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Joined 1 years ago

It sounds like one or two guys booing..? Falling for news like this is how you grow complacent and not have the voter turnout that you expect.

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Yes, it's all bullshit and it's designed in these ways for their target audience. I actually posted another similar one further down on this thread as well.

It's meant to cause division to drive outrage and profits, and everyone just gobbles it up.

Ted Cruz is a turd, but uhh this is false. The original outlet has even changed the headline since then.

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Trolls reddit

Complains about trolls on reddit

Reddit has its own issues, but what you're describing is not a problem of reddit's, it's a problem with people. You're also not doing anything to help the problem.

More like multiple 30 second to 2 minute ads in an 8 minute video.

Extreme leftist politics, memes, linux, a weirdly active Star Trek community (comparatively) and blocking furry/anime porn communities daily. That's been my experience so far.

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Because a lot of people are dumb and easily manipulated.


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Regarding anyone who isn't exactly like you as scum, because you think they regard other people that aren't exactly like them as scum seems super intellectual to me. Sure.

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smooth chubby

Even with 12k down? That's crazy, I just got 4% in the same situation about a year ago. My credit is decent, but I'm not financially savvy in the slightest, so idk.

My biggest problem with the whole situation was the state I'm in requires you to pay registration and taxes in full when you buy a car. So through no fault of my own, I lost $5k. I also was one day late getting my insurance swapped over, so my insurance went from $100 to $450 monthly. Never been at fault for an accident and my only ticket was like 7 years ago. Yet now I spend more on insurance than some people I know dealing with DUI charges on a SR71.

Also had no choices at the time because used car market was in shambles at the time, so I settled on a car I don't love. The car I did love, I made my final payment on the week before I got hit.

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You seem so confused about who you are, it's no wonder you're so angry. Hope it works out for ya bud.

I can tell you're extreme left. When I see people like you posting stuff like this, it looks just as crazy as MAGA cultists. I don't want to be associated with people who are toxic and vile to everyone around them. If the world was full of people like what you are portraying here, society would not be better.

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Crazy Frederick bought many very exquisite opal jewels.

Haha I'm not hating on it, I love Star Trek. It just seems like 10% of the posts I see are Star Trek memes sometimes.

Disposable e-cigarettes were a direct and immediate response to pod based vapes getting banned. Use to be, you would buy a device and just buy juice pods that were disposable. It still wasn't great for waste, but that policy was a clear step in the wrong direction.

They saved children from using Juuls, just to fill the landfills with lithium batteries.

Bo Nickal (the person who said that) is an MMA fighter.

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I've imagined this as per your instructions. I don't understand the point of this exercise.

Probably not, but it hasn't really kicked into gear yet. There will be many more. It happened in 2016 did it not?

Also check this out

The current state of news media is garbage. All of it. The intent is not disseminating information, it's twisting and controlling it to fit a narrative.

SC doesn't florinate their water, but they do fluoridate it. I'm not even sure what florination is.


What smart state are you from?



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They did the same exact thing with vapes. It was never about the children - they were just a convenient talking point. Data shows teen usage has dropped significantly, but they're still pushing that narrative because most people aren't aware. Same thing with the black market THC vapes - some agencies are STILL making the claim that it was from regular vapes. Our government is fucking sleazy and they don't give a shit about the truth or the people.

That is total ass man, sorry to hear it. Hope you're able to figure something out or you enjoy your payout to the fullest atleast.

Same thing as you apparently, we just distract ourselves by the state of the rest of the world and see it could be worse.


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Really everytime you log in too.

What color does hat guy think Math is?

Devil made him do it

I've got no love for FB, or social media in general for that matter, but why are they suing them for it instead of coming up with actual regulation to address the issues? It's all just a show and the fact that barely anyone sees it means they are winning. You're all victims of propaganda.

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Anyone that takes medical advice from a podcast and ignores the CDC and WHO probably weren't long for this world anyways. He's an entertainer. That's it.

I really don't think we need to keep adding more laws that no one will follow to be honest. The government acts like it cares about children, yet they budget laughable numbers to their education. We should be providing some of the best education programs in the world to our future generations. Give them the tools necessary to cut through the bullshit and make good decisions for themselves.

They want us to be morons so we rely on them to make decisions for us. It's sickening how many people eagerly just give away their agency.

I'm not surprised.

Ah so you're just a dick.

I have a fantasy where an independent candidate wins after thoroughly clowning both of them and pointing out terrible they both are. It brings on a wave of change and we end up with a strong third party.

I'm tired of every little thing being black or white, red vs blue, good and evil, heads or tails. Are you Republican or Democrat? Do you support Palestine or Israel? Are you anti-gun/vax/abortion/gay or pro?

Seems like everything is framed like this to put us into buckets and turn the buckets against eachother while the propaganda machine starts churning.

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100%, I feel like I spend way too much time blocking fetish NSFW communities on here.

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Yeah, we should just not vote third party until EVERYONE is on board. It might totally happen if we keep doing that.

Yeah, fuck South Carolina, I'm an American!

Just because the room is full of bad takes doesn't mean I'm not going to speak my mind.

Glad you understand this was never a conversation, but rather an opportunity for you all to circle jerk eachother on how much you hate Elon Musk. Your comments are memes at this point. Wow, you hate Elon Musk?! How surprising.

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Even if he's widely hated, he still tends to push the tech space from time to time. Yet, this, a tech community wants to ignore anything with the word Musk on it just for the sake of having the name Musk.

But nah, it's fine because you can follow a community that is nothing but him. A community with one post, that is based on the idea of posting news about him and trashing it. Makes a lot of sense.

You guys should just call your community "gadgets", you obviously hate logic which is a pretty integral part of technology. But hey, even dumb people like their toys. Seems quite fitting.