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Joined 1 years ago

The era of Google Now and Inbox was a golden era.

Going back to regular Gmail from Inbox was what finally broke my faith in Google and I was a proper fanboy too.

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Stupid headlines like this, are making us collectively dumber.

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This is good news for bot farms working to sow division.

Invent a language, then teach it to a stranger against their will.

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I very much doubt that the people on the private plane with that guy were chosen completely at random.

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I bet with time you could just hold the pill flat on your hand, reach back and your asshole would gobble it up like a horse.

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In case you're wondering, this is a drawing by the Argentinian comic artist Quino.

I propose we call this practice "unicorning".

Here's a basically fully automated service where you can generate a shitty book for $200. You can even have it printed as a paperback for more useless waste or have it AI narrated as a shitty audiobook.

I hate everything about it.

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This can only mean that Google is about to axe a product that people like and instead introduce a new chat app.

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The Chinese are more frugal in their methods of genocide, but the disregard for human life is about the same.

Well, if the guy really wants to be Elon and follow the example from the Twitter, then shutting down moderation to let the racism, homophobia and science denial run rampant is all part of the genius plan.

Radar. Only a small handful of cars have LIDAR. But your point still stands. Outside of Elon being a humongous douche and completely unpredictable, the lack of sensors is the major reason for not wanting a Tesla.

Yes, but I guess the improvement is that you can save some power from the wind so you can sail when it dies down.

We used to have another solution to keep the ship moving with no wind, but stupid woke culture put a stop to having hundreds of galley slaves chained to oars on the lower decks.

Doesn't mean anything. They have plenty of more meat to throw in. The horrifying thing about an enemy like russia is that they have no respect for human life and suffering is an integral part of their culture.

The people in charge are more than willing to absorb casualties that are at least an order of magnitude greater than what we've seen so far for their colonial aspirations and the population will let them.

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For me it was the Joan of Arc thing.

But I think more generally the implied notion that mentally unstable people shouldn't be helped because of art.

You're getting things completely mixed up.

Meta threatens to leave when they're not allowed to gobble up all the users private data.

Apple threatens to close their services because they can no longer guarantee the privacy of their users, from anybody, if the government forces them to build in back door to snoop on citizens.

See also Apple–FBI encryption dispute.

Government all over the world are trying to outlaw end-to-end encryption and Apple is taking a stand here, because encryption backdoors means an end to legal privacy.

And you probably thinking "well, if you haven't done anything wrong, you've nothing to hide and nothing to fear", right?

Well, who's to say what's wrong? I personally don't think homosexuality or atheism is wrong, but they're capital offences in some countries.

Yeah, why should such a thing be regulated?

We all probably still remember the East Palestine accident, but all that turned alright in the end didn't it?

They started with a simple dream of raping and killing a few untermensch, maybe looting a washing machine or experience indoor plumbing, for the glory of Muscovy, but ended up having their miserable undignified deaths shown on the internet.

It's actually kinda weird that they use dollars and cents and not pounds, shillings, pennies and farthings, because that feels much more compatible with the imperial way of thinking.

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We can, but we have to work for it. When any group is no longer being systemically discriminated and have equal rights, then they're also valid comedy targets.

Like with racist jokes. They're fine in very confined groups where everyone agrees that the absurdity of the premise is part of the joke and where nobody will be made to feel unsafe by it. But to a wider audience where people might misunderstand where the joke came from, in what spirit it was told in, it's nok OK. Not only can it make people from the group being targeted feel unsafe, but it'll also embolden actual racists who'll mistake the joke as support of their beliefs.

It's a trust thing I guess. As soon as trans people can see someone crack a joke about them online and rest assured in the fact that the person telling that joke isn't voting for or otherwise enabling people who wants to take away their rights or straight up hurt them, then it'll be fine.

This protection, however, should not apply to people who make it their business to hurt or oppress other people, which is why it's always open season on nazis.


It's a security feature. Right click, select open, affirm that you meant to run the thing, then it works. This needs to be done once for that app.

You can disable this behavior too.

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I've researched this by watching literally dozens of minutes of videos on YouTube. Real hardcore stuff with some things that most sheeple probably wouldn't be ready to accept, but it directly contradicts the main stream media narrative, so you know it's true. Also, basically all the claims were widely discredited and it's pretty obvious that so much energy wouldn't have been put into disproving something that was actually untrue, unless someone was trying to hide something from us.

It's a grown up Noogler.

You probably underestimate the amount of effort Apple puts into not doing this, to maintain user privacy, and for a good while their services have suffered for it.

As an example I'd highlight the year in review feature between Apple Music and Spotify. "Replay" is significantly worse than "Wrapped" and I believe the difference is data handling is the key differentiator. However, there are some advances in balancing privacy 2ith utility, as highlighted in this post from Apple ML research:

Ungoverned is the way to go. It should only be used by private companies and then let capitalism regulate itself. It's a self-regulating system and if the consumers don't like mind controll gas, it'll eventually go away.

So much for Elons new AI company. Wasn't that supposed to be this? Like a ChatGPT that isn't "woke", so it can be a safe space for fascists, homo/transphobes and misinformation enthusiasts.

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Because another connector has been stubbornly used for years and there's a whole ecosystem of cables and peripherals made for that, now outdated, connector.

I don't think anyone can say in good faith this isn't a pretty big deal.

All the pro-russian twats here in Denmark always refer to him as "the actor" or "the comedian" as though that was objectively bad things and the only kind of politician you can trust, is someone who had devoted the their life to obtaining influence and power.

I don't know if I'm ready to believe, but I hope decentralization is the next shape of the internet, as it was before.

For years I've watched smaller businesses give up on having websites in favor of just a Facebook page, or businesses built entirely on YouTube, Instagram or Facebook, with the very real risk of having the rug arbitrarily pulled out from under then for some dumb reason. It's totally unsustainable to rely on the whims of these platforms to house your canonical home or as a base for your income stream.

Sure it's nice to reach a wide audience by publishing to platforms with many users, but companies still need to be in control of their identity, so if some platform goes south, it's not a catastrophe.

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As someone suffering from severe gut hib, I don't find this very funny. It makes it needlessly hard for affected people to find information about the affliction.

"religion of peace" is itself an oxymoron, no matter which one of them it's applied to.

I'm using Voyager browse and interact with Lemmy. It looks more or less exactly like Apollo and it's a webapp. There's a few small things that's not exactly as a native app, like double tapping the top of a scrolling window to scroll to top, but it's really minor. I bet most people wouldn't know it was a webapp if they weren't told.

It even works with the sharing intent so I can share to native apps. Pretty awesome.

I assume by "fail" you mean "didn't succeed in preventing California from building an efficient high-speed rail system", right?

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They will make up stories that ultra sounds scans is a nefarious way of vaccinating you without consent and consequently refusing to go to important checkups.

They're incredibly predictable. Just pretend to barely understand the subject matter, then invent the most alarmist way of misunderstanding it.

Read the whole website.

Pure fucking hopelessness and misery.

I think even using decimals like that seems un-American, because I've always been told that fractions are what makes imperial so easy. Everyone loves calculating fractions after all, so perhaps a cent should be 1/37th of a dollar.

Perhaps anti-vaxx missionaries can do for malaria what christian missionaries do for HIV?

I can totally imagine them setting up camps, teaching people to just "believe in their immune system", discouraging proven medicine in the process.

Nice, that explains the high Muscovy body count from yesterday.