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Joined 1 years ago

Pardon formatting, on mobile. Its a form of device authentication. Apple does this with safari already BTW, and it can reduce things like captcha because the authentication is done on the backend when a request hits a server. While still an issue in concept with Apple doing it, chromium browsers are a much larger market share. In layman's terms this is basically the company saying, hey you are attempting to visit this site, we need to verify the device (or browser, or add on configuration, or no ad blocker, etc) is 'authentic'. Which of course is nebulous. It can be whatever the entity in charge of attestation wants it to be.

This sets the precedent that whomever is controlling verification, can deny whomever they see fit. I'm running GrapheneOS on my phone currently, they could deny for that. Or, if you are blocking ads. Maybe you're not sharing specific information about your device, and they want to harvest that. Too bad, comply or you're 'not allowed to do x or y'.

This is the gist. The web should be able to be accessed by anybody. It isn't for companies to own nor should it be built that way. Web2 is a corporate hellscape.

Edit wrt Safari:

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What sound does a cow make? Moo. What sound does a dog make? Woof. What sound does a cat make? Meow. What sound does a pig make? UP AGAINST THE WALL MOTHER FUCKER.

People are surely entitled to their own opinions. I read yours. I've concluded that you're a moron.

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Yeah, definitely. Some form of extortion because ultimately that's what will happen either way. I mean, that's really the whole point of being the party that chooses what is authentic or not (and, what the definition of that word even means in this context). Monetary, data, whatever. Gotta keep the bottom line increasing for shareholders.

This is definitely how I feel as well. None of the other shit matters unless it comes already on the machine. Even then, it absolutely has to be rock solid stable long term for it to be comparative. Of course that’s asking a lot, considering people still take their PCs into geek squad or wherever else when something goes wrong (or their printer won’t connect).

This always reminds me of the Dell XPS option of having Ubuntu installed but of course that’s far away from “Microsoft literally pays us to sell their shit”. So, until that - or some type of adoption occurs on a B&M level/online-storefront - it’s going to be pretty “voluntary” in terms of adoption. It’s just comparatively so much more work in the layman’s sense.

It’s in a weird way the same with cars. It’s been statistically proven that most people specifically won’t go out of their way to get a simple utility pickup truck. They buy the big fuck you truck because that’s what the dealerships have. It’s the same thing with kids going to college and the parents taking them to buy a laptop for class. My point is that it’s far more easier to just use what you get than try to rehash it. Maybe you don’t even know that’s a possibility so you just settle. Of course this isn’t the only issue, but imo the largest determining factor. IBM had businesses sucking from the teet since computers dropped, and we still deal with the ramifications.

Yeah, definitely. Some form of extortion because ultimately that's what it will be either way. I mean, that's really the whole point of being the party that chooses what is authentic or not (and, what the definition of that word even means in this context). Monetary, data, whatever. Gotta keep the bottom line increasing for shareholders.

I don't remember the specific article I read that dove into this but it was essentially sold due to it being one of the first large data collections (user data). I'm not sure the extent its traweled now but before the social media machine took off, it was the largest if not one of the largest concentrations of actual data points to run algorithms against.

I for sure feel this sentiment but damn does Qud hit that sweet spot. Like, sometimes I don't want to feel like I'm writing a dissertation - which is what CDDA can feel like sometimes - but I still want said depth, or at least the feeling of said depth. CoQ hits that sweet spot. So much charm too, love it.

Great points - I’ve heard of the screen sharing issue and the workarounds sound like a major pain. Will definitely give this a spin this weekend. Good looks!

Have to agree. Siamese Dream by the Smashing Pumpkins executes on this so perfectly.

Yup, same here. Never really understood the G-Shock thing until I got one. The 5610U is truly one of the best watches hands down, and they're cheap. I find myself using timers and alarms much more because I may not have my phone at all times (around the house etc). Solar to boot? It really doesnt get much better, they're fantastic.