1 Post – 118 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

And where...


Is the FBI?

If that's not a terroristic threat, then what is?

13 more...

Over 150 Major Incidents in a single month.

Formerly, I was on the Major Incident Response team for a national insurance company. IT Security has always been in their own ivory tower in every company I've worked for. But this company IT Security department was about the worst case I've ever seen up until that time and since.

They refused to file changes, or discuss any type of change control with the rest of IT. I get that Change Management is a bitch for the most of IT, but if you want to avoid major outages, file a fucking Change record and follow the approval process. The security directors would get some hair brained idea in a meeting in the morning and assign one of their barely competent techs to implement it that afternoon. They'd bring down what ever system they were fucking with. Then my team had to spend hours, usually after business hours, figuring out why a system, which had not seen a change control in two weeks, suddenly stopped working. Would security send someone to the MI meeting? Of course not. What would happen is, we would call the IT Security response team and ask if anything changed on their end. Suddenly 20 minutes later everything was back up and running. With the MI team not doing anything. We would try to talk to security and ask what they changed. They answered "nothing" every god damn time.

They got their asses handed to them when they brought down a billing system which brought in over $10 Billion (yes with a "B") a year and people could not pay their bills. That outage went straight to the CIO and even the CEO sat in on that call. All of the sudden there was a hard change freeze for a month and security was required to file changes in the common IT record system, which was ServiceNow at the time.

We went from 150 major outages (defined as having financial, or reputation impact to the company) in a single month to 4 or 5.

Fuck IT Security. It's a very important part of of every IT Department, but it is almost always filled with the most narcissistic incompetent asshats of the entire industry.

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My family watches several Youtube channels on the main HTPC. It had Chrome for them to use, as that is what the kids and my wife are familiar with from school/ work. Then this BS started. I use Firefox on my personal PC and have yet to have a problem.

So I dumped Chrome off of the HTPC.

It would be amusing if Chrome lost a ton of market share to Firefox and other browsers.

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That seems to be a desecration of the Bible. I wonder if "Christians" will even raise an eyebrow.

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I personally know someone who totaled 4 cars before turning 18. He literally treated the gas as an on/off switch.

So people that bad at driving are out there.

Truth be told, drivers here in the US are TOTALLY untrained for the most part. My oldest is currently in driver's Ed and it is a joke, in regards to actually how to drive a car. I have spent a lot of time training him as I have a long history taking racing and advanced driving courses. I've held SCCA and FIA racing licenses and I have taken some courses that are usually reserved for police officers The only problem is I do not feel that I'm a very good teacher for him. But he has picked up some things, even if he isn't up for threshold or trail braking.

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He has a couple of very specific jobs for the Republicans.

  1. He's the token minority so that the GOP can point and say; "SEE WE'RE NOT RACIST, WE HAVE THIS GUY IN THE PRIMARY."

  2. He's moving the crazy line further out. He's saying more and more outlandish things, so that the other insane assholes that are running, seem positively nice in comparison. Even though, compared to actual sentiment of the public at large, they are beyond deranged.

I am sure this asshole is well paid by the GOP.

Chaos is just the first part of their plan. The whole purpose is for generating lawsuits that make their way to the Supreme Court.

The weirdo Republican's entire plan is to have the SC hand the dictatorship to Trump, irrespective of the Electoral results. Harris could win Texas and be over 300 Electoral votes and the SC will still hand it to Trump.

Do you really think those 6 idiots handed the office of the President immunity? HAH! They handed TRUMP immunity. They absolutely will NOT see a Democrat with that immunity in the Presidency after the election.

It has to stay out of the Supreme Court's claws. At this point, I really don't see how it WON'T end up at the SC.

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File a police report, then file an insurance claim and send the insurance company after the dumbass that removed the driveway.

The scam is the Gofuckme part of it. If her homeowners insurance doesn't cover this, then that is an insurance company to never deal with.

Lies have a well known conservative bias.

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This goes back over 30 years. Was at a bar with friends after our volleyball league. The bar had two levels, with the second basically a large balcony that over looked the lower floor. We were on the upper level and arranged where I could easily see the tables on the first floor.

