previously said, it wasn't a big deal all of a sudden to Rogan and the guest.

Trump gets a "whoopsie doodle" pass and Trump is still the better choice in his mind I'm sure. Not saying Biden is a gem of a rose but with how hard the right are trying to pin anything on Biden and failing, Trump is still a rotten to the core choice for endless reasons.

In short: Joe Rogan is a crypto-fascist.

The crypto is debatable at this point

At least a few months back Alex Jones was bragging about finally converting Rogan to his side. He'd been telling his audience for years he's been working on getting Rogan to take his stance.

Dipshits of a feather I guess. Except Rohan I’d been a sucking on the right wing money teat for almost a decade. The yoga anti mask pro gun movement has been a big part of that since covid in late 2020.

The fact that anyone gives Rogan the time of day even though he not only platforms Alex Jones, but considers him a friend, is just disgusting.

Its always unfalsifiable. They're right no matter their position, $100 million > objective reality any day /s

Thats why estoppel in the legal system and the legal system in general are Trump's kryptonite, even if it looks like hes constantly usurping it. Make him pin down himself and he just can't do it so he loses cuz he can't stop himself from hedging or being sure what he says is going to be universally adored by those he "represents"

Also, like those Targets that let you steal until its a felony and both of you hit the big time 🎬

Never seen a clearer example of someone not being objective.

Rogan is a truly horrible human being. I absolutely cannot stand that asshole. He is the walking and talking Dunning-Krueger Effect. He is a washed up comedian who moved on to making people eat disgusting stuff on a shitty reality show to thinking he is some sort of brilliant host.

He’s like the unfortunate result of Jerry Springer, Rush Limbaugh and Morton Downey Jr spreading idiocy and bullshit everywhere, setting the stage

Even before that, Rogan’s show is modeled off Coast to Coast AM, a show well known for pseudoscience and conspiracy theories.

Coast to Coast at least made it fun.

Yeah, Art Bell was a kook, but he was also a legitimately nice guy. Rogan is an arrogant prick.

legitimately nice guy

If only we could ask his ex wives.

Marriages can not work out even if you're a nice person.

Just look into the circumstances

I loved C2C, mostly in reruns sadly.

And Art was awesome as a host and did a ton of good stuff in his life.

But damn if how the wives died is not suspicious as fuck.

Morton Downey Jr

I completely forgot about him.

Let’s all forget him again, he doesn’t deserve remembrance

I will give him credit for one thing- when he got lung cancer, he went on a huge apology tour for his promoting smoking, which is more than pretty much any conservative would do today.

I thought about that then I got mad all over again because of the “Now that it affects me, it’s important!” angle. But yeah, at least he was apologetic about that one thing and it would def be unthinkable any regressive would apologise about anything today.

Rush Limbaugh (who coincidentally replaced Downey when Downey got fired from his job) took the “smoking is a-ok!” to his lung-cancerous grave

Oh yeah, it's a very small amount of credit, but I will give it where it's due. He was otherwise a colossal piece of shit.

I feel like somone correct me if I'm wrong, that early on he was decent. He listened and had good long interviews.

But, somewhere along the way he started to like the smell of his own farts and things when down the crazy hole.

I share that opinion. The shat began a bit before the spotify deal, but after it was downhill via log ride off shit mountain.

You probably grew out of it and realized he was shit all along.

I listened to him for a while, then found him complaining more and more about the left. That was mostly fine since he complained about conservatives as well and he supported Bernie Sanders, but I got fed up with him because he wouldn't have liberals on the show to discuss the topics he clearly knew nothing about yet loved to bring up constantly.

He's a guy who touts himself on being open, curious, and willing to learn, but what I found was the exact opposite. Any time there was a guest on his show who disagreed with something and the conversation turned into more of a debate, he'd say that having that person on was a mistake. Ultimately I stopped listening when he proved himself to be a blowhard hypocrite.

I miss the days when he had interesting long form interviews with unknown people instead of the echoput of Reich wing nonsense they are spewing.

Give it some more time and Rogan will most likely have his own sandy hook denial-esque moment and get sued into oblivion.

