
@NYPariah @reddthat.com
0 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Nice to see celebrities bitch slapped back into place. Now do the same with CEO's.

A kettlebell black. (I kid, I kid.)

Apples have layers? (cue puzzled Shrek.)


This is such a backward state. I mean we have State liquor stores. I'll take any hint of progressive movement forward.

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Yep, me too. Fuck em.

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Fuck Apple.

Shit article, love the sentiment though! 😁

I will always upvote this post. Always.

Of course it's Pittsburgh.

Dickbags, they're all dickbags.

Good, let them all rot.

Someone misspelt FoxNews. ;D

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Fuck Lifehacker.

It's -9 Celsius here. 14 Farenheight. I'd gladly trade you.

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So stupid.

You have to mentally prepare yourself before you go outside. Yeah, a heavy coat, hat and all that but you have to get your mind straight before the cold hits your skin and lungs. Howling wind doesn't help either. It's tough.

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I think tomatoes came to Europe after Columbus brought them back from the Americas. But white pizza, no damn excuse there. With ya on this one.

Well, Fortnite jumped the shark.

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