A couple caught my attention, as I was people watching and it looked like there was some tension between the two. The woman got up to go the restroom, just as their drinks were being delivered. As soon as she was out of sight the guy put something in her drink. I immediately got up and headed for the restrooms and waited for her to come out. Fortunately, the restrooms were out of direct site of their table.

When she came out I approached her and of course I received the standard; "I have a boyfriend." I told her I didn't care about that, but that I witnessed her "boyfriend" putting something in her drink. Then handed her $10 to buy a replacement on me and told her she needed to buy a new drink and not let it out of her sight and that I would not approach her again. I went back to my table.

About 10 minutes later she showed up at my table, handed me my $10 back and told me I probably saved her life. The guy she was with was a new boyfriend and she had been getting bad vibes about him. She pretended to take a sip of her drink, then handed it to her "boyfriend" for him to try it as it was "sooo goood." He flew into a rage, the got into an argument and he left her at the bar. He was driving. I offered her a ride home. No, I didn't stay with her, two other people were riding with me that I also had to take home.

She and I did become good friends. She asked me out and we dated a few times, but it was pretty obvious to both of us that it would never work. We stayed friends though and she did meet her husband in my friend group. They got married had a couple of kids, whom I was an official Uncle to. Both their kids are now married and have their own kids (yes, I'm old).

The old "boyfriend" never showed his face again. So I have no idea what happened to him, if anything.

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Televising that trial would be a huge mistake and it is unbelievable that any sane individual thinks it is a good idea.

Anyone following that fucking narcissist cannot be swayed by evidence. It is just an opportunity for him to say things that will incite his followers to violence, or what ever he wants them to do.

The trial needs to be conducted by the book and fully documented and not televised.

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How do they plan to deal with all the ozone that will come off of those plasma speakers? I've made a plasma tweeter in the past and it sounded excellent, but the ozone it produced made it rather unhealthy to run for long periods of time.

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That's not typical. I'd just like to point that out.

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And it's not even about Trans Adults, or Trans Kids, or other LGBTQA+ groups, or any other small marginalized group that really doesn't have a real political power.

What it is about are sociopathic assholes that want political power and money, who are using the bigotry of simple minded assholes to create "boogie men" that only the sociopaths can "fight" to protect the bigots' children. When the last "boogie man" has been defeated, there WILL ALWAYS BE ANOTHER that requires the bigoted to vote for the sociopaths to "protect them" yet again. These groups, LGBTQA+, are targeted because there are not enough of them, or they are so marginalized already, that they are unable to push back effectively in the political arena (actually don't think that is true for LGBTQA+ as a whole, as long as they fight together).

It's LGBTQA+ now, next it will be some other group that poses a "threat to society". In 1930's Germany, this marginalized group were the Jews and, if you read your history, you know how that went. With 4,000,000 Jewish men, women, and children killed. All so that some sociopathic assholes could have power and money.

If you really want to see this in action, read about Germany's history in the 1930's.

It is sick, it is disgusting and it is happening in the United States RIGHT NOW.

There are no appropriate apologitics for this type of behavior, PERIOD THE FUCKING END.

How to fix what is going on? If you are of age (18 in the U.S.) to VOTE, then make sure you go to EVERY FUCKING ELECTION you are eligible to vote in. There are a LOT more elections going on, than the Presidential and and mid-terms. You are on the internet, the list for all elections you are eligible to vote in is easily available with a simple search with your favorite search engine.

Tl,Dr: If you are over 18 in the US... GET OUT AND VOTE! It may not be cool, or rad, or whatever the current thing to say is, but if you do not want a future where politicians are living in your uterus and bedroom, VOTE. Especially if you are in the younger generations (Gen Y and Z). Full disclosure, I am a Gen X'er with Silent Generation Parents (pre-Boomer generation).

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Did the same thing two weeks ago. It was an 11 year old account.

Now it's all gone. Every bit of advice I gave, things I learned, knowledge I passed along, and pointless arguments I had, have all gone to the bit bucket.

And I feel good about it.

8 more...

I would rather you look at that poll as being a message that those of us who are NOT insane, should not rest. We need to keep pushing for competent people in positions of power in our government.