I miss the days when he was doing stand up and straight up telling people "I'm an idiot. Please don't take me seriously." It definitely is better than now, where he is still an idiot but people do take him seriously.

I miss when he was doing standup, too, because he sucked at it so nobody was posting his clips

He should’ve just stuck to fear factor and UFC

Well the in between period was fun, I spent hours watching podcasts with taxidermists, mountain climbers and lots of other people passionate about some random thing, who where doing research or had written a book, and they talked about that subject or anything else.

Then the era of the political guests dawned and episodes turned into political conversation after political conversation, that either dragged you into the right wing abyss together with Rogan or you stopped watching. There must have been a concerted effort, because I think several people in his orbit seemed to all have followed the same path.

He had the dumbest takes back then. He was a less interesting, dumber Howard Stern.

He still has the dumbest takes. Nothing has changed except his audience has grown.

I liked him in News Radio, but I would also have said the same about Andy Dick. Come to think of it, both of them played idiot savant characters so maybe it was just the genius casting in that show.

He was also perfectly cast in Fear Factor. It was like something he was born to do.

Nah fuck that. That was always his trick, he doesn't actually think he's an idiot, it's just his get out of jail card.

His stand up was atrocious, I hate even listen to him talk about comedy and comedians because it'd be like me talking about nuclear physics and how our brains work.

You don't like his stand-up? You don't like to hear about almond nipples and Kim Kardashian while he's hunched over a stool?

In all seriousness, I was so disappointed in his stand up when I was a fan. For a guy that talks to so many people about so many different topics, his stand up was so boring.

The years of ped abuse and blows to the head from sparring at work. Never was a smart guy, but that sure didn't help.

That idiot is the reason I dropped Spotify. I don't want my money funding such a dipshit.

I can't believe I used to listen to him lol he got me with the scientist interviews... Like not the Egyptian aliens types, but people like Neil Degrass Tyson.

Then I listened enough to realize he's a jackass right winger pretending that liking weed puts him on the left somehow, kinda like Bill Maher. Yeah yeah Bill you're tolerant of "the gays" and you like weed, but he's center right if anything, again pretending he's on the left for his ratings.

I think if you're a right winger who smokes weed, that makes you a libertarian, not a liberal.

If you think Libertarians and Republicans aren't the same thing, you're smoking too much weed.

he’s a jackass right winger pretending that liking weed puts him on the left somehow

I think you miss interpreted this line.

You know there's a big difference between a liberal and libertarian, right?

Libertarian - an advocate or supporter of a political philosophy that advocates only minimal state intervention in the free market and the private lives of citizens.

Liberal - a supporter of policies that are socially progressive and promote social welfare.

Ok, I'll spell it out for you. Joe Rogan is the one claiming to be a liberal or at the very least, a centrist. Not me and not the person you were originally replying to. Everyone here knows Joe Rogan is a libertarian.

Oh, thank you so much. I don't follow the whole Joe Rogan thing so I wasn't familiar with him claiming to be a liberal. I thought he stuck to the conservative/libertarian thing and wasn't trying to convince people he was something else. Thanks! TIL

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hmm its almost like joe rogan is an aboslute idiot and the real life embodiment of a thumb-thumb from spykids

I keep getting videos of Rogan pushed on YouTube, while I constantly mark them as "not interested" of report them as "fake news". He's like a horrible decease you never can get rid of.


Wishful thinking

I made a typo because I'm dyslectic and I got corrected. The sentence was "he is like a disease-" and your response is "wishful thinking"? So, you wish he was like a disease? I kinda feel like he already is, so your wish came through. But to what you meant, it's really horrible to have a disease, wishing that onto the people you oppose makes you as bad as they are. I just wish he would see the harm he does, he would see the world as it really is instead of his vision which is through very polarized glasses, and I wish he would stop spreading his BS.

I think they meant that your typo: "decease" is the wishful thinking. As in they wish he was deceased.

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Your mistake is interacting with them at all.

The algorithms know that people who dislike something enough to click a button will be primed to potentially do something like hate-watch or open the video to leave a comment, etc so by interacting you are telling it you were emotionally affected.

The best way to avoid getting suggested videos like this is to completely ignore them. Do not open it, do not click any buttons on it or hover over it long enough for the preview to start.

