
2 Post – 202 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

DNS or IP?

Nix has flakes; nix run can contain pretty much all of the needed dependencies. If that's not enough, you can set up an entire container as a module.

Alphabetical index — ACAB

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Never gets old

The inspector REPL evaluates as a statement-with-value (like eval), so the {} at the beginning is considered an empty block, not an object. This leaves +[], which is 0. I don't know what would make Node differ, however.

Edit: Tested it myself. It seems Node prefers evaluating this as an expression when it can, but explicitly using eval gives the inspector behavior:

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IIRC you are required to connect to internet to continue the setup process in newer versions.

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Go ahead; .world is getting too big anyway.

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I can't tell if this is Poe's law or not.

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Yep, parentheses force {} to be interpreted as an expression rather than a block — same reason why IIFEs have !function instead of just function.

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Nix installs packages independently of what's been installed, so you'll get the exact same result if you skip 0 updates or 500.

It was a joke…


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checks instance oh that makes sense nvm

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Yes, as well as automatically hiding new comments.

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In America, laws can also be used for good. Just not your good.

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One of my old programs produces a broken build unless you then compile it again.

At least it isn't writable... yet.

The content of the ads doesn't matter as long as they're paying for ads ;)

It was probably meant for this comment.

Here's where hunter2 comes from:

 hey, if you type in your pw, it will show as stars
 ********* see!
 doesnt look like stars to me
 thats what I see
 oh, really?
 you can go hunter2 my hunter2-ing hunter2
 haha, does that look funny to you?
 lol, yes. See, when YOU type hunter2, it shows to us as *******
 thats neat, I didnt know IRC did that
 yep, no matter how many times you type hunter2, it will show to us as *******
 wait, how do you know my pw?
 er, I just copy pasted YOUR ******'s and it appears to YOU as hunter2 cause its your pw
 oh, ok.

And here's the improved version!


The first time you manually push like that, you can add the -u flag (git push -u origin master) to push and set the branch's default upstream. Afterwards, a plain git push while that branch is checked out will push the branch to that default upstream. This is per-branch, so you can have a main branch that pulls from one repository and a patch branch that pulls and pushes to a different repository.

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It'd be nice if we wrote something to detect it running into the halting problem.

Teams also doesn’t support multiple “work” accounts

Firefox lets you have completely separate profiles with separate accounts (URL: about:profiles, it can't be linked to for security reasons) and also an official extension to have another layer of profiles on a per-tab basis (containers).

He'd probably need a strong sphincter muscle to manage that.

It does narrow out America, at least.

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tips arch (btw)

27? I've got around 80 right now and 30,000 bookmarks.

-- |Removes the given object from its current parent, if any, and then adds it as a child of the other given object.
kidnap :: ChildBearing c p
       => p -- ^The kidnapper.
       -> c -- ^The child to kidnap.
       IO ()

It's like undefined behavior - most people usually do one thing, but it's perfectly acceptable for me to make my website as hard-to-use as I want. Ctrl-click the website logo to submit the form.

Save yourself some typing; just say conservative.

There is no code. Only &code.

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There's SponsorBlock, which is community-driven and autoskips pretty much every big youtuber's sponsors.

hunter2 isn't a very strong password — personally I use ************.

R*ddit applies a blue light filter to any posts that have golden upvotes.

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The problem is that showing enough politicians money effectively makes you become the government. There's minimal chance of a law being introduced unless a rich person or corporation backs it, and EU laws would interfere with their shady business practices.

During those 10 minutes of admin rights:

net user secretlocaladmin * /add
net localgroup administrators secretlocaladmin /add
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VPN to another country and pretend to crack it. Repeat this until IT changes their mind.

Most likely Natural Language Processing - being able to understand what you're searching for