That is going to take you, me, and everyone that wants the above to vote in every single election from now on.

If the Legislature and Presidency go all Democrat, the very FIRST thing they have to do, is deal with that insane Supreme Court.

Impeach Thomas, Alito and every idiot that fat Cheeto installed on the court. Probably will get Thomas, but not sure about the other 4, but they need a reality check. Thomas needs to go to be tried for his ethic violations afterward. He needs to revisit his life choices in a quiet cell. Also, scrap that stupid fucking RV of his. Seriously, why the fuck do those things exist? Why not just stay in a nice hotel? It would be cheaper.

Increase the court to anywhere between 11 and 15. There are 11 circuits, so 1 SC justice for each makes sense.

Then that court's first order of business is to shut the fuck up and do the job they are there to do.

Wait, why not reverse the previous decisions... Easy, because what has happened this year, can happen again... so...

Congress needs to codify women's reproductive rights, Chevron Deference, and anything else these bunch of fucking morons did this past year. Congress should then take a real close look at any other "business as usual" things that go on in government and see how they could be better protected from the next assault from these assholes.

The Fucking Idiot Six on the Supreme Court put into very sharp relief the weaknesses in our government. It's time to rectify that.

Gen X here and an older one at that.

I don't think I'll get SS and I will be of retirement age in the next 12 years.

My funeral will also be my retirement party.

You came in that?

You're braver than I thought.

A bowl of petunias.

3 more...

There are two types of people in the world:

  1. Those that can extrapolate from incomplete data.

Not a horror film per se, but definitely leaning that way:

The original 'ALIEN'.

The building of tension throughout the entire movie is brilliant.

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As a Wisconsinite, I say...

Fuck Robin Vos. He's been a blight on this state for over a decade and it's high time he is shown the door. Hopefully with the Wisconsin Supreme Court, we can finally get rid of these stupidly gerrymandered congressional maps and have representation that actually reflects the population.

1 more...

Ooof... That looks EXpensive and not just for the CRJ. The larger plane (it looks like an A350, but not sure) is going to need its wing structure and wing box all thoroughly inspected. Outside of the engines, those are the two most expensive structures on an airplane. Not saying that it is going to be a write off for either plane, but it is a possibility. I'm curious if the bending moment of that impact was outside what the larger plane's wing box was designed for. That force had to be huge, given the length of the wings on the large plane.

I look forward to seeing the analysis from some of the better aviation Youtubers on this one.

Where do you need a Masters to attain a PhD? Honest question, I just never heard of it before.

My wife attained her MD/PhD from the University of Chicago/Pritzker and does not have a Masters. She's on the MD/PhD committee for her university and they do not require anything other than a BS in the field of study.

With that said, it probably isn't much of a stretch to just get a Masters in the way to a PhD.

Me? I'm depriving some poor village of its idiot. I have a BS and that's it.

11 more...

Weird deplorable ghouls.

Joe Rogan has never suffered from Imposter Syndrome.

Because that is EXACTLY how he should feel about himself at all times.

Reddit who?

53m here.

Get into a work out routine. Particularly one that keeps your core strong. Back issues are just a few years away.

I am sitting here with a disk bulge between L4 and L5 and the bulge hits my sciatic nerve perfectly. My right leg has felt asleep for two years now and I've had to take gabapentin every day to keep the pain away. It's a very minor bulge and non-operable, it just in the exact wrong spot.

Don't let that happen to you.

I was 31 when the attacks happened.

While I do think that there was an awareness that an attack was possible, or even in the works. I sincerely doubt that anyone truly thought that 3 airplanes were going to be flown into buildings on that day and one crash in a PA field. The US had the attitude that we were isolated and well defended enough that such attacks were unthinkable. The complete one sidedness of Gulf War 1 really gave the US an out of proportion notion of being invulnerable. Even though the WTC was bombed 9 years prior, two years after the end of GW1.

Conspiracy denotes malicious intelligent intent. The reality is closer to stupidly complacent. Sometimes the two are hardly indistinguishable.

That's why Dr McCoy absolutely hated the things. He viewed them as death machines.