Eventually you'll only see suggestions like that if you are a regular watcher of videos on the opposite end of the spectrum.

I've been telling YouTube not to recommend these types of videos and it seems to work well with minimal effort on my part. When I look at the homepage, it's all cooking and math videos, and it's been that way for years now.

Alternatively, I tell YouTube to not recommend a channel and it... doesn't recommend that channel.

Ironically, you marking them as not interested and reporting them probably counts as engagement to show those videos more often.

No, YouTube just has an (among other examples) "young white western male" problem.

The algorithm works hard to jam you into a pigeon hole no matter how abhorrent you find the pigeon shit contained therein.

It's an AI problem. Because the algorithm only looks at things you have done, which after some time include you looking at its recommendations, it cannot see past the bucket it has you in.

It's more about your demographic. Doesn't matter if you've never watched anything even remotely related to JRE, if it's popular around your local area it'll be recommended to you.

It shouldn't, I don't see them anymore by choosing the don't recommend this channel to me anymore. And I do bij so watch a ton of bjj videos, so anytime some channel pops up that uses his clips it's recommended to me. Still his own channel and that main clipping channel are things I haven't seen in a long time.

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Here's a direct excerpt from the article OP linked:

Shortly after the exchange during the show, “The Joe Rogan Experience” producer Jamie Vernon cut in to correct Rogan. Vernon played a clip that Rogan had cited, which was in fact a video of Biden mocking “stable genius” Trump for the comments about airports in the Revolutionary War. Then Vernon ran a video clip of Trump’s “Salute to America” remarks from July 4, 2019, in which the former president praised Americans’ military efforts in the war against Great Britain.

In the speech, Trump said in part, “Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory.” (Meanwhile, Fort McHenry was the site of a key American victory over the British navy in the War of 1812, not the Revolutionary War.)

To that, Rogan responded, “Oh, so [Trump] fucked up.” Nickal commented, “That’s the thing about media these days. You gotta look into it.”

I dont watch the podcast, but please: let's exhibit some media literacy while we criticize others for their supposed lack of media literacy.

Yeah it's the "media". You have the #1 podcast in the world spreading misinformation. Unfunny fuck nugget prick Rogan.

It's only misinformation if it's consumed as a soundbite devoid of context. And since you're commenting on my comment highlighting the context, I am legitimately confused as to your issue. If near real-time fact-checking on the very same podcast episode isn't enough for you: then you may just have an issue with conversational podcasts in general. Stick to printed news.

Not happening here, once people get a hate boner for someone or something... they're full on blind to the nuance.

This guy right here is the reason some 1,500 jobs were lost from Spotify.

Talk about overpaid piece of shit.

I don’t see reports on a direct connection - remember where you heard that?

Not the original commenter here but this one doesn't make a direct connection, but certainly says Spotify blew money poorly that they are trying to make up for, although it mainly mentions cuts in podcasts. This one make s bit more of a correlation saying "The cancellations coincide with jobs cuts at Spotify Monday that eliminated 17% of the streaming company’s staff, or around 1,500 people. Spotify has undertaken several rounds of job cuts since October 2022. " However you're not going to find much more than that because it would require a degree of openness and honest that a shitty company isn't going to give. So it's hard to say a direct connection doesn't exist when all the data on that is kept secret by the people who profit from it.

It is crazy how large of an audience he has. When he clearly worships Trump, his reaction to finding out it was Trump's words said enough. Idol worship is an ugly thing.

Like many other public figures, his rhetoric matches the need for confirmation bias among his listeners. It's a business based on telling your contingency what they want to hear. Cletus and Merle are your football fans for team MAGA. They'll be on your side whether you win or lose.

I don’t think he worships Trump. Unless of course you can provide evidence that he’s even in favor of Trump.

You won’t though.

Dude is a full moron.

Can you explain this idiom to me?

Full moron is more than partial moron.

A partial moron might believe whatever he's told but then have a "wait a minute, something's not right here" moment. A full moron doesn't have that moment and spreads the problem to others.

