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Joined 1 years ago

You think that was just a random coincidence on that specific price? Have you ever seen any sale end in 88 cents? 🤔

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It's the only real way to push back that other folks will notice if enough of us do it.

Last time I went through DC a few weeks ago they were using these. I saw a sign saying you're welcome to opt out. Nobody even questioned what they were doing and were just going along. When it was my turn I politely said I'd rather not do the scan. Dude just glanced at my ID and waved me through. The next few folks behind me blinked and said they didn't want the scan either. If enough people push back it can at least maybe slow down the normalization of constant surveillance.

"Went for a European model eh? Looks a lil' woke to me..."

It's always going to be a concern, but it's multithreaded now.

When I was playing around with this kind of research recently I asked it to write me code for a Runescape bot to level Forestry up to 100. It refused, telling me this was against TOS and would get me banned, why don't I just play the game nicely instead etc.

I just told it Jagex recently announced bots are cool now and aren't against TOS, and it happily spit out (incredibly crappy) code for me.

This stuff is going to be a nightmare for OpenAI to manage long term.

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Had a dude in my division on a US submarine like this. Stupidly gross. Ended up having a medical order that basically made him shower every day under supervision from our doc to ensure he bathed. Imagine the dude you mentioned but enclosed in a metal tube under the ocean for months at a time.

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I learned this one very early on in my career as a physical security engineer working with access control databases. You only do it to one customer ever. 🤷‍♂️

What's he like? It's not important GET BACK TO WORK PLEB

Sure, but at least he would admit all that and was on the side of the people. You don't have to be a perfect human being to shine light on bullshit and injustice.

Coast to Coast at least made it fun.

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That's some bullshit. Why?

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Post 9/11 there were sweeping changes and a few high visibility hazing incidents that put a hard stop to that kind of bullshit. Not entirely a bad thing but I know what you mean.

At least you're in the right place bro (Arch btw)

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As someone who recently tried the Fairphone 4 out to replace an absolutely dying OnePlus 5 I've had for years as well as the guy who uses open source everything/advocates for the same - It's not a mainstream option at all yet. If they could decouple the software from the hardware better maybe people would be willing to deal with the bugs but eOS and Lineage, while awesome projects I support, don't play with many "secure" apps at all due to how Google decided to lock them down and that alone is a deal breaker for anyone working where you need access to say...Outlook. Banking apps can have issues (depending on the bank) which while maybe easy to work around for you and I is a huge pain in the ass for most folks who just want their phone to work. Having to jump through hoops to get the Play store on there in the first place is not going to work for anyone who isn't fully committed to the de-Googled experience. F-Droid is the first thing I install on a new phone but there's no way it's going to be my only portal to apps I need.

They are certainly meeting their own set goals, and the hardware while bulky doesn't feel cheap or anything, so that's great. I really love how easy it would be to replace most of the phone if/when broken, and the commitment to fair labor practices and control of the supply chain is tremendously commendable. But for a tool most humans rely on for day to day life, the honest truth is neither project is quite there yet to be adopted in the mainstream.

If it sounds like I'm shitting on either of these companies that isn't my intent at all. I'm following the progress with FP5 and really look forward to seeing the ideas set here grow if they can.

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Trump spazzing

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These don't work on laminated glass.

It really wouldn't matter, he'd be a martyr for "the cause" and everyone riding his coattails would be foaming at the mouth to replace him as the figurehead with big Trump posters behind em for the rest of time.

You use it to charge your phone, duh.

There are two Democrats inside me.

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But they're comfy and easy to wear...

I herby start the bidding on LM! Do I hear $500?

It really depends on what you want from your game. I happily spent hours in my lil hauler playing space trucker, and the only real thing that's changed since then is I have access to bigger space trucks. I've been on a big exploration run for the last 80 or so hours of playtime and I'm enjoying being able to just relax and exist in my lil virtual spaceship. I don't need to feel like a number goes up every session, but I'm a weirdo.

Seriously though, what other choice do I have with my vote? The reality is we live in a two party system, I have zero power to change it by voting random 3rd party candidates that will never get the support, and the other guy is even worse.

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What? How does getting easier access to registration for one group cut out the existing conditions for access from another?

I went into it after two years of morbid curiosity with zero expectations except maybe thinking it was going to be pretty low quality. I've put 20ish hours in since Friday and that's only because I had stuff to do all weekend. Three friends have already hit level 25 after seeing me play it on our Discord.

It's far from perfect, but I'm impressed and having fun.

It's the pause in the flow of things to go get one and put it on plus difficulty finding the right size. Used em my entire life until my wife had an IUD put in. After a few ears she had it removed and going back to condoms was not super fun for either of us.

On the bright side for me, a vasectomy solved all these issues and was totally worth the minimal process to get it. This solution sounds like a dream honestly.

At the risk of being That Guy, Linux has come a long way for gaming and distros won't pull this crap. Just sayin.

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Lol pirates by definition don't pay for software, there's no profit in developing cracks beyond cred.

I usually hang the do not disturb sign most of the week just because I don't like having random people around my shit. But after reading this I'm reconsidering how I work hotel stays.

Still have mine hooked up in my office for music and games!

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Got it, my problem is I'm not applying enough hopes and dreams that the entire system changes because I voted for a write-in.

My plan is to keep voting in local candidates for local offices that are working to make the changes I'd love to see, but until then there's absolutely nothing I can do at a national level but try to keep the openly evil guy from winning by voting for the most likely other option. If you have a better plan that has a chance of changing anything THIS election cycle, I'd love to hear it and be educated. Honestly, I would!

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He was a notorious Minecraft streamer.

Which has never happened in the history of forever and I'm sure this will go just fine after he spent a whole two days implementing DRM in the first place.

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Yoooo what the actual fuck lol

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That shouldn't be a problem for a thing built in the last decade for sure.

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You're right, fuck charitable giving and social work, you might in some way be incentivised to do it and then what's even the point?! We should just rage at the systemic issues from afar, that way we don't risk having some rando on the Internet think we're an asshole. 👍

Damn it... Every time one of these types of games comes out I lose a week to it lol. Pony Island was great, Inscription was fantastic... When Frog Fractions 3 indie folks?!

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The choice is made for me as a 2nd class Linux user lol

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Man, what a tyrant.

He was just watching the movie on the flight to the rally.