Well thanks for dropping anchor there, Admiral fucking Obvious.

I was wondering why the world felt like it was a better place.

I'm glad that cancer was finally able to shake the OJ Simpson disease and is feeling much better.

1 more...

Cut completely.

Deleted all the data on my account, then deleted my account. Haven't been back since.

54m here, can I join in?

Pay yourself first. You pay rent, you pay a car payment, add paying yourself first. That payment can be as little as $1, but it goes into a savings fund AND IT IS GONE, just like any other payment EVERY MONTH. When the savings fund gets to an amount that it can be rolled into something that makes more interest, do it. But that money is GONE, for all intents and purposes. When do you use it? You will know, when you can pull it out for something that is not an emergency, but rather something that will last the rest of your life. No, cars don't count.

Cars, trucks, etc.... Here is the thing about cars and trucks. THEY ARE A COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY AND THE NUMBER ONE WAY YOU STAY ENSLAVED TO MAKING PAYMENTS ON EVERYTHING ELSE. But wait Canopyflyer, you say with a roll of your eyes, I HAVE to have a car, because there's no public transit where I live. Dude, I live in the United States, no one takes public transit here, I fucking know. So thanks for dropping anchor there admiral obvious. Buy the most reliable and cheap to run car you can possibly find. That doesn't mean an old shitbox. Buy a car that's a couple of years old that has a reputation for reliability and has already lost that first year's depreciation. I currently drive a 10 year old Camry LE, that I bought with 7k on the odo. Using a car to show how big your cock isn't, is the epitome of stupidity and is disastrous to your future financial health. If you're driving the latest SmallCockMobile with a $1k payment +... You are a complete fucking moron.

CAVEAT ON VEHICLES: If you can have someone else pay for it, then sure, go buy that ego mobile. That includes the company you work for, or if you're in a business where you have to have a certain type of vehicle. I have a great deal of respect for a person that works with their hands and needs a truck to carry their tools.

OK, maybe that's two bits of advice, but both are financial, so I'm sticking with it.

No it is not, not by a long shot.

They currently control the lower house in the legislature and the Speaker of the House, 2nd in line for the presidency, is a lunatic that is one of the the worst.

They also control the Supreme Court. The fact that all it took for one geriatric woman to die is all it took for them to overturn over 50 years of reproductive rights for women in the U.S.

To paraphrase Tom Clancy: These fucking lunatics are a clear and present danger to everyone in the United States. They will not go away any time soon.

Around the kids, when they were young, we used French for those things we didn't want them to know about. She's fluent and I don't really speak it at all, but took it back in High School and remembered enough vocabulary to make it work.

Today, both our boys have taken years of Spanish and they speak in Spanish for those things that they don't want us to know. LOL

Around other adults, my wife and I have a system of looks that we give each other. We can have an entire conversation just by giving each other looks.

Personally, I like having a full fledged PC connected to my TV. Currently I'm using a Beelink T4 running Ubuntu. The PC is under my direct administrative control, so no surprises with ads or other things.

Power consumption may be slightly higher than an NVIDIA Shield or Roku, but at 24w at full tilt for the Beelink it cannot be that much more.

The same Beelink machine comes with Windows 10 as well, if you'd rather have Windows.

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If you live in a northern clime, having your house and your driveway facing south is nice in the winter.

My house faces north and my neighbors across the street always have a nice clean and dry driveway, where mine is packed with snow and ice.

Self study here, but I've been in IT for almost 30 years now.

For someone that is determined most of the certifications out there can be attained through self study. That's how I got my MCSE, CCNA, Red Hat Linux, and CLP (Certified Lotus Professional, yeah I know, no one has ever heard of it). I studied while working a helpdesk job and was hired by the sysadmin department of the same company. I attained the CLP, because at the time 2002 or so, there were not many Lotus/ Domino admins and there were a lot of companies, particularly insurance companies and Coca Cola, used it extensively. Being a Lotus/Domino admin got me a lot of attention at the time, but today it is worthless.

Knocking door to door with a cert and no actual experience will be a much tougher route to take, but it is definitely possible.

If it is what you want to do, there is no reason for you to crack a book today and start learning.

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