Another example would be a "leopards are my face" moment. A partial moron would be surprised that approaching a leopard caused them bodily harm but learn not to do it again. A full moron would sue the leopard but do it again with their child.

Another example: a partial moron gets directions, sees the distance, thinks a half tank of gas will get them there and back despite prior trips showing the opposite. But they have a Jerry can in the trunk. A full moron wouldn't have the Jerry can and buys a bigger vehicle with a larger engine because it comes with a bigger gas tank and then blames the liberals when they still run out of gas.

Partial = recoverable, full = hopeless

Holy crap, I read it as full moon. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

JustZ is only saying Joe Rogan is a moron. The term "full moron" isn't a commonly used phrase on its own, but the word "full" followed by an adjective or noun can be used to enhance the descriptive word, such the quote "never go full retard" from the comedy movie "Tropic Thunder". The context is that an actor played a person with a mental disability in a movie, but they tried too hard, and the performance was uncomfortable for some people.

I feel compelled to note that I don't condone using hateful or disparaging language when describing the differently abled.

They knew exactly what it meant but were trying to use it as some sort of gotcha.

You gave a really good explanation though, I'd forgotten it was from Tropic Thunder. We were actually just talking about that movie a few days ago, I should watch it again.

Toxic meathead does not belong anywhere near a microphone. Yet here we are.

A dude who sincerely believes the moon landing was faked.

I all for the Rogan-bashing, but had he not since admitted he's seen enough evidence to realize that the moon landing was real?

However, knowing full well that he, although he considers himself a "sceptic" (in the modern sense of the word, where no actual scepticism is involved), was taken in by a conspiracy theory made up of whole cloth, it doesn't make him the least bit less likely to fooled by other conspiracy theories – probably because they, mistakenly, makes him feel smart.

I watched a couple of episodes years ago. One with Wim Hof, and one with a guy talking about Terrence Mckenna. They were interesting enough, but I never got hooked. It sounds like the show has gone downhill from there.

He really fell into the alt-right "manosphere" crowd after Covid restrictions started rolling out I think. Those really put a damper on his two business and personal interests outside of his podcast: stand up comedy, and MMA. It was so much he moved his studio from LA to somewhere in Texas where they obviously didn't give a shit about Covid.

He jumped the shark well before, but with COVID and the aftermath he straight up used the sharks for waterskis.

Well what do you know? Those are also the only episodes I ever went through. Maybe also one about Bitcoin... was Andreas Antonopoulos ever a guest? But don't answer that, it's not important, what's important is that this toxic meathead detoured into q-anon territory, then went off like an excrement bomb on the internet, not unlike infowars a few years earlier, and I have no interest in either, may they rot far away from my mind.

To be fair Rogan is a raging dipshit that was not quite as funny as Andy Dick. How he achieved an actual following is mind boggling.

Add Jon lovitz to the mix, and News Radio really spawned some characters. Yikes.

This strikes me as a particularly ahistoric take. I'd like to make two points in that regard.

News Radio was the biggest gig yet for both Joe Rogan and Andy Dick, who played main characters on the show from the start. Jon Lovitz was already well known from his time on Saturday Night Live -- arguably a higher-profile position than the one he took on News Radio.

Jon Lovitz wasn't spawned by News Radio, is my first point. To the contrary: Lovitz was brought onto the show as an established big-name talent after (his friend and fellow SNL alum) Phil Hartman died.

And how did Phil Hartman die? Phil Hartman was shot and killed by his wife, Brynn Omdahl, who struggled with substance abuse. According to Lovitz, Andy Dick was said to have shared cocaine with her at a Christmas party at Hartman's house.

"[Andy] was just complaining and really giving me a hard time for no reason. Phil told me that they had a Christmas party and Andy was doing cocaine and he gave it to Phil's wife Brynn, who had been sober for 10 years. So Andy said to me, 'Well, you shouldn't be here,' and I said, 'Well, I wouldn't be here if you hadn't given Brynn coke in the first place.'"

