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Todd forgets this is a game and not real life where you have to train and study for 30 years to go to the moon. He forgot that the main intricacy is the stories you can make for the player.

Like assassins creed has big cities. Which feel dead, not enjoyable.

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Tesla has to get more punishment than NOTHING. This sucks

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FUD is actually a very effective strategy. It's not made for you but the average village person

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They literally dragged a security guard out of the door and beat him to death. Because of all the preconditions that the seditionists set up, there were few guards and they didn't escalate. It saved their lives at least, but it was corrupt to the core

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Oh no senpai please don't fire me and give me a bunch of money!

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Auto manufacturers must be held liable for faulty software. If it's not safe, it does not go on the road

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Honestly yes, I don't think people truly realise how deeply in the shitter we are. Best outcome would be to duck off with it now, in a year. Carbon zero. But this won't happen.

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Noo the gubernment can't have teeth! Won't anyone think of the billionaires!?

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I wonder what we gave up for Turkey to sign it. Maybe it was enough for Kristersson to celebrate his 60th birthday with a purposefully made confidential bill to taxpayers.

Funny how his government always seem to transform things that were or should be public to confidential.

Like the secret electricity support, so the ones who used much electricity when the grid was strained got a cashback. I forget the name but some people apparently had to keep their mansions and fifteen swimmingpools heated. Guess we aren't equal after all..

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I assume the texting was six weeks but the weight losing longer

Wow who could've guessed Russia ducked it up again

Is this dead Internet theory?

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How do you mean fundamental?

Deflation means stagnation or crash in economic terms

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Owning the libs, one win at a time

The student loan interest rates are exuberant, while I support the nullification of times past, I'd also like to see the core issue being taken care of

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Contrary to Apply making products harder to repair, efficiently locking in to their ecosystem with no way out? Apple ducks consumers every day. I doubt they'd gather all your data for the purpose of utilizing storage space.

They are inherently different

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Market is holding on for dear life, banks getting bailou- I mean emergency loans. Bond markets are shit, it's all just show. China has been collapsing too ever since evergrande went bankrupt in like 2021.

And it all started when they shot that damn gorilla.. drags cigarette

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Authoritarian state =/= socialism

They're not backed by reality

50 000 people used to live here, now, it's a ghost town

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Another projection? "I said it first so now you are the culprit"

[Citation needed]

Nitpicky but it's above absolute zero

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To a certain extent. But aren't the countries in the near vicinity the most able?

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I hope Erdogan is fuming, what an asshat

The odd way round. The anti-vaccination group

Exactly, it's pointless to stay for the sake of defending rubble. If the position is indefensible, move and set up a new line, ground can be reconquered however lives can't be resurrected.

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They did a trial test in Sweden but the LLM did tell a patient to take a ibuprofen and chill pill. The patient had a hard time breathing, pressure over the chest, and some other symptoms I can't remember.

A nurse overseeing the convo stepped in and told the patient to immediately call the equivalent of 911

These are false comparisons. This is an approved demonstration against Islamic violence(and such). But I guess we all forgot about Charlie H and all the rest. The man did not walk into a mosque on a Tuesday and light a book on fire.

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Ukraine had the lesser army from the start. Only Russian incompetence, and their own good minds, kept them from losing. Investing in the defense of Ukraine is vital for a free Europe. It is a marathon, not a sprint

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Sure, I'd prefer to know more exactly the time between. Was it 2 seconds or 25? But my premise is this shouldn't happen in the software. I know I read some time ago that Teslas had shut off the software moments before collision, no time to save it, but I'd have to double check that. All to blame the customer

Automakers should not be allowed to use the unsuspecting public as toys for their experimental software, it quickly becomes a 1-4 ton death machine, but I think we agree on that.

New CEO is related to Amazon, the plot thickens


"capitalism is more effective than alternatives"

Capitalism showing why it is more effective :

Energy efficiency?

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That was before reddit ruined reddit

The LLM worked better than the Indian service agent I got to talk to, however after I got an agent speaking my language things resolved