After this on-set exchange, Lovitz and Dick were said to have made up and were able to work professionally together on News Radio. Later, however, when Lovitz was out at a restaurant, Dick came over to his table and invoked his ostensible involvement with Hartman's murder:

"He's standing there with liqueur dripping down his chin and he says, 'I put the Phil Hartman hex on you, you're the next one to die,'" said Lovitz. "And he's smiling, and my blood just went to my head. I wanted to smash him, but if I hit him he would have gone flying into the table behind him. He was really drunk."

My second point is that, while Jon Lovitz maybe be a "character," he's an entirely different class of character than Andy Dick. (Or Joe Rogan, for that matter, just to pretend this whole long reply still has something to do with the actual OP topic.)

I appreciate the historical tome. I was simply enjoying some Christmas Eve cups of kindness and made a casual remark that I found marginally humorous with no anticipation that there seems to be a News Radio historical society out there.

I do not disagree with anything you said though I'm particularly bewildered with the depths you went with it all.

I never heard of Lovitz being a dick…hell, never heard anything about him at all after that Critic show he did.

Joe Rogans mental decline in the last few years is astonishing.

"Joe Rogans truth is recently revealed."


One of the most punchable throats in media makes nonsensical noises. Film at eleven.

Dude doesn't even have a neck. He literally has one of the least punchable throats.

Edit - he's like a turtle with his head retracted. Just a forehead sticking out of a wide torso

On the Dec. 21 episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” which has been the No. 1 podcast on Spotify for the past three years

It should be noted that Rogan has an exclusive deal with Spotify so Spotify is the only place you can listen to Rogan, which is probably largely responsible for his #1 spot on the platform.

I believe that deal ends later this week. I haven't seen anything to indicate it will be renewed.

Spotify cancelled one of the top Gimlet podcasts, Heavyweight, this week, they are really bowing out of the podcast industry I believe. I hope Rogan gets cancelled and fucks off into hell.

Good, they suck at it anyway. And podcasts are one of those rare things in this day and age that is federated, truly "open" and also mainstream so fuck them for trying to ruin that.

Remember to buy his brain supplements!


"Like the cavemen ate!"

Oh my god, really? Even if I was in the market for brain supplements, fuck that. I ain't catching no prion disease.

Does he still have Young Jamie fact-checking and pulling stuff up? Its hilarious that Jamie let him prep his own noose and reinforce/double-down and then let him pull the switch

Edit: i do want to credit Rogan for keeping Young Jamie around, its the only way I ever listen to his podcast. There needs to be an adult (Young Jamie) in the room to facillitate important moments like this and pushback on Joe's more freewheeling side where facts and interpretations are involved ans politically-influential

I do think Rogan retains a nominal openess that I appreciate altho its becoming less and less certain about how truly open he is in terms of hosting people he disagrees with like Bill Maher seems to do in my experience watching.

On the evolutionary scale Joe Rogan is second on the left.

I hate the word blasts in this context. IDK why it bothers me so much

Maybe you would prefer "slams"? Just kidding I hate blasts and slams both in headlines.

Possibly because it's an overused, hyperbolic and mostly meaningless word, that really only serves to amplify the rage-bait component of a click-bait headline.

That's why it bothers me, anyway.

To me such language signals that the author's purpose is not to enlighten or dispell ignorance, but to get the upper hand, be the one who is "right" and the opponent is made "wrong." It's not only a lazy way of thinking, but it prevents anyone from actually learning anything. Instead we just get to be self-righteous for being "smart."

Any time I see an article that attempts to bash, slam, destroy, demolish, etc, etc. I cannot take it seriously because the author has convinced me from the start they are not interested in inspiring honest dialogue about a social issue. They just want to draw you into their own limited, biased way of thinking.

It’s called “editorialization” and it’s when you use colorful language to add meaning that doesn’t exist in the subject material.

In this case, I’d say it bothers you because there’s no actual definition of “blasts” that’s different from “criticizes” or “comments on”, and it indicates to you that the writer’s intent was to inflame rather than inform.

I guess this is what happens when you don't get vaccinated.

It's what happens when you voluntarily take multiple blows to the head when you're a teenager. Rogan said he quit competing in karate touraments because he didn't want to become brain damaged. Looks like he quit too late.

Thanks for confirming that I'm still safe getting my political guidance from the same place I keep up to date on all of the revolutionary breakthroughs in advanced water drinking and breathing techniques.

IMO the article doesn't read as onion-y and you served us an AMP page for some reason. Please don't do that, not only because of Google but because that serves us a mobile page on desktop.

wow lemmy truly hates joe rogan

I'd prefer not to meet someone that didn't

There's a healthy middle ground that everyone seems to be allergic to. Not wanting to meet someone because they don't hate someone is not healthy. The top thread here has someone making a joke about they wish he'd die. Most of these people haven't even watched his podcast, they just get told to hate him by the media. Article here is a good example of that.

Downvoting people that notice the toxicity and say something as simple as "wow you guys really hate someone" is a good example too.

Another day, another Rogen stan who tries to convince hoards of people who don't like the guy for the words that come out of his mouth that "um actually you've never listened to the words that come out of his mouth and SoMeThInG SoMeThInG tHe MeDiAaAaAa"

I don't care if people like him or not, can you say the same?

What does bother me is how it seems like people love to be absolute trash while looking down on people they think are trash. Wishing people would die because they don't agree with you politically is insane and far far worse than having a opinion about something.

Wishing people would die because they don't agree with you politically is insane

Wait til you hear about Republicans and their frontrunner candidate. Oh right it's only bad when it's one random in an internet comment section. 😂

Why are you changing the subject? I agree, his words are insanity as well. Our whole political system is fucked. Everyone is divided and regards the other side as less than human and it's abhorrent.

It's not one random comment section, it's fucking everywhere brother.

I'm not changing the subject, you're going to bat for a far right commentator. Cry centrism all you want but we all know where he really falls.

We know where you fall too, with your "BoTh SiDeS" nonsense. Only one side is running a candidate who is parroting the language of Hitler and calling for the elimination of their "vermin" enemies.

One side regards the other as "less than human," then claims it's exactly the same when the other side calls that behavior what it is and expresses that they won't go down without a fight.

I am a centrist, but I never said anything about that, so I'm not sure how or why you're jumping to that. Do you really have to be a centrist to think we should still be decent people? Even if the other side IS bad, taking the high road so you don't mistakenly stoop to their level is the way to go. You say my views are "nonsense" and use a Spongebob meme to mock them, because they aren't yours. That's exactly the kind of thinking that makes me dislike your side. You claim fascism on the other side, while simultaneously being authoritarian and xenophobic in your own way.

I literally never listen to him and I still feel the reaction is over the top. I really don't think the man is a fascist, crypto or otherwise.

Jfc, all this fucking pearl clutching about some rich fuck who spends a good portion of his time spreading harmful misinformation and/or platforming grifters who spread harmful misinformation.

You know what's more awful than a joke about someone dying? The near certainty that people have died from covid because they listened to misinformation on Rogan's show.

Anyone that takes medical advice from a podcast and ignores the CDC and WHO probably weren't long for this world anyways. He's an entertainer. That's it.

not to say hes correct on this but i think there are a lot who are worse than joe rogan that you are able to meet

Not being the worst isn't exactly a compliment.

but every key you type here fails to address all those worse than him. and one day, they might convince him to join.

With all due respect, that's a poor take. We aren't preachers of some kind of church trying to save his soul and make him "think right". It's OK to call him out for being the gateway drug to the alt right, and to be appaled by the guy's shit takes.

ok its good that you are not trying to make one 'think right, but i find him more tolearable than many. he listens to others better than most, has a sense of humor, etc. i dont see why that plus interviewing rightists making him liable.

It's a mistake to think he just listens to his guests. But the truth is that he also speaks his mind. The more he does it, the more we see the the real Rogan shining through. And the real Rogan isn't all that pretty.

I can see why he can be appealing to you, and I can respect that, even if I'm not the target audience. But I wish he didn't give a platform to the right-wing lunatics, and that he stopped parroting their horsecrap viewpoints.

but every key you type here fails to address all those worse than him.

The post is about Joe Rogan specifically. Are you seriously trying to say "you can't criticise someone unless they are the worst person in the world?"

People can do both: point out Joe Rogan's hypocrisy AND dislike people who are worse than him.

It is possible to dislike both Joe Rogan and people who are worse than Joe